♞ Chapter 7 ♞

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♞ Chapter 7 ♞

                Mama B. bent over Myley kissing her forehead as she stroked her hair back from her face the next day, "Time to wake up for lunch."
she spoke softly to her, but her eyes opened and a smile lit her face. "Hey there, mama." She murmured as she wiped the sleep from her eyes.
Slowly pulling herself up against the pillows, she sat back as she placed a tray of sandwiches and a glass of milk in front of her.

"I figured you could use some company for lunch, seeing as harley had to go back out to help the boys the next few days.
that man would have loved nothing more than to stay here with you till you're back on your feet honey, but that just ain't gonna happen." Myley grimaced as she joked.

"the boys would have had his hide for shucking work, if he stayed here with me,
b laughed at that. "I guess so baby."

when Harley came in that night he sat by the window, smoking his cigarette, quiet and somber. he had decided to share some of his past with Myley. "Ya know, I had a lot of one sided conversations when I was on the road.
Wasn't always someone to ride with me. I had a picture of the family on my dash to look at when I got homesick." Harley smiled and shook his head, "You have no idea how many times I talked to that picture....talked to you."
myley sat quietly afraid
to speak and listened.

Anyway, when I left here I got myself in with the Bronc riders at the rodeo. Had to ride a few to show them boys I knew what I was doing, can't just anybody walk in and be accepted. 
Anyway, it was about the time you turned 15 and I was on the run for a little girl that wasn't ready for life," He smiled and winked at her appreciating that innocent blush that stained her cheeks.

"Anyway, it wasn't long and I was in the top ten riders of them boys. The next thing I knew I was invited on the road to travel to the next Rodeo and that suited me just fine. Now mind you, not everyone liked the group of boys I ended up hanging with. Too much competition going on for everybody to be friends. I found myself lost in a world that was beyond imagination Myley. The rush of adrenaline as you're flying high, those horses do their damndest to knock your ass in the dirt and who could blame them. I won't lie there was plenty of women, we call them buckle bunnies. I ain't proud of that part honey, but I had one powerful craving for a woman that wasn't quite a woman yet and I kept trying to convince myself that a real woman my age would suit better." Harley shook his head again and took few more lazy draws. We had them bunnies chasing us halfway across country. Oh, they wanted to land one of us all right, but it sure as hell wasn't because they were in love. They were girls from small towns looking for a way out and man do they love the Rodeo boys. Anyway, there were times I got real busted up and was too afraid to bring it home to you and Mrs. B. I knew it only make ya'll worry with me out there and I couldn't come home until I had you out of my system or you was old enough to handle the truth."

Myley smiled sadly. "I missed you awful when you were gone, Momma said I couldn't write because you were never in one place long enough. We wasn't supposed to call your phone unless it was something important." Myley fell silent, waiting.

"Honey, I would have loved to have heard your voice so many times, but you wasn't on the same page I was, so it was best to stay away. I did call every now and again but I only talked to Kevin and I made him promise to keep it quiet." Myley nodded. "You always sent money when you'd win big." Harley nodded and smiled "Most of it Dad put in a bank account I had open in town. I won't be hurting for a while for money." 

"I spent a lot of time with Kevin in school until he graduated. I loved the postcards and gifts you sent while you was on the road." Myley's eyes went to the pink glass rose he had sent her that sat on her dresser, beside a little  filly that had been hand carved from wood. "Kevin kept the guys away from me most of the time. Colt was the one smart enough to wait till Kevin had graduated, I figured. he said he had waited for that moment that i could possibly see that maybe he wasn't a bad guy, I never dreamed any of this would happen between us." Myley trailed off and they both just let the subject go.

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