svt = Taking Care of Joshua

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As the members of Seventeen gathered at the soccer field, their usual morning routine felt incomplete. Mingyu dribbled the ball absentmindedly, scanning the group for Joshua’s familiar figure.

“Has anyone seen shua hyung?” Mingyu asked, his brow furrowing with concern.

DK glanced around. “He wasn’t at breakfast either. Did he mention anything last night?”

“Nope, he seemed fine yesterday,” Vernon chimed in, kicking the ball towards Woozi who deftly intercepted it.

Hoshi, who was stretching nearby, suddenly perked up. “Wait, I remember him saying he felt a bit under the weather yesterday evening.”

Seungkwan, who had been scrolling through his phone, looked up with a worried expression. “Do you think he’s sick?”

Before anyone could respond, a faint voice interrupted them. “Guys…”

Turning around, they saw Joshua approaching slowly, looking paler than usual, with a slight flush on his cheeks.

“Joshua, you’re here!” Jeonghan exclaimed, rushing over to him. “Are you okay?”

Joshua nodded weakly, leaning on Jeonghan for support. “I think I caught a cold or something. Sorry for missing soccer.”

“It’s okay, Josh,” scoups reassured him, patting his back gently. “Let’s get you back to the dorm. You need rest.”

The other members nodded in agreement, exchanging concerned glances as they helped Joshua back towards their dormitory. Despite his illness, Joshua couldn’t help but lean into dino side, feeling comforted by their care.


Once back at the dormitory, Seventeen settled Joshua into his bed with pillows propped up behind him. Joshua looked visibly tired but managed a small smile of gratitude as the members hovered around him.

Jun fetched a glass of water and some medicine while Mingyu grabbed an extra blanket. Meanwhile, Jeonghan tucked Joshua in, fussing over him like a mother hen.

“You should try to sleep, Josh,” Jeonghan advised gently, brushing a strand of hair from Joshua’s forehead.

Joshua nodded weakly, closing his eyes. “Thanks, everyone. I’ll be fine.”

As the day progressed, Joshua’s fever spiked, making him even more lethargic. However, his usual tendency to be clingy when sick emerged. Whenever someone left his side, he would murmur softly, “Stay with me for a bit longer…”

The other members couldn’t help but chuckle at Joshua’s clinginess, finding it endearing despite his condition.

“He’s such a baby when he’s sick,” seungcheol teased playfully, earning a light swat from Joshua who managed a weak smile.

Woozi sat beside Joshua, gently rubbing his back. “Just rest, Joshua. We’ll take care of everything.”

Throughout the afternoon, Seventeen rotated in and out of Joshua’s room, taking turns to keep him company and ensuring he had everything he needed. They brought him soup, tea, and even some of his favorite snacks in an attempt to lift his spirits.

By evening, Joshua’s fever began to subside, and he finally drifted into a more restful sleep. The members quietly left his room, letting him rest undisturbed.

“Hopefully, he’ll feel better by tomorrow,” DK said optimistically as they gathered in the living room.

“He better,” the8 added with a grin. “Otherwise, who’s going to keep us in line?”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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