♞ Chapter 14 ♞

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chapter 14
Myley  took slow steps across the hard wood floor, her fingers trailing up the shiny wood bannister that led upstairs. Her eyes sightlessly skimming over what was to
be her and Harley's new home. Why did these happy days, the happy moments have
to be overshadowed with someone's evil?

She thought to herself. She didn't want to tell Harley anything about meeting up
with Colt, she didn't want anything to ruin this weekend. 

  So lost in thought Myley never even heard Harley's silent footsteps as he entered the house behind her. "Filly" Harley spoke softly receiving not even a flinch of recognition that she heard him. Walking closer he slowly slid his hands around her hips to pull her back into his chest.

"Talk to me baby." Harley bent down to whisper quietly in her ear. A very cynical and
disturbing laugh escaped Myley, "You already know, if you didn't you would be
here tanning my backside for not being in bed."

Harley took a deep breath, "Yea, I know but I would rather hear from you, Angel."
Picking her up in his arms he carried over to the large chair. Sitting down he
laid her sideways across his lap, Myley watched her fidgeting fingers that lay
in her own lap. Harley kissed her forehead and waited. She finally found the
words to relay the incident to Harley. She planned to omit the part of him
banging into her arm until he bluntly asked, "Did he in anyway touch

Tears threatened then, "Harley, please can we just let it go? I don't want this
hanging over us when we have so much to be happy for." Harley stood placing her
back in the chair as he scrubbed a hand over his face and started pacing. Trying
to rein in his anger at her evasion and with it came the knowledge she was
hiding something.

"Myley I will not have any secrets in this relationship, do you understand me? I know
your hiding something to keep from angering me, I understand your reasoning
about our wedding in a couple days but I will hear the whole of it,

Myley knew by the edge in his voice if she denied him this it would not bode well for
her or her wedding. She was left with no choice, she told him of how Colt
slammed his shoulder into hers. Harley cussed loudly and flew out of the house.
Myley didn't bother chasing him, she knew where he was headed and that there was
no stopping him.

Myley pulled herself up out of the chair, locking the house door she made her way
home. Stripping out of her clothes and into a big T-shirt she crawled into bed
and begged sleep to take her away from this day.

  This time when Harley hit the Jensen yard Colt was waiting for him. Harley stepped off his
horse and before one word could leave the lips that held a cocky smirk, Harley
punched him. Not even giving him time to get up Harley grabbed the collar of his
shirt and punched him once more.

"Harley Hutch" He heard Mr. Jensen call out and looked up to see him approaching.

"I am sure Colt probably deserves trouble for something but will you beat a man
without giving him a fair fight?"

Harley took a step back and looking down at Colt spit out the charges laid against
him. "Here in this part of the territory boy, we were taught to dispense our own
justice. You not only harassed my Fiancee' this morning, you hurt her. This will
not be tolerated, you got something to say to me, you face me like a man. Don't
go insulting my future wife because she turned you down, you approaching her
about being shot and wounded was out of line and then to add insult to injury
you shoved that shoulder of yours into her wounded arm. I ought to beat you to
death for this." Harley spat in front of Colt's face as he still lay on the
ground. At this point he slowly picked himself up, "I knew my actions would
bring you here Hutch. Why waste a trip to see you when I can bring you here
ready for a fight." Harley stepped forward and punched him again this time
  breaking his nose. Colt hollered out surprised, he had been prepared for
another shot to the mouth but not his nose.

"That's enough" Mr. Jensen called out. "I understand why your upset Son but you can't
come on my land and kill my only son. Now you had your say, you beat him now go
on home. I will try my best to keep Colt home and away from your

Harley gave a cycnical chuckle, "Yea, I am sure that'll happen. No offense Mr. Jensen
and I am sorry for causing trouble on your land but you haven't controlled this
boy ever, that's the problem."

With that shot he walked and crawled up on his horse, turned and headed for home.

When Myley opened her eyes it was to see a much more peaceful Harley sitting in the
chair where he vigilantly sat during her days of sickness. "Hey" she spoke
softly, Harley smiled as he watched her, "Hey there My Little

Looking over him she noticed the spot of blood on his shirt that she was sure he wasn't
even aware of, looking at his hands that hung over the arm of the chair she saw
a slight red on his knuckles.

"You feel better now?" Myley said with an expressionless face, Harley's face
sobered. Flexing his obviously still stinging hand he stood and walked to the
window. "Damn it Myley, you can't expect a man like me to sit over here like
some scared damn kid knowing he even so much as approached you. I won't stand
for any man harassing you with so much as a look. I damn well won't apologize
for going over there and busting that SOB's nose."

Myley shook her head, "I just don't see how anything can be accomplished by it. If
anything he is madder now than before and he will keep trying to get back at
you. He won't let this go Harley, he is vindictive and mean." Harley laughed,
"Yea well I am meaner and he just met his match Darlin', he should have never
tried putting his hands on you the first time. When he touched what was mine he
messed up big time."

Myley heard his words and at this point her temper rose fast and hard. "Listen here
Harley Hutch, I may be marrying you but the only man that owns me is The God
Almighty himself. I do understand how you were made and I understand wanting to
protect me but some battles are best left for another day. Now I want this over
now. I will not have this hanging over us to blemish the memories of our
wedding." Harley stood stunned that his meek woman had got angry enough to fuss
  at him. He couldn't help it, he busted out laughing. Walking to the bed he sat
down and kissed her cheek still laughing. Myley looked confused, not knowing if
she should smile or be offended.

"I'm  sorry baby, just seeing you get mad at me is something I haven't seen in so
long I forgotten how cute you are all riled up." Kissing her nose he laid his
forehead to hers. "Colt will defiantly think twice before approaching you again.
It's over I promise, he stays on his side of town and so will

Myley nodded and pecked his lips before laying back down. 

The wedding took place a few days later, the front porch of their
home decorated with ribbons and flowers.  Harley and Myley stood on the front
steps of the house and spoke their vows as their family looked on. The sun was
high and bright in the sky this day, a cool, gentle breeze blowing so that the
temperature seemed perfect.

They allowed Miss B. to publish a picture of the event in the local
  newspaper; they spent half the day with their family wanting to share their
happiness. Food set up with chairs in the grass covered yard, large weeping
willows framing the front lawn and a few other large trees providing shade.

Harley smiled as sweeping Myley up in his arms they slipped away to
their new bedroom alone at last when the sun started descending in the beautiful
purple and pink sky. "I can officially call you Mrs. Myley Hutch now baby."
Myley smiled happily up at him as he lowered his head to kiss her lost in his
passionate embrace she suddenly felt the silk of her wedding gown hit the floor.
Picking her up once more Harley laid her on their new wood bed and slowly made
love to her until she was half out of her mind begging him to join his body to
  hers. With a chuckle, he gave her just what she asked for.

As he held her in his arms after the passionate storm had passed for
the moment, he held her hand in his looking at her wedding band on her finger
marking her as his wife. Pulling her hand to his mouth he placed a kiss over it
as he felt humbled that he finally had been able to claim his filly as his own.
True to his word they stayed in bed for three days. Only leaving it to feed
themselves with the food left from the wedding, or taking care of more basic
needs. True to his jest, when he left the bed Tuesday morning all Myley could do
was moan from her stiff muscles. Harley's chuckle reached her ears as he left
her to the bed to recover from their honeymoon days. 

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