Hamtaro & The Toon Kids

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It was a sunny day in Japan, when a small family, known as the Haruna, just finished moving to their new home. A girl in the 5th grade, named Laura Haruna (voiced by Veronica Taylor), was carrying a cage that had her pet hamster inside. The hamster in question was Hamtaro (voiced by Chiara Zanni), and he was looking around in his cage to see his new surroundings. Laura: "Well Hamtaro, here we are, our new home." said Laura to her hamster, before she goes into her new room and puts the cage down on a desk with a lamp that was next to her new bed. Laura: "I'll be out to check out the new neighborhood, but I'll be back tonight, you be good now." said Laura, before she leaves the room and closes the door, leaving Hamtaro all alone in the room, which made him very sad as this was the first time he's been away from his owner. Hamtaro: "...Laura... please come back... I don't wanna be alone..." said Hamtaro in a sad and lonely tone in his voice as he begins to cry a little. Suddenly, the window next to the desk that had the cage started to open up, alerting the hamster that some stranger was trying to get into the house. Once the window was fully opened, a group of what looked like a fox, a blue rabbit, a pink cat, and a pair of hyenas went into the room, and they were wearing clothes by the looks of it. The fox was named Tommy (voiced by Tara Strong), the blue rabbit was named Melody (voiced by Nancy Cartwright), the pink cat was named Gidget (voiced by Lisa Ortiz), and the two hyena boys were Jokey (voiced by Bill Fagerbakke), and Jokeo (voiced by Tom Kenny), and they were animals that looked like the kind from either anime or cartoons. Melody: "Um... big brother?, should we really be in here?, I mean this is someone else's house..." Tommy: "Me?, this was Jokey's idea, not mine." Jokey: "Well it's better than hide in a dumpster." Gidget: "Yeah, but I'm not sure that whoever lives here would like people trespassing, especially if those people are uh... like us." Jokeo: "But there's no one here, the family that lived here moved away not too long ago, so we can stay here until the new family show up." said Jokeo, before Hamtaro took a few steps back, and then lost balance and fell down and hit his head. Hamtaro: "Ow..." said Hamtaro, which caught the attention of the kids, and sees the little hamster, who gulped in fear as he got noticed. Melody: "Aw~, hello there little guy, my name's Melody, what's yours?" Hamtaro: "Uh... Hamtaro..." Melody: "That's a nice name, the fox with me is Tommy, my big brother, and the others are Gidget, Jokey and Jokeo, our best friends." Hamtaro: "Wait... the fox is your brother?, how is that?" Tommy: "Uh... it's a long story... but never mind that, what are you doing here?" Hamtaro: "Well me and my human family just moved in here, and Laura just left to check out the neighborhood and will come back by tonight." Gidget: "Oh dear... if the new family is here... they'll freak out if they see us..." Hamtaro: "Why are you here anyway?" Jokeo: "We're looking for a place to hide... and we need to do it quick... before they find us..." Hamtaro: "Before who finds you?" Tommy: "The Demon trio... the meanest group of evil creatures from the Underworld..." Melody: "Yeah... they've been after us ever since they turned us into talking animals..." Hamtaro: "You mean you weren't always a fox, a rabbit, a cat and two dogs?" Jokey: "Uh... my bro and I are hyenas." Jokeo: "And yeah, we weren't always like this... we used to be humans." Hamtaro: "Really?" Melody: "Yeah, and now those demons won't stop until they capture us and steal our souls... we need help badly..." Hamtaro: "Oh dear... well I guess it wouldn't hurt to have stay here for a bit... at least until the family comes back." Melody: "Oh thank you, Mr Hamtaro, you're really sweet." said Melody, before she opens the cage, puts Hamtaro into her hands and gives him a kiss on the cheek, which made him blush a little. Hamtaro: "Gosh... it's no big deal really... just trying to be nice, that's all..." suddenly, the sound of a creature roaring was heard, which made the kids gasped in shock and terror. Jokey: "Ah!, it's the Demon trio!" Jokeo: "Hide!" gasped the hyena twins, before they and the other kids went under the bed to hide themselves while Hamtaro went back into his cage. It wasn't long before a trio of dragon like creatures with pitch forks came through the window and into the room. The one in red was ScreamClaw (voiced by Mark Hamill), the one in blue was ThunderSmacker (voiced by Jim Cummings), and the one in black was SpaceWarp (voiced by Frank Welker), and together they were known as the Demon trio. ScreamClaw: "They're around here somewhere... start searching." ThunderSmacker: "Yes, the sooner we get those brats, the sooner we'll have their souls for dinner." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... but let's do it before the family here s-s-shows up..." said the trio, before they begin their search around the room, and sees some stuff that were in some boxes. ScreamClaw: "Hmm... it looks like the one who lives in this room has just moved here..." said ScreamClaw, before he picks up a photo of Laura and her family. ThunderSmacker: "A little girl by the looks of it..." SpaceWarp: "Yeah... s-s-she looks like she's in the 5th g-g-grade..." ScreamClaw: "Hmm... I'll bet her soul will be a tasty one..." Hamtaro: "Don't you dare lay a finger on her!" shouted Hamtaro in anger, which of course caught the trio's attention. ScreamClaw: "You're the hamster in the picture... tell us... have you seen a fox, a blue rabbit, a pink cat, and two hyenas that wear clothes?" Hamtaro: "Uh... no..." ThunderSmacker: "Don't lie to us rodent... we know they're here somewhere... tell us where they are!" said ThunderSmacker, before he and the other demons aim their pitch forks at the hamster, which made the poor hamster very scared. Unable to bare of the thought of Hamtaro getting hurt, Tommy came out of his hiding place and bites ScreamClaw on the tail. ScreamClaw: "Ah!, my tail!" ThunderSmacker: "It's the fox!" shouted ThunderSmacker, before Gidget comes out of hiding as well and it turns out that she has psychic powers as she used them to open Hamtaro's cage, freeing the little hamster in the process. Gidget: "Run Hamtaro!, run for it!" Hamtaro: "What about you?!" Tommy: "We'll be okay, just run!" ScreamClaw: "He's not going anywhere!" said ScreamClaw, as he was about to grab Hamtaro, who made a run for it and jumps through the window and out of the house. ThunderSmacker: "After that rodent!, we'll use him as a bargaining chip!" said the blue demon dragon, before he and the other two demons flew through the window and begin chasing the poor little hamster, leaving Tommy and Gidget alone in Laura's room, before Melody and the hyena twins came out of hiding too. Melody: "Oh no!, Hamtaro's in trouble!" Tommy: "We gotta help him!, quick!" Jokey: "Why would they go after him?" Jokeo: "Didn't you hear what one of the demons said?, they're gonna use him as a hostage!, come on!" Gidget: "I hope we're not too late!" so with that, the kids jumped through the window and landed on the ground safely due to Gidget's psychic powers, and begin chasing after the Demon trio. Meanwhile, Laura was looking around the neighborhood, when she sees a boy around her age playing with a soccer ball. His name was Travis Tyler (voiced by Eric Stuart), and he noticed Laura looking at him. Travis: "Oh hi there, are you new around here, cause I never seen you before." Laura: "Yeah, my family and I just moved here today, my name is Laura Haruna." Travis: "Nice to meet ya, my name's Travis Tyler, and it's nice to have a new neighbor around." Laura: "Thanks, anyway I should get back home soon, my family might get worried if I've been away for too long, especially my little Hamtaro." Travis: "Hamtaro?" Laura: "Yeah, he's my pet hamster." Travis: "No way, you got a pet hamster too?" Laura: "You mean you got a hamster as well?" Travis: "Yeah, maybe if we get the chance, we could introduce them to each other." Laura: "Sure, he would love to have a friend that's also a hamster." ScreamClaw: "Come back here, you little rodent!" shouted ScreamClaw, which caught the attention of both Laura and Travis, who sees Hamtaro being chased by what looked like dragons with pitch forks. Laura: "Hamtaro?!" Travis: "Your hamster?, what's he doing out here?, and who are they?" Laura: "I don't know." said Laura, before ScreamClaw got a hold of Hamtaro, who was trying to break free from the demon's grasp. ScreamClaw: "Alright rodent... like it or not, you're gonna help us get those kids' souls." ThunderSmacker: "Do as we say or we'll turn you into our supper!" SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what they said..." Laura: "Hey!, leave him alone!" shouted Laura, which caught the attention of the trio and sees the girl. ScreamClaw: "Stay out of this girl, this has nothing to do with you." Laura: "That's my hamster you're holding!, so it does have something to do with me!" ThunderSmacker: "Your hamster?" SpaceWarp: "Hey g-g-guys... that's the g-g-girl from the photo we s-s-saw earlier..." ScreamClaw: "Oh... you're right... perhaps she could be some use to us, ThunderSmacker, grab her." ordered ScreamClaw, before ThunderSmacker flies over and stood in front of Laura, who was really scared, before Travis stood in between the two. Travis: "Hey!, leave Laura and her hamster alone!" ThunderSmacker: "Oh how cute, a little hero, but that won't help you on stopping us." Tommy: "Then maybe this will!" shouted Tommy, who along with his friends came to the scene, holding a water hose that was ready to fire water at the trio, who got scared by the sight of it. SpaceWarp: "A w-w-water hose!" ScreamClaw: "You wouldn't dare..." Tommy: "I would... and I will if you don't let Hamtaro and the girl go." Gidget: "Leave now, or I'll use my psychic powers to make sure that the water will hit you." ThunderSmacker: "ScreamClaw... I don't like the idea of retreating... but I don't think we have a choice..." ScreamClaw: "Me neither... fine... they're free to go... [letting Hamtaro go and stepping away from Laura] this time anyway... but this is not the last you've seen us... we'll be back." said ScreamClaw, before he and the other two demons flew away from the scene. Travis: "Laura, are you okay?" Laura: "Yeah, I'm okay, and so is Hamtaro by the looks of it... [picking up Hamtaro, petting him and turning around to look at Tommy and his group] thanks... you saved us... but who are you... and what are you?" Tommy: "I'm Tommy, and this is my little sister Melody, and the others happened to be our friends, Gidget, and the twins, Jokey and Jokeo... as for what we are... it's a long story..." said Tommy, before he and his group begin explaining to Laura and Travis about what they used to be and their encounter with the Demon trio. Travis: "So... you five used to be humans... until those three demons tricked you to make a deal with them that transformed you into... talking animals of some kind?" Gidget: "Yeah... the kind that you might see in either cartoons or anime... and we've been on the run since it happened..." Jokeo: "And even if we could free ourselves from the demons... the spell that caused our transformations has made us lose our memories of who our families were, while our families have lost their memory of us... like we never existed..." Laura: "Oh my... that's awful..." Jokey: "Yeah... we left the United States and ended up here to hide from the trio... but they managed to find us..." Melody: "And it looks like Hamtaro has made himself a target for the trio now..." Laura: "Oh no... what am I gonna do...?" Tommy: "Well if it helps, we'll try to protect Hamtaro from the trio until we find a way to stop them." Laura: "Really?" Gidget: "It's the least we could do to make up the trouble we put him through." Laura: "Thanks, that's very kind of you." Melody: "You're very welcome." Travis: "But how are you gonna protect him?" Tommy: "Well... I have a body made of rubber." said Tommy as he makes his arms stretched out like rubber. Gidget: "I got psychic powers." said Gidget as she makes Hamtaro float up in the air before putting him down back onto Laura's hands. Melody: "I can heal myself and others." Jokey: "I can turn into a mammoth." Jokeo: "And I can turn into a giraffe." Travis: "Really?" Tommy: "Yeah, we can really do that." Laura: "But how are you gonna go around in public areas?" Tommy: "Huh... I haven't thought of that..." Gidget: "I think I have an idea." said Gidget, before she made her eyes glow and a bright flash of light surrounded Tommy and his group, and once the light faded, Tommy and his group now looked like hamsters like Hamtaro, much to the hamster's and the human pair's surprise. Hamtaro: "Whoa... you're hamsters like me!" Jokey: "Ah!, I shrunk!" Jokeo: "We all shrunk!" Melody: "Uh... what happened?" Gidget: "I used my Transform move on myself and you guys to take the form of hamsters, so we can sneak into places without being noticed, but don't worry, we can still use our powers to fight back." Tommy: "Whew... that's a relief..." Jokey: "Wait... how come you never did that before?" Gidget: "The writer didn't think of the idea until now." Jokey: "Oh..." Gidget: "Don't worry miss, we'll be close by to make sure Hamtaro is safe from harm." Laura: "Good to know... and thank you again." some time later, Laura and Hamtaro got back home and were getting ready for bed, but not before looking at the window and sees Tommy and his friends waving at them, and the duo waved back. Laura: "Well... this has surely been an eventful day... I managed to made some friends... and enemies as it seems... but at least our new friends will be there to protect us, right Hamtaro?" asked Laura to her hamster, who just nodded in agreement.

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