♞ Chapter 8 & 9 ♞

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Chapter 8

Harley was walking across the yard when Kevin came into the yard on his horse, like the hounds of hell were chasing him. "We got a problem brother, Myley's horse is missing from the barn and I rode everywhere I could think to look. she is nowhere to be found. She should be dropping that baby soon Harley, we have to find her before Myley finds out."

Harley cursed as he headed back to the barn to saddle Lightning. He stopped kyle as he swung up on his horse, "Y'all keep an eye on Myley while we're gone. Her horse has come up missing and we need to find her before Myley finds out or she drops that foal. Be careful because you can rouse her suspension mighty fast if you ain't careful." kyle nodded and headed for the house.

Harley caught up with Kevin and they rode out again, this time Harley decided they would ride beyond the fences. If the horse got out on her own she wouldn't have went far.

Hours later they were growing tired and more worried as there was no signs of Myley's horse. "I just don't understand it Harley. We have seen no signs of her getting out of the barn and no holes in the fence line. Where in the world could she have gotten to?"

Harley shook his head, "I don't know Kev it just don't seem right though. I have no idea how someone could have got into the place to take her but it sure is starting to look mighty suspicious. I hate to say it brother but it looks like we are going to have to head back to the house. I really have no idea where else to look." Kevin nodded, "Me either." he sighed as they headed back.

Harley was dreading facing Myley, he didn't want to tell her but she would spit fire if they hid this from her. It had to be related to whoever had shot her but he had no clue who it was behind all this. Tossing some feed and water into Lightning he slowly made his way into the house. He was surprised to see Myley sitting at the kitchen table instead of being in bed and it only took a minute to realize she wouldn't look at him. Finally looking around the table he saw someone sitting in the kitchen that could have knocked him over with a feather. He saw the mean look that was on his father and brothers face and knew exactly what was wrong with Myley at that point.

He stood stunned as the little buckle bunny named Heather jumped up with a squeal and kissed him square in the mouth. Grabbing her hips he pulled her back away from him as his eyes went to Myley. Tears streamed down her face and in that secind, Kevin picked her up and carried her upstairs to her room. his low soothing voice carried behind
them as he comforted her. harley heart stopped.

When he looked over at Mrs. B. for help she cut him a look that could have killed him where he stood. "I don't know what is going on here Harley or why this gal is here but you just crushed my baby and you better fix it or you will have hell to pay boy." She threw her hand towel she had been holding on the bar and walked upstairs towards Myley's room.

He looked down at Heather. the shock that held him immobile soon wore off. "Heather what are you doing here?" He asked not happy at all to see this woman who had just hurt everything he had worked for since he came home. "Well Harley we had such a good time on the road. You told me where home was and so I thought I would come see how you were when you didn't come back."
Harley shook his head but before he could say more she spoke. "Who was that girl Harley she wasn't too happy when I showed up and asked for you. Is that your little sister or something." Harley heard Luke snort with a laugh and look for all purposes like now that he saw harley's reaction, was enjoying the shit Harley had landed into.
Harley rolled his eyes and stepped back from Heather. "No Heather, that is not my sister. That is the woman I came home for."
He said stressing the last part. Heather looked confused, "But Harley she looks so young surely you didn't leave what we had going, for her?"
Harley dropped his head and shook it. "Just what in the world did you think we had going, Heather? I never made you any promises and I told you I was planning to come home. I never asked you to come with me or to follow me here."
She simply smiled the poor clueless girl must have really had a few screws loose as she replied. "Oh I know that Harley, but I thought by now you would be real lonely without my company, we had some real fun out on the road."
She said as her fingers walked up his chest. He heard a snicker come from his father's direction but he never even bothered to look. She further proved she was a total ditz when she asked in all innocent honesty, "Is her name Myley by the way." Harley closed his eyes and dropped his head again, He did not want to have this conversation in front of his father. it was way too damn embarrassing.

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