Them As Niall Horan Quotes

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Reekid: *Just his iconic laugh*


Mully: "Done about 200 squats today. Gonna have me an arse like Kim Kardashian." *Starts spanking himself and twerking*


Josh: *Tries to throw basketball back at a fan but the ball rebounds on the concrete and slams him in the face*


Juicy: "jUsT hAnGiN oUt In Me BoX"


Narrator: " P O T A T O "


Eddie: "You are fairly wrong... 'Cause it means ✨P E N I S✨"


Gabby: "We call it football ⚽, America. Join us and the rest of the world. Don't be that ignorant."


Smashing: "wE tOoK a C h O n C e"


Kevin: *Runs around with his shirt hiked up to reveal his nipples while running like a mad lad*

FUN FACT: Niall Horan isn't actually sure how he's supposed to pronounce his first name! He knows it's not pronounced like the name "Niel", but he's just going with what his family's called him lmao!
{Word Count:} 166
Have an amazing day/night, my loves!
-✨Author Izzy❤️

The Boys Preferences, Imagines///Book 2Where stories live. Discover now