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After defeating both Spat and the Demon trio, Hamtaro went back home and waited for Laura to come back home. Speaking of the girl, she and Travis started hang out more and Travis asked Laura if she could go out with him on a date, which she happily accepts as she wanted to go out with him too. As the Toon kids, now that they were finally free from the Demon trio, they could have new lives by Gidget using her psychic powers to disguise them as humans, which looked similar to their original human forms but with their hair being the same color as their fur. Not only that, but Tommy and Melody got adopted by Laura's parents as they didn't had a family anymore, while Travis' parents did the same with Gidget, Jokey and Jokeo, meaning that both Laura and Travis have brand new siblings. Of course the Toon still can turn into their Toon or hamster forms when they need to play with the hamsters or use their powers to help those in need of help, like when Boss needed help on getting some flowers for Harmony, as he had a crush on the angel hamster, or stopping crooks from robbing a bank and stuff like that. Both Hamtaro and Bijou started to hang out more and more than ever, and it wasn't long before they too became a couple like their owners. Right now, the two hamsters were in Laura's room, talking to one another. Bijou: "You know Hamtaro... I'm really happy to have met you... I mean you're the sweetest hamster I've ever met." Hamtaro: "Thanks Bijou... when you're around... I don't feel so lonely whenever Laura is away anymore... thanks..." Bijou: "The pleasure is all mine." that was when Laura, Tommy and Melody came to the scene, along Travis, Gidget, Jokey, Jokeo, even Boss as well. Laura: "Had a good day?" Hamtaro: "Yup, thanks to Bijou here." Travis: "That's good to hear, for I'm sure she loves having your company too." Melody: "Who wouldn't?, they're both the sweetest hamsters we know." Boss: "You could say that again." Jokey and Jokeo: "Yeah." Gidget: "Of course Tommy here is the sweetest boy I know too." said Gidget, before she gives Tommy a kiss on the cheek, which made him blush a little bit. Tommy: "Gosh..." suddenly, Harmony, the hamster angel, came to the scene. Harmony: "Greetings everyone, I hope that I didn't interrupt anything." Hamtaro: "No, it's okay." Bijou: "What's wrong?" Harmony: "It's Spat... he's making a move again, I was hoping if you could help me on stopping him." Bijou: "Why but of course, we be happy to help." Hamtaro: "Yeah, there's no way we're gonna let Spat ruin the lives of others and get away with it." Tommy: "Then what are we waiting for?, let's go!" All: "Yeah!" called out the group, as they ran of the house and off to the next adventure, which is where this story finally comes to a close.


Well there you have it folks, the end of this story of HAMTARO JDD Version, I hope you liked it, and I hope you'll all enjoy my other stories as well, BYE!

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