insecure = svt

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for the past few month , Joshua had been feeling insecure about his appearance and his dancing singing skill. Altho he didn't reach out for help and just keep everything to himself. Of course all his 12 boyfriends realised the stressed the latter been feeling but they decide to wait until she open up to them.

"hyung remember to spread Ur hand abit higher on that part" hoshi say holding the older hand and position it to the right angle. "Like that"

"ah okay.." that's all jisoo manage to answer.

The younger just look at the older and sigh softly "hyung don't look down on urself" he say smiling while the older just look down in defeat. "I cant.."he really can't... the amount of insecure that he thinks about himself is too much to not look down.

he look up to the mirror and look at the younger guy beside him before walking away "I cant do this.." Joshua say taking his bag and start making his way to the door.

The member who see what happens look at Joshua and hoshi confusedly. "Josh where are you going" mingyu ask holding Joshua hand but the older just glare at him making he removed his hand immediately.

Right after mingyu remove his hand Joshua immediately open the door to leave but pause when he saw the two older was right in front of him outside the door.

"Where U going" Scopus ask walking forward making Joshua walking backwards not looking at the two older.

"I'm asking", Scoups repeat demanding for answer. Unlike the younger boyfriend. Scoups and jeonghan is kinda the top of the top so they kinda more in-charge.

"Out" he answer shortly.

"did U ask for permission?" Jeonghan asked.

"I'm gonna ask the manager for permission later" he answer still not looking up.

"Honey I'm not talking about them" jeonghan say staring at the younger Infront of him.

"he already ask me and wonwoo and we say okay" mingyu lied. He saw how stress the older guy look right now so he lie to save the hyung that he love with all his heart.

The two older look at wonwoo and he nod his head agreeing. "alright" the two older say giving space to the younger to walk which the latter quickly rush out incase they change their mind.

"follow him" scoups instruct to the two younger which is seungkwan and dino. The two maknae just obey and left.

"I hope hyung feel better ..." hoshi say sitting on the floor.

"did something happen?" jeonghan ask walking towards the couch to sit down and scoups did the same thing.

"he keep missed the detail of the cheoreo and forget easily then I guess it frustrates him so he left" hoshi say feeling bad for the older.

The two older exchange look. They know Joshua been having a hard time and they really hope he gets better soon.

"Its okay sweetheart I'm sure Joshua getting better soon" scoups say comforting the younger member. The younger just give them a faint smile and start continue their dance routine.

 joshua hong x seventeen one shot シ︎Where stories live. Discover now