𝓺𝓾𝓪𝓵𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓮 = 𝓼𝓮𝓸𝓴𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓼𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓼𝓸𝓸

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seventeen is currently shooting a variety show called Nana tour and in that show they did change to few hotel at some point and on first or second dorm. Joshua mingyu hoshi and DK end up in the same room. See how the three younger take care of Joshua when he not feeling at his best. (Imagine Scoups also did come)


"shua hyung come here ! there one more bed left" mingyu shout from inside the room. "Guys in a count of three! 1....2....3!"

"SHUA HYUNG" hoshi and DK join in then those three started to laugh so hard until mingyu drop to the ground but still continue laughing.

"joshuji come here!" Yell the second oldest jeonghan who is Joshua boyfriend. Hearing that mingyu quickly run to the door and called for his favourite hyung. "hyung here !"

"ayee mingyu ah!" complain the first oldest who also Joshua boyfriend. Joshua being Joshua just stood there ignoring whatever happens around him and focus on making ramyeon for wonwoo and Dino.

"guys !" Joshua called out after finish cooking the ramyeon "if U guys want some share with WONWOO" he say and take a clove to clean the mess up.

After he done cleaning he walk past the table and saw WONWOO Dino woozi the8 and Jun were in the table eating the ramyeon he cook. " Was it good?" He ask while walking towards the other room was. "YES" the kinds say cheerfully making him smile.

"so which room am i ?" He ask abit loud so other can hear and answer his questions

"HERE" the loud voice that belong to 5 of the member can be heard from 2 diffrent room. "..." He just stood there dumb founded.

"U already have seungkwan and Vernon inside ! Not enough bed" hoshi say peeking out from the room and so does the other 4.

"Isokay we can sacrifice seungkwan" both Scoups and jeonghan say before looking at seungkwan who just about to go shower now froze in his place. "How could U.." seungkwan say jokingly offended.

"How dare you" Joshua say about to hit his two oldest but they quickly run inside the room and close the door. "Okay hyung ! Now U have no choice" DK say and drag the older to their share room which Joshua gladly let himself being drag after seeing how cute the 3 reaction is.

"baby did U just abandoned us?!" hearing that Joshua already know it's his boyfriend Scoups who then follow by his other boyfriends voice "that's sad joshuji !"

the 4 of them just roll their eyes with hoshi get up from his bed and shut the door close and sigh "this hyung is so annoying" he say sassily making the other three laugh so hard.

"Oh hyung that's kind of attractive" DK say giving compliment which hoshi laugh and did the action again but with more sassines making everyone in the room choke from laughter.

After making everyone laughing , he then jump to the bed which DK and Joshua were sitting on and ask "do U think if I did that to woozi he would find it attractive" he ask and quickly crack up about it which the other 3 also began to laugh harder.

"U could try but don't come running back here crying" mingyu say laughing and the other three laugh louder.

Until some minute they then calm down. "But seriously what do U think" he look at them then eye fall to Joshua. "Don't ask me!" Joshua say raising his hand.

"Aye hyungg~ U and two hyungs are the only taken except for the rest of us!" Mingyu say whining.

"because U guys didn't confess!" He say looking at the 3 younger who start to pout. "Aigoo don't pout!" He say laughing at their cute face. "Woozi , Dino , WONWOO" he say point to each of them "right?"

 joshua hong x seventeen one shot シ︎Where stories live. Discover now