Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Harley and Kevin had lost a measure of hope of finding them this night and rode with their heads hung low. If only they hadn't listened to their father and stayed behind.

Harley and Kevin both felt the weight of the world on their shoulders, that is until a lone paint horse stepped out from the shadows distracting them.

The brothers pulled their own mounts up short as they scanned the horizon for the horses rider.

"What now?"

Kevin muttered. "This night just keeps getting stranger."

Harley silently agreed as he scanned for any signs of life but saw nothing besides the saddled horse grazing in front of them.

At this point seeing no rider made them very nervous it could belong to anyone. Someone injured and dying, or it was as simple as someone that was up to no good. On this night nothing surprised them.

Harley was the first to call out "Who's there" what answered back what's a surprise to him and his brother.

"The who don't matter, I ain't here get myself in trouble and lose my life. I just come to warn you, on my way out of town, that all is not as it seems back at ole Jenson's place. Them ladies you're looking for, I'm almost certain that their there. I can't prove nothing and I sure can't tell you where they're at but I'm almost positive their there. Old Jenson and that Foreman of his like to get up to no good. I don't need to see it to know it and no man who gets up to no good with another man and ain't brave enough to bring it to light is a liar in my book and I ain't working for no liars."

Harley cleared his throat clearly getting uncomfortable with this conversation he didn't need to know what the old man did under the cover of night, behind locked doors. What his preferences were and what kind of games he played whether it be with a man or woman was not for him to judge that was left to the maker, he just wanted to know if they had his Little Filly.

" Well, what the old man does is for him to answer for on the day of judgement . It's not for us to judge, so you can keep that information to yourself. What I want to know is this..Is my ladies in that house and who took them?"

The man couldn't answer that so at that point he whistled for his horse and swung himself up on the beast but before he rode out he looked back. His identity protected by the night leaving Harley to wonder who would betray the old man.

"I will tell you this I saw horses ride in with women tied on and that Foreman of the old man's went in the house to get who ever he fetched them women for. Past that I don't know because I wasn't taking the chance I'm getting caught so I packed my stuff to ride out as soon as the coast was clear."

Harley nodded and thanked the man. Wishing him the best of luck as they turned and fast as lightning made their way back to the Jenson Ranch.

When Harley and Kevin pulled up in the yard it was silent as a tomb the bunkhouse and ranch house was all dark except for one small light in the very top of the House. Which they didn't see until they quietly circled the house peeking in every window.

In the back towards the woods so as not to raise suspicion a dim light in what would be the attic shown bright enough to see shadows passing before it.

It didn't take a smart man to realize at this time of night and with everything that was going on there was no reason why multiple shadows should be moving in the attic he didn't think the old man was taking up spring cleaning. Especially after midnight when he appeared to have been awakened by their visit, so something or someone was up in that attic. This wasn't adding up and he didn't care what the old man did behind closed doors he was about to find out just what was being played out here tonight especially after the grim warning he had just received. The fact he had been told he was lied to by one of the Ole man's hands was enough evidence for him to break down the door.

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