Chapter 16

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Myley sat on the front porch of her new home. Her hand over her not yet protruding belly with a smile as she swung in the wood porch swing.

The first drops of rain hit the dry dirt with small patter sounds and Myley took a deep breath through her nose to pull in the smell of fresh rain.

She missed Harley something fierce and sat watching the night hoping he would return even when she knew it was unlikely.

Momma B had called around 8 to check on her before she settled in for the night. It was close to midnight now and Myley knew she should be safely inside but the rainstorm had called to her.

She needed something beautiful to chase the feelings of dread that overcame her for Harley with him away on this night.

Through the rain, Myley heard a loud blast that forced her to jump. Looking towards Luke's farm she saw a bright red flash before smoke poured into the sky in a heavy billow.

Standing to go into the house intending on calling her mother to make sure she was okay, a second explosion rocked the ground. This one closer but before she knew what happened, Myley was thrown into the side of the house from an unseen force that rendered her unconscious. Myley's world went black.

Harley and Kevin were less than two miles from home when they heard the two rumbles they thought initially was thunder. They soon realized it was nothing so harmless as the second blast light up the horizon and then they were riding so fast it was beyond dangerous for them and their horses.

Fear running deep in the men's hearts.

When Harley arrived at the farm, the tack and feed barn still stood but barely as flames higher than the barn was ripping its way through the structure. He was relieved it wasn't the animals or his house.

He wasn't sure where Myley was at the moment, he was surprised she hadn't been awaken by the blast. With fear in his heart he jumped off his horse and ran inside to find her.

Kevin had went to check on Miss B.

When He found the house empty he rushed to the phone hoping she was at his fathers farm with her mother.

After three rings Kevin picked up, "Bro, Please tell me Myley is there."

"Oh Man. No, I was hoping Miss B. was there. The bunkhouse was hit here. Harley, one of them was inside."

The silence lay heavy between them. Four men died tonight, they lost cattle and Myley and Miss B. were missing.

Harley felt his composer splinter as he dropped the phone on the floor, walked back to the front door to stare at the porch swing, Myley's favorite spot. When he looked down at the porch floor he noticed blood on the wood. Upon further inspection Harley seen blood on the outside house wall.

Pure terror struck through his heart at if it could possibly be Myley's.

Hitting his knees he sat back on his heels and cried as he cried out Myley's name. Only to be answered by the sound of the feed barn finally giving way to the ravaging fire in defeat.

Myley squirmed and cried as she tried to dislodge her bound hands and feet. She knew her mother had been hurt trying to fight back the man that took them but when he pulled out a gun the fight left them both out of the need for survival.

Myley was blindfolded so she hadn't seen her mother since they were taken. She hadn't heard any sounds so she had to assume she was still unconscious. The only sound from their abductor was his heeled boots hitting wood floors so she was no closer to figuring out his identity although she knew they hadn't traveled far from home.

Her tears wet her cloth blind once more as she prayed God would bring Harley soon. She had been bound and tied down to a hard wood table.

Myley screamed as she felt a hand toss her dress tails up over her body exposing her body to whatever eyes were gazing upon her. She received no answer only a snicker.

She must have been lost in her despair and missed the second person entering the room because she heard two sets of boots against the floor before the door opened and they exited the room.


Myley softly cried out.

"Mmm" a small moan filled with pain answered her but no words.

"Mama are you badly hurt?"

Myley whispered loudly hoping Mama B would answer and alleviate some of her fears.

Yet only silence met her ears and Myley cried all the harder for her tortured thoughts and worries when it seemed no reprieve was in sight.

"He will come here first ya know"

The first strange voice said in a very low cold voice that Myley was barely able to hear from her cold hard bed.

"Yea but he won't find them until its too late."

The second voice was deeper much older but Myley was too far away to recognize either of them.

Praying once more for salvation Myley slipped back into a restless slumber that beckoned her beyond her control. She suspected it was related to the pain in her head.

Harley gathered his brother and headed straight for Colt's house. He needed to know if this was all his doing. For long moments there was nothing but the sound of horses hoofs on the damp earth as the brothers rushed towards Colts home.  Kevin felt an unknown source of urgency to distract his brother so he was the first to break the silence.

" what is this brother why do we ride this night towards the house of the one man we all despise? What could he have to do with everything that has transpired this night? What are you not telling us?"

Harley kept riding, never looking back as he answered. " Myley told me of Colt intercepting her the day she went for her dress fitting, she said he spoke of his innocence in the harm that come to her but I just cannot see why anyone else would want to hurt our Myley."

Kevin said no more and finally followed his brother from this point on he didn't know what else to say he could think of no defense for the man he knew the head hurt Myley once already he just prayed his brother was wrong.

Kevin recalled the scripture from the Bible in Revelations scripture of the man that road on the pale horse and hell followed him. He felt more with the passing moments as if he was witnessing such a beautiful yet horrifying moment, he wasn't sure he wanted to find love if this was what love made man into.

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