♞ Chapter 12 ♞

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Chapter 12

                Myley stayed in her room the next few days, depression setting in as she couldn't help outside and Harley was busy between working on the ranch and the few men that have showed up looking for ranch work. 
The TV played as she lay across the bed in cutoffs and a white tank top.  the blankets having long been kicked off the bed, sheets tangled. Her long hair was unbound and fanned across the bed as she realized summer had hit full force, the fan whirred above her. Her skin glistened with the moisture that covered her from the heat. She twisted her bent knee as her thoughts went to Harley. his handsome face smiling at her, as he held her hand when they walked through the place they were to make their home. the way he pulled her close, his eyes sparkling with his blinding smile, just made her feel like she was on cloud nine.  She never dreamed she could be this happy, her chest felt so heavy it was like she couldn't take a breath.

The door popped open in that moment and she turned her head to see a very sexy Harley standing. his hands carelessly shoved in his pants pockets, legs crossed as he leaned against the doorjamb looking at her.  Looking up into his eyes, she was surprised lightning didn't strike in the room with the electricity she felt crawling through her. "you are killing me." He said with heat in his eyes and a small smile on his lips. Myley bit her lip and smiled.  his eyes slipping down to follow the motion. His smile slipping, when noticing where his eyes lingered, she slowly licked her bottom lip, hoping it teased him.
It must have worked because he dropped his head as he spoke, "I need you to come down and meet these new guys that are here. I need to see how they act with you."
Myley giggled and as he looked up his face-hardened into harsh lines as he fought his emotions. Myley slowly rose of the bed and walked over to him with unhurried steps. When she reached him, she laid a hand on his chest as she looked up into his face with her smile still in place. "Harley are you really that worried?" He snorted and shook his head, "Baby you have no clue. I only walked into the room to talk to you and it's all I can do not to put your sexy little ass back in that bed." His voice dropped deeper at the last part.
Myley had gone on tiptoes brushing her lips across his at his confession. "Love you," she whispered as she kissed him, Harley gripping her hair, pulled her against his mouth harder. His free hand going to her hip as he pulled her closer "Love you more, filly." he whispered into her lips.
Pulling back, he pressed his forehead to hers. "Come on let's get this done." She nodded and followed as he laced his fingers with hers, pulling her behind him.

When he stepped off the bottom porch step, with Myley slightly behind him, he knew one of them would have to go. "Put them eyeballs back in your head." He popped off at one of the younger men that was eyeballing her too hard for Harley's liking. 
.......dropped her head waiting. 

"This boys, is my little Filly, Myley. We will be married soon and I need to know I can trust you around my wife.  I will just be blunt and honest about it, and that too, you better get use too. I am not always a nice man, I expect things to be done right, everyone makes mistakes but some mistakes we can't afford to happen on a horse ranch. I will not make the mistake of employing some wet behind the ears cow polk that has it in his mind to chase after my wife. That will get you hurt real quick, just so you know." All the men dropped their heads, eyes on the ground.  All but the one dumbass that was already out the door he still stood with a goofy grin as he looked at Myley. Harley shook his head, "Boy I suggest you get your tail in your truck and hightail it now, before I lose my temper and drop them eyes for you." The man snapped out of it and dropping his head made his way to his truck.
Myley buried her face in Harley's back and giggled. Harley reached back and slapped the side of her ass. "Hush woman." He said trying to hide his own smile at that point.

Stepping to the side, he pulled Myley in front of him wrapping his arms loosely around her waist. "Now, Myley this here is Travis and Lee. I think both these boys are worth a try on the ranch. I am going to be starting with them tomorrow. We are going to go ahead and go to the ranch and start repairing the barn. I got the go head from Kale this morning before they showed up."

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