♞ Chapter 2

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The next few days Myley worked in the bar cleaning stalls and brushing down horses. Harley would pop up now and then and they would talk of times while he was gone and what each had missed.
He would tell her different stories about the rodeo circuit and the kinds of things you see on the road. The only touching that was done though was the soft brush of her jaw line and a few chaste kisses before he left to go back to work.

Myley was glowing she was so happy this just might work for her, finally after all these years of waiting. She thought of the night before how he had sat on the swing set on the porch with her as he drank a cup of coffee after supper. Softly they had talked as they sat cocooned in the dark, the little squeak of the chains as the swing moved back and forth and the low hum of conversation. Myley had so badly wanted to lay her head on his shoulder as his deep voice spoke so soothingly to her.

It was killing Harley as well, to give her the time and space she needed as she was young.
He wanted to drag her sexy little butt up to his bedroom and claim her. He knew that was barbaric thinking though and kept himself in check. The problem was he didn't want Myley for a time, he hoped she would be his forever so he had to take this slow with her despite how hard it became to fight his need for her.

Every little thing she did tortured him. The way her sexy little mouth looked as they ate dinner, her sultry little laughs that made chills run up his spine.

Harley was brought out of his thoughts as he smacked his thumb with the hammer. Dropping everything, he let out a string of curses as he pulled his glove off to examine the damage. "Well now I think someone got their mind occupied and so therefore he can't seem hit the nail that goes in the post rather that the nail of his finger." His dad said with a chuckle, "That little gal done got you all turned inside out, don't she?" He said with another chuckle.

Harley glared as his father and then with a deep sigh he pulled his glove on and picked his hammer back up. "As a Hutch, I am use to going out and getting what I want. It's a whole different ball game when I can't do that. Yes, taking things slow and doing things right is hard for me. I know it's old fashioned to think that way, when all I want to do is make her mine in every way possible. Give me a break Pop, I'm trying to be a Gentleman here." Hutch said sounding aggravated even with himself for feeling that way.

Luke laughed, "Well now son, I reckon that be my fault for not taking the time to teach you patience. You have damn good patience with a horse and all I can tell ya is you have to look at it kinda the same way. She young and she don't know nothing about men. She has to be eased into these things so as not to scare her."

Harley nodded understanding, "Thanks ole' man, I appreciate the view on it. I guess it's just I have been in love with that girl since she was 15 and I knew I would come back when she was old enough."

Luke laughed again, "Hell I know'd it. I was waiting for it." He said with a bigger laugh and then they went back to mending fences as they talked of the past.

That afternoon after supper Myley decided she needed to go into town to buy her outfit for Saturday. Harley offered to take her and no one objected, Myley loved the opportunity for time alone with him, so she went to grab her money and off they went.
Myley scooted in and sat on the far side of the cab, "Honey, you afraid to let anyone know you seeing me?" He asked with a hurt expression. Myley's eyes grew huge in her little face, "Why no! Why would you say a crazy thing like that Harley?" Myley asked getting upset. Harley had to remind himself yet again, his sweet Myley had no clue. So few women left with that kind of innocence left. He silently shook his head. Love was meant to be a sacred thing. He planned to show her just how sacred it was eventually.

"Sorry honey, I forget just how innocent you are. Slide over here in the middle of the truck little filly. That seat over there is just too far away."

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