𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓷𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰 =𝓼𝓮𝓸𝓴𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓱𝓪𝓸

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Seventeen is currently in Paris for their tour. While most of the members are resting or eating in their hotel rooms, the energetic 97-line invites the group to go out, but only Joshua accepts. The four of them decide to enjoy the night together.


"Where are you going, Shua?" Jeonghan, Joshua's roommate and boyfriend, asks as he sees Joshua dressed up nicely.

"I'm going out with Dokyeom, Mingyu, and Hao," Joshua replies, applying perfume.

"You have energy for that?" Scoups, another roommate and boyfriend of Joshua, asks in awe.

"Young blood," Joshua smirks, making the two older members look at him with mock judgment.

"As if we're that old," Jeonghan retorts, and Joshua nods in agreement.

"How dare you!" Scoups exclaims, throwing a pillow at Joshua, who dodges it easily. "Nice try," Joshua says, winking, making Scoups pout.

*Knock knock*

"Come in! The door's not locked," Jeonghan says, and the door opens to reveal the three 97-line members dressed casually in shorts and singlets.

"Wah, hyung!" DK exclaims, seeing Joshua looking handsome and neat.

"Three homeless guys with their owner," Dino jokes, entering the room after hearing the voices.

The older members laugh at Dino's comment, along with the 97-line. "Nice one!" Scoups says, high-fiving Dino.

Dino laughs before sitting on Joshua's bed, which is in front of the mirror where Joshua is standing. "How do you guys have the energy to go out?" Dino asks, bewildered, making everyone laugh again.

"Jealous?" The8 teases, making everyone laugh even more. "Wanna be the maknae?" Dino jokes back, giving the older member a side-eye. Everyone in the room laughs at the two maknaes' playful banter.

They continue chatting until Scoups feels hungry and nudges Jeonghan. "We're going to the pantry! You four have fun," Jeonghan says, standing up and helping Scoups get up. "Dino, want to come along?" he asks, and Dino nods, following them.

"Wait, hyung, we're leaving too," Mingyu says, and the three older members wait for them. "I'm ready," Joshua says, and all seven of them head out of the room.

"See you guys later!" Joshua says sweetly, waving to the three members in front of him.

"Bye, hyung!" Dino responds with equal energy.

"Bye, Shua! Don't look at other guys and reply to our texts," Scoups says, glaring playfully before giving Joshua a peck on the lips. Jeonghan follows suit. "If I find out you look at other guys, you're dead," Jeonghan says, half-joking, half-serious.

The three 97-liners standing behind their favorite hyung just stare at the two oldest members in disbelief. "These hyungs," The8 scoffs.

"Buying food involves looking, hyung," Mingyu says, looking exasperated.

But the two older members just stick their tongues out, making Mingyu jokingly take off his slipper as if to hit them, while DK grabs Mingyu by the shoulder. "Don't, Mingyu! DON'T!" he says dramatically, causing Mingyu to burst out laughing, while the others internally facepalm.

"Don't mind them; they're always like this," Joshua says to a passing staff member before taking The8's hand and leaving.

"Hyung, let's leave them," The8 says, grabbing Joshua's hand and running to the lift.

"HAHAHAHAH," Mingyu laughs uncontrollably. "Hyung, see d- hyung?" Mingyu looks around and realizes the other two guys are running away. "YAH!" he shouts, taking DK's hand and starting to run.

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