protector = seventeen

582 17 10

All seventeen member are now resting in their dorm as they have a 2 weeks off. the member decided not to go out and just spend time with each other as it's been awhile and they also too tired to go out ... except Joshua of course.

"guys I'll go now?" Joshua say wearing his shoes.

"alright hyung ! Stay safe" DK shout from the kitchen while mingyu and jun came to the door to hug their hyung. "Come home safely hyung" mingyu say and give a peck to his boyfriend and Jun did the same.

"shuji u sure u can go alone?" jeonghan ask walking out of the kitchen with Scoups and Dino behind.

"hmmm what's with the question" Joshua say lifting his eye brow playfully "it's not like u gonna go with me right?"

"Ure right"
"Ure wrong"

Scoups and jeonghan say at the same time making Joshua chuckle. "hannie" Scoups face palm.

"I mean! we are lazy right?" he say defending himself "so instead of follow I wld adviced U to stay home and cuddle with me!" jeonghan say winking making his other boyfriends roll their eyes including Joshua who secretly judging.

"U shld stop hanging out too much with jihoon" Scoups say.

"HEY" woozi who liying on the sofa say whole still closing his eyes. The member look over to him and start laughing.

"alright I'm going" Joshua say after finish laughing. He then look over to the cabinet beside the door and take his phone before opening the door to exit the house. as soon as he's out from the house he began walking towards his car when suddenly a voice called for him making he look behind and saw 4 of his boyfriends walking towards him.

"baby U forget to kiss us" seungcheol say and peck the younger on the lip which jeonghan did the same. "I swear U guys always ask for my attention more then the younger member" he say which making the two older pout. He then turn towards the other two member which the maknaes who quickly showing a hug gesture.

"Hyung hug!" Dino and seungkwan say hugging him. "I'm just going to buy groceries not going on vacation" he say laughing.

After all the kissing and hugging session the member them let him go and he gets inside his car and began to drive away.

Today he decided to go out to buy some groceries because the stock I'm their dorm is about to finish and all the member is too lazy so he volunteer to go buy some stuff for the dorm. Although all his boyfriends disagree for him to go alone and insist the manager could buy for them but Joshua being Joshua who kind and nature he thinks it's not fair because the manager is their manager not their errand boy so he keep persuade the member until they give up and let him go.

now Joshua is inside his car driving to the store. 10 minute pass and he finally reach the destination. He walk out from the car and began walking inside the store.

Around 30 minute after he manage to buy everything and bring it to his car. If he being honest , he would say he was having hard time bacuase the grocery is so heavy and it's making his hand hurt and his head sweat so much.

Usually the carry and loading the groceries would be jeonghan Scoups Mingyu wonwoo Jun hoshi work because they are the strong member but this time he have to do everything all alone. And now his hand is shaking and there 2 heavy bag left to carried to the trunk and he might not be able to drive for few minutes because of his painful hand.

"shld I ask the them to help.." he thought to himself. He look back to the groceries and back to his phone. He knows despite what jeonghan say just now they would still come if he ask for help that was has always been because they make a promise before to become his 12 protector. He then take out his phone to text the group chat.

 joshua hong x seventeen one shot シ︎Where stories live. Discover now