𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓼 = 𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓲𝓰𝓷 𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓯𝓽. 𝓳𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓸𝓵

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"okay joshuji going on our team" jeonghan stated proudly while grabing joshua to his and scoups dk hoshi side.

"thats not fair ! you guys always group with shua hyung now its our turn" the8 said grabing joshua to their side.

"hyung dont forget ur foreign line" jun say pouting.

"aniya (no) u guys cannot bribe him like that" dk said trying to grab joshua away but but was stop by the8 jun and vernon who hug the older tightly.

"arraseo arraseo (alright alright) today i group with the8 jun and vernonnie" joshua say puting his hand to the three younger hand who still hugging him.

"YES WE WIN" the8 said jumping up and down.

"but jisoo ah we promise to take picture and visit the store you always want go together" scoups say whining.

"Shua hyung~ shi bro !" Hoshi say whining while offering his hand to joshua.

"aniya aniya , gwenchana ! hyung can go to that store with us and its okay he dont need his shi bro here" the8 replied savagely which making all the member laugh.

"okay if it settle then vernon , jun , the8 and shua hyung one group jeonghan scoups dk and hoshi one team me mingyu dino seungkwan wonwoo one team" woozi say for clarification.

"ayee shua hyung get back here , you are originally from this group" dk stay trying to make joshua change his mind.

"aye hyung why are you guys so obssessed with shua hyung ?? Im his america buddy remember" vernon say cooly.

"u guys say as if you guys not obssessed with MY joshuji , you guys literally take him away from us" jeonghan stated.

"eo now 95 line is not complete" scoups said pouting.

"first all age line are not complete not yours only and second its our joshuji !" the8 fight back.

"aniya joshuji only i can cal-"

"if you guys keep fighting im staying in the hotel and gonna ignore both team" joshua stated folding his arm to his chest.

"but hey! Joshua is not only our 95 line but also our boyfriend! not fair U get to go with Jun who is your boyfriend and take ours" Scoups fight back.

"okay then hyung you can join our team" wonwoo say playfully.

"NOO" shouted the two team.

"WAEEEEE?!!!" Mingyu shouted back.

"haish if you guys keep shouting im gonna leave without yall" woozi say irritated.

"okay lets go now?" Joshua say to his team and the other three younger follow from behind while sticking his tongue to the opposite team. "and thanks woozi" joshua say patting the younger head while the younger smile at the elder fondly.

"they so annoying" dk say judged.

"right~ they always use their foreign card to jisoo" scoups said unamazed with the younher behaviour.

"U guys say as if you guys didnt use your boyfriends card to shua hyung before" seungkwan say jokingly.

"its different !" jeonghan said.

"how is it dif-" seungkwan was about to fight back when woozi leave the room.

and with that each team left the room and start walking or get in the car to their next destination

~foreign team~

"Shua hyung which store that hyung said you really want to go" vernon ask curiously.

"oh its a backery shop , i use to go there with my family when i was really really young" joshua reply smiling brightly.

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