Ham-Ham Heartbreak, Part 2

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Last time, the Demon trio and Spat the Hamster Devil had teamed up and captured both Laura and Travis, now Hamtaro and the others were forced to make a choice on either giving up their own souls or the ones of Laura and Travis. Spat: "Now then... [making a raspberry] what's it gonna be?, your souls... or theirs?" ScreamClaw: "Choose carefully." ThunderSmacker: "Yeah... you only have one chance and one choice." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what he said..." said the demons, before Tommy got an idea in his head. Tommy: "Can you at least give us a chance to defend ourselves?, or are you too chicken?" ScreamClaw: "What?!, we are not chicken!" Tommy: "Then prove it, let us have a chance to defend ourselves." ThunderSmacker: "... Fine, what do you have in mind?" Tommy: "Play us a game, if we win, our debts are cleared and you will not go after us anymore and undo the damage you done here today... but if we lose, you can have our souls." SpaceWarp: "Uh... y-y-you promise?" Tommy: "Cross my heart." ScreamClaw: "Hmm... very well, you got yourself a deal." said ScreamClaw, before he and Tommy shook hands to finalize the deal. Hamtaro: "Um... Tommy... are you sure this is a good idea?" Tommy: "No... but it's not like we have a better one..." Melody: "Big brother... whatever you're planning... I'm sure it'll work." Gidget: "Yeah, it has to..." Jokeo: "Or we're toast..." Jokey: "Yeah..." a moment later, Jokey and Jokeo were the first to challenge the demons, and the first challenge was to show who was the strongest by picking up a very heavy rock. ThunderSmacker was the first to pick up a large rock. ThunderSmacker: "Ha!, top that brats!... [looking down and sees something made him gasp] huh?!" gasped ThunderSmacker, as he looks down to see that Jokey and Jokeo, who were in the forms of a mammoth and giraffe, were holding him and the large rock up with ease, much to everyone's surprise. Bijou: "Wow... those two are full of surprises." Boss: "Yeah, they won the first challenge." Travis: "Yeah, but the rest of us need to win too." a moment later, the girls get a turn on challenge the demons, which was a battle of wits by picking the right glass that was filled with lemonade. Gidget: "So we need to figure out which glass has some good lemonade... and the other being filled with lemonade mixed with salt..." ThunderSmacker: "Yes, let's see if you girls are smart enough to figure out which is which... and don't use your psychic powers to read my mind." Gidget: "As if there's anything in your head that tells me anything." ThunderSmacker: "Are you calling me stupid?!" Gidget: "No, but how you and the other demons get outsmarted by us a couple of times..." ScreamClaw: "Enough talking!, just get to the challenge!" Melody: "No need to yell, we're ready." said Melody, before they take a look at the glasses and made their choice while the demons did the same. Once the group took a big sip, ThunderSmacker and SpaceWarp spat out the lemonade. SpaceWarp: "Ugh!... our glasses had the s-s-salt..." Gidget: "Yeah, it wasn't hard to figure out when you have strong sense of smell." Spat: "You [making a raspberry] idiots!" the next challenge was digging a tunnel through a hill, and it was Boss and Bijou who get a turn this time. It was a lot of hard work, but they managed to beat the demons and made it to dug through the other side of the hill. Now the final challenge had come, which was a race between Tommy and Hamtaro, and ScreamClaw and Spat, and the first pair that makes it to the finish line will be the winner. The race was intense, but Tommy and Hamtaro both made it to the finish line first, allowing them to win the race. ScreamClaw: "I don't believe this!" Hamtaro: "You better believe it, we won, now you better keep your word." Spat: "Oh please... [making a raspberry] as if I would keep a promise to foolish goody ham-hams like you." said Spat, before he flys over to Bijou and kidnaps her. Bijou: "Help!" Boss: "Bijou, no!" Hamtaro: "Let her go!" Spat: "Or what?, [making a raspberry] you're no threat to me, you're just a little hamster who can't fight back." Hamtaro: "You're right... I'm not... but that doesn't matter... for I will not let you or anyone I love... that includes Bijou!" shouted Hamtaro, before he jumps up and tries to force Spat on letting Bijou go. Spat: "Let go of me!, [making a raspberry] you little brat!" Hamtaro: "Let go of Bijou!" shouted Hamtaro, before he finally managed to free Bijou from Spat, and then Hamtaro and Bijou fell down to the ground, but not before Boss ran over and caught them both safe and sound. Boss: "Are you two okay?" Hamtaro: "Yeah, thanks Boss, you saved us." Bijou: "And you saved me Hamtaro, merci." said Bijou, before she gives Hamtaro a kiss on the cheek, which made him blush and chuckled in a nervous way while rubbing the back of his head with his paw. Tommy: "Alright demons, a deal's a deal, we won the game, now leave." ThunderSmacker: "If you brats think that..." ScreamClaw: "Guys... it's pointless... that was the deal... we lost... let's go." SpaceWarp: "Oh b-b-bother..." Spat: "This is not over... [making a raspberry] I will have my revenge on you all, especially you, Hamtaro!" shouted Spat, before he and the Demon trio were engulfed in flames and vanished once the fire had faded away. Hamtaro and the others went over to Laura and Travis and freed them from the ropes, and then the pair went to give both Hamtaro and Bijou a hug. Laura: "You did it Hamtaro!, you're a hero!" Hamtaro: "I am?" Bijou: "Wee, you certainly were." Melody: "My big brother's a hero too, for the game idea was his after all." Tommy: "Thanks sis... but it was our teamwork that saved the day." Gidget: "Well either way... we're finally free..." Jokeo: "Yeah..." Jokey: "I guess we are..." Jokeo: "We did pretty good..." it wasn't long before all of the hamsters and humans went to give each other a big hug, happy that they were finally free from the demons and saved Valentine's day as well.

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