♞Chapter 15 ♞

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chapter 15

Harley, Luke and the boys rode solemnly out through the north pasture. Harley was not happy to be leaving Myley and Momma B. at the ranch alone but all had died down the past few weeks since their wedding. He still had no idea who had tried so hard to hurt them and until he knew it would haunt him when the ranch carried him away.

They were rounding up Luke's cattle for branding and it would be at least one night camping to round them all up and run them back home. Lyle the quietest of the brothers broke the silence first.

"Pop, I really am with Harley on this one. I hate Myley being alone at their farmhouse and Miss B. alone at ours. They are not even together while we are gone. I know we left a few of the boys but what if something happens and not one of us are home with them. I think you should turn back at least."

Everyone stopped and turned, so the men all sat looking expectantly at Luke.

Luke shook his head angrily, "When is this gonna stop haunting this family? I do realize someone is still out there that has harmed Myley. I am fully aware the dangers Luke but I'll be damned if I am gonna sit home in fear when there is a ranch to be run." Luke's voice was loud enough no one dared argue. "Now let's get this done so we can get back because I sure as hell ain't bringing in a bunch of strangers we can't trust to do the job."

Lyle fell silent once more and with heavy hearts and minds they all turned to resume their journey.

It had been a month since Harley and Myley had spoken their vows. Life had been pretty sweet as they built up their new home. Myley spent her days with their horses while the ranch around her prospered.

Harley looked up into the deep blue sky that held beautiful white clouds. He knew Myley was outside this time of day, looking up at the same picture perfect day. She had taught him that, she taught him to take time to appreciate God's creation.

Her delicate hands would be covered in gardening gloves so as not to be pricked by the sharp thorns of her prized roses as she worked with them.

His heart ached as he worried someone could so easily steal away his world.

His Little Filly.

He had waited so patiently for her, he had given her time to mature and know her own heart. He had

tried to do everything right by her so why was God punishing them by allowing such ugliness to touch their lives.

He wanted to hate their maker but he knew that would just hurt Myley. She expected better from him so instead he just prayed for her safety and his guidance.

He prayed he would make it home safely to his beautiful Filly because his life would be dark without her.

A bright fire crackled in the dark night, it was the only sound as no one felt up to conversation.

Luke and Harley sat with their back braced against their saddles sipping the strong black coffee.

" She will be fine."

Harley heard the voice of his father that sounded loud in the deafening silence but he didn't respond. There was nothing to say.

Tossing out the remainder of the quickly cooling brew, he set his empty cup on the ground and slid down into his bedroll.

It was late into the night when they were awoken by loud gunshots and the even louder crying of scared cattle.

Harley and the boys were up in an instant guns in hand as the confused cattle scrambled for the safest direction to run. Another shot dropping yet another animal and causing the frightened herd to rush the camp in which moments ago they slept. They all ran to keep from being trampled by the hooves of the now out of control cattle.

Harley knew that it would mean another days work to round them up again but was too busy looking for their shooter to worry about that. A few more shots rang out, killing more of their livestock, Harley finely saw the flash of the gun through the underbrush to his right. Running straight in front of him he planned to slip up behind the shooter and use the element of surprise. Harley couldn't see much of the forest floor as the trees grew so heavy it blocked out the light of the moon. He was unable to run for fear their shooter would hear him so he walked as quickly and silently as possible towards the area he had seen the flashes of light.

The shooting had stopped now, now that the cattle had rushed the camp insuring everyone who slept now stood guard. He could hear the hooves of horses hitting the dry earth as his brothers and the hands they had brought to help rushed to try to gain control of the panicked cattle.

Harley heard the snap of a twig not from his own booted feet but that of another. He was close enough to see him running through the thick forest dogging trees. He caught sight of a long leather trench coat that they all often wore when the rain was heavy. He saw a black cowboy hat but it hid the identity of their lowlife cattle killer.

Before he could catch up with the mystery man, he jumped on a buckskin made and was quickly beyond reach for Harley who was on foot. The night hiding anything identifying to give Harley any clues.

Harley stumbled back into camp, dropping down on a rotting log as he waited for Luke and the men to return with what cattle they could catch.

He didn't respond when they first returned, he was too angry, too scared for his new family to acknowledge his father.

He knew leaving them alone was dangerous Lyle warned Luke but he wouldn't listen.

If they thought this was an isolated incident they were wrong. This was just a warning of what was to come. Harley could feel it, knew when they got home something worse was happening or going to happen at home.

It had finally all come to a head. No more guessing on who was doing this. Whoever had hurt Myley was done waiting and he didn't know if they could possibly make it home in time to stop it.

Harley's temper exploded.

" This is your fault! If you had listened to Lyle someone would be home protecting our families. Instead we listened to you and we all come to chase cattle while our ladies are left open and they might already be hurt or dead."

Harley's voice cracked on the last words as he turned and bent to pick up his tack. He was saddling his horse to return home. They could stay and round up the cattle.

" Son your panicking you don't know that Myley or Miss. B. is in danger. They obviously were following us."

Harley cut him off.

"Whoever is doing all this just killed a dozen head of cattle, two of your men who stood watch are now laying out there in that pasture dead. They are unaccounted for it's only logical, which means whoever has tortured this family the past months has gotten tired of this game and has decided to finish it. Either way I am done listening to you and I am going home and I pray I am in time to save our families."

Luke stood silent and watched as Harley packed up and mounted his horse to leave.

The deaths laying heavy in the air and knowing he couldn't leave with his son but had to stay behind to clean up. He dropped his head, now understanding how his son reached the conclusion that now drove him. home. He was equally worried but duty held him.

"Kevin, go with your brother. He may need backup."

Kevin nodded and saddled up silently before hurrying to catch up with Harley.

"A storm is brewing isn't it?"

Lyle asked his father.

"Its been brewing, it just finally made landfall. God help us if it reached that ranch."

Lyle stood silently but for only a minute.

" We'll lose him too if it has."

Luke nodded.

"And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. Revolutions."

Lyle and the others turned to go back to their horses. Their was no time for sleep only work so they could get home and hopefully save what was left of their brother and family.

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