𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓲𝓸𝓾𝓼 𝓱𝔂𝓾𝓷𝓰 = 𝓼𝓿𝓽

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Jisoo is Joshua btw (Joshua korean name)

"has shua hyung eaten his dinner yet?" dino ask when he see all the member except for joshua in the dinning table.

"ill go and wake him up" hoshi said and walk toward their share room as they are roomate.

~shi bro room~

"hyung wake u- omo hyung why is your head so hot" hoshi say in shock and quickly rush out from the room to take a towel and bowl with cold water to put on the older forehead.


as he walk toward the kitchen counter to fill water on the bowl before putting in the towel in while the member look at him confusely.

"is shua hyung okay?" dk ask innocently which hoshi shook his head as a reply while busy squeezing the towel and walk away making the other shock hearing their shua is sick.

what they shock is that joshua rarely get sick but if he get sick he will get really really sick.

with that one by one of the member then walk toward the shibro room and see hoshi wiping the towel on joshua head before putting it on the older forehead.

"shuji do you want some food?" jeonghan ask softly which no response from joshua.

"he still alive right" mingyu ask making scoups hit his neck softly from behind "ouch hyung~"

"ofcourse he still alive..." scoups say before making his way beside joshua bed siting on hoshi bed before telling others to continue eating altho they was hesitant but go when scoups ensure them that he gonna stay with joshua which jeonghan also volunteer and sit beside scoups.

after all the member leave the room the two 95 look at his friend and sigh worriedly before lie down on hoshi bed and playing their phone while chit chatting.

time pass and the both already fall asleep when suddenly they heard amoving from the other bed but they were too tired to get up while joshua slowly getting up and look at his two friend before slowly trying to get up from his bed to eat as he is angry.

while slowly getting up suddenly a loud thud can be heard making the other two quickly wake up and was shock seeing joshua on the floor trying to get up "JISOO" the two guy say and rush to assit the younger.

"what are you trying to do??" jeonghan say wuth his serious tone after both him and scoups put the younger on the bed.

"i wanted to go out and eat but i fall down" joshua say with his soft sorethroat tone making the two heart melt.

"next time call us for help" scoups said softly while helping the younger up.

As the three leave the room they saw the yougest members who in the leaving room playing but when they saw their shua hyung everyone rush to the older guys and hug him.

"hyung are you ok ?!!" Scream hoshi who immediately hug his favourite hyung while crying.

"yes hoshi ya.." Joshua say with his sore throat voice that came out husky.

"guys let's give him some space , he want to eat something" jeonghan say who is standing behind Scops with both hand at the back looking to all his member gently.

"hyung I'll serve for U since I'm the one who cook !" Mingyu said and rush to the kitchen which the maknae line follow from behind. Wanted to be closed with their favourite hyung.

After eating Joshua then headed back to his room while the other member stay in the living room feeling relieved that Joshua is ATLEAST okay. They shift Joshua room to beside the living room where they all there watching horror movie together so incase Joshua need something they can easily come to help. They even open the door so they could see Joshua.

"Hyung U need anything?" Ask the8 who realised his jisoo hyung walk out from the room with a pillow.

The other member who is focusing on the horror movie then face toward jisoo who is still looking sick.

"Can I join U guys?" Jisoo say with a timid voice.

The other member cooed at how cute jisoo look. "Shua ya come sit here" Scopus say tapping the empty space beside him and jeonghan.

Jisoo then head toward those two and snuggle between and they 13 of them then start to focus on the movie feeling comfort having each other.

~50min before the movie finish~

The member look over to check on their shua hyung but suddenly the scene I front of the! Melt them as they see jisoo sleeping on Scopus shoulder while hugging the pillow he bring from the room.

Jeonghan and Scopus who beside the younger then smile at the sigh while patting the 95 younger head.

~time skip~

The movie end and they decide to sleep in the living room since jisoo had already sleep so they move the coffee table to the side and the member take their blanket and pillow , say goodnight to each other and sleep.

"Goodnight jisoo/hyung" the member make sure not to forget their fav and soft member.

Quite short ehe

 joshua hong x seventeen one shot シ︎Where stories live. Discover now