♞ Chapter 4 ♞

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Filly 4
♞ Chapter 4 ♞

Dusty came in the kitchen first for breakfast smiling at a very perky Myley. "Well good morning, Darlin, you're looking bright eyed and bushy tailed." He commented and Myley smiled, "I had fun last night what can I say, I have a date with Harley tonight and life is just full of surprises to smile about Dusty. I kinda thought I would take my new ride to town today. I wanted to buy a few things for it and Momma said she would give me some money to go shopping." She said with a smile and Dusty simply shook his head, "Spoiled Rotten." He snickered and sipped his cup of coffee.

"Now Dusty, that girl ain't never been spoiled like a lot of parents do their kids." Luke broke in with a wink to Myley as he too sat for his coffee.

"Who's spoiled?" Harley said surprising them all as they didn't hear him come in. Dusty was more than eager to keep his teasing going though. "Myley here is, she got that new custom ride out there and her momma is given her money to go to town and go shopping for stuff to put in it." Harley smiled down at Myley, with a wink he reached in his back pocket and pulled out a gold card. Dropping it on the table in front of her. "Go crazy baby." He murmured in her ear as he kissed her lips and then sat beside her.
Myley 's mouth hung open in shock, but after a moment she snapped to attention, jumping up to make his cup of coffee and grinned shyly at the smile that earned her.  she was suprised, to say the least, when Harley took her hand and pulled it in his lap as he sipped his coffee.

"Are you kidding me right now?" Dusty gaped, "You are turning Myley loose with a gold credit limit and tell her go crazy?" Harley gaped. "We all know she won't go crazy with it, Dusty." He said unconcerned as he sipped more of his coffee and winked at a worried Myley that was biting her lip as she looked at him. "Dusty is right Harley, I don't need it, momma said she would give me some...." Harley cut her off, "Myley if it makes you feel better honey, $200 is your limit." He looked at her as if to dare her to argue again. Myley nodded reluctantly, "OK Harley, thank you." She smiled and kissed his cheek.

Luke laughed, "I take it back, Harley is gonna have that girl spoiled in no time."

They all laughed including her momma as she set breakfast on the table.

Myley smiled as she walked into the local mall, there she found a Pink Camo Steering wheel cover, seat covers and matching floor mats.

She picked up a butterfly shaped air freshener to hang from her rear view mirror, mostly for looks and then she set out to find a dress for her night with Harley.

Myley was thrilled with her little black dress, she had heels at home to go with the dress. She went to the salon in town and had them put big spiral curls in her long hair for the night. With a big grin she jumped in her jeep and headed back home.

She got no further than stepping out of her jeep with her bags when Harley appeared backing her up against the side of it. "What you got in the bag honey?" Harley asked as he nuzzled her neck. "A little black dress for tonight." She said a little huskily as she grew excited by the feel of his mouth hovering over her ear. Running his nose around the shell of it he whispered, "I hope it ain't as bad as the one you wore last night or we may not make it anywhere." He chuckled and Myley grinned, "No it covers me modestly." She whispered.
Harley groaned, "Why don't that make me feel better?" He said and then kissed her deeply, "Be ready at six honey, I am taking you to dinner." He nipped her bottom lip before her kissed her one last time and went back to work. Myley blew out a deep breath and skipped into the house to help her momma with lunch.

Myley was nervous come six o'clock, she was dressed, her face painted but she hoped the dress was good enough for the night to come. She slowly made her way down to her momma and stopped, clearing her throat as she waited for her momma to notice her. "Oh baby. You are so pretty, I thought I would never see you out of cowboy boots and jeans." She smiled and kissed Myley's cheek. "Harley will love this dress honey and I am so glad you went shopping for your first real date with him. Now, if he wants to take you away for the night or weekend, you go baby, I trust that man like no other, you just be careful you hear me?" Myley got nervous, "Take me away, mamma what are you talking about and what do you know that I don't." She asked but her momma shook her head, "I won't say a word and I know nothing."

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