Hamster Island

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After Hamtaro and Bijou forgiven each other about the ribbon incident, the hamsters were now on their way back to the clubhouse. However, it wasn't long before the group realized that they were lost. Tommy: "Um... Boss... are you sure you know where we're going?" Boss: "Well... to be honest, I've never been in this part of the woods before... but I'm sure we'll find our way back." Gidget: "I could use my psychic powers to get us back to the... the... ahchoo!" said Gidget with a sneeze, before starting to shiver and her nose got runny. Melody: "Oh no... Gidget you have a cold..." Gidget: "Looks like it... oh of all times to get one..." Boss: "I guess the cold weather here was too much for ya... but can't ya use your powers to teleport us back?" Gidget: "I can't... my powers don't work whenever I get sick..." Tommy: "It's true... last time she got a cold, her powers didn't worked at all..." Jokey: "Now what we gonna do?" Jokeo: "We'll just have to continue moving on foot I guess." Hamtaro: "Hey look, there's a clearing up ahead, maybe that's the way home." said Hamtaro, before he and the others went through the trees and bushes, and then see that up ahead was not home, but a large lake that was covered in ice, and a small island in the center of the lake. Bijou: "Wow... it's so beautiful..." Jokey: "What is?" Bijou: "The ice, it's sparkling like diamonds as the sun shines on it." Melody: "You're right, it is beautiful..." Hamtaro: "What's ice?" Bijou: "It's frozen water, which is like water that's solid and cold." Gidget: "Yeah, it could be either thick or thin, depending on how cold... cold... achoo!, it is..." Jokeo: "Hey!, I can see the neighborhood on the other side of the lake!" Tommy: "He's right!, if we cross this lake, we can get back to the neighborhood." Melody: "But how?, I don't see a way to go around the lake." Boss: "Then we'll just have to cross the lake." Tommy: "But we swim through, it's too cold." Boss: "Who said anything about swimming?, we can walk on the lake as it's covered in ice at the moment." Hamtaro: "We can do that?" Boss: "Sure." Bijou: "I don't know Boss... what if the ice breaks?" Boss: "I doubt that will happen, we don't weigh that much, so we should be fine." said Boss, before he and the others started to walk on the ice, trying to get to the other side of the lake. They were just about halfway there when Jokey lost his balance and fell on ice, which started to break, much to everyone's horror. Jokeo: "The ice is breaking!" Boss: "Oh man!" Tommy: "Quick!, to that island!" called out Tommy, before he and the others ran to the small island, just in the nick of time as the ice of the lake was now in a million pieces. Bijou: "Oh my... that was a close call..." Melody: "You could say that again..." Gidget: "Yeah... achoo!" Jokey: "Oh nuts... if only I wasn't so clumsy, then I wouldn't have broken the ice..." Hamtaro: "It's okay Jokey, it wasn't your fault." Boss: "No... it was my fault... I should have known better than to cross the lake, even when it was frozen..." Gidget: "Never mind who's fault it is... achoo!, we need to think of a way to get off this island and back to the neighborhood... achoo!" Melody: "Yeah... but what can we do?" Hamtaro: "Um... we could use a boat." Jokeo: "But we don't have a boat..." Tommy: "No... but there are some pieces of ice we could ride on as a raft." Melody: "Good idea, big brother!" Boss: "But how are we gonna get the ice piece raft to float us to the other side?" Tommy: "Um..." Hamtaro: "Would those sticks over there work?" asked Hamtaro, pointing at some sticks that were laying on the sand. Tommy: "Yeah, those might just work!" said Tommy, before he and the others take some of the sticks and jumps onto a big ice piece to use a raft, and then used the sticks to steer the ice piece raft to the other side of the lake. However, trouble brewed as the Demon trio showed up, trying to fire some fireballs from their pitch forks at the group. ScreamClaw: "You little rodents can't escape from us!" ThunderSmacker: "We will capture you one way or another, and tell us where those little brats are!" SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what they said..." Bijou: "Don't those monsters ever give up?!" Hamtaro: "Row faster everyone!" Jokey: "We're rowing as fast as we can!" Tommy: "Wait... I got an idea!" said Tommy, before he starts drinking the water from the lake, and starts to turn into a big ball that was filled with water, much to everyone's surprise. ScreamClaw: "What the?!" ThunderSmacker: "Since when could hamsters do that?" SpaceWarp: "G-g-guys... I think we're in t-t-trouble..." said the Demon trio, before Tommy started to spit out the water like a hose, and the water was heading for the Demon trio, who got scared and flew away just in time, only to see that Tommy continues to fire water shots at the trio. ScreamClaw: "Ah!, it's useless, we can't go near them while they're here..." ThunderSmacker: "I hate to admit it... but you're right..." SpaceWarp: "So n-n-now what?" ScreamClaw: "We retreat for now... but we will get those hamsters... and those brats sooner or later, one way or another." said ScreamClaw, before he and the other Demons flew away from the scene. Once the Demon trio were taken care of, the hamsters have made it to the other side of the lake and arrived back to the neighborhood. Boss: "Oh boy... back on dry land at last... thank goodness..." Bijou: "Well that certainly was enough action for me to have in one day..." Hamtaro: "Yeah... you could say that again, speaking of days, it's getting late, and I better get back home before Laura gets worried." Bijou: "Oh you're right, Travis will get worried too if I don't get home soon too." Tommy: "Then we'll see you two again at the clubhouse tomorrow." Melody: "Which is where Boss is letting us stay for a while by the way." Boss: "Well you guys don't have owners like Hamtaro and Bijou, and I can't just let you kids be out in the cold." Gidget: "And we are very grateful for... achoo!" Jokey and Jokeo: "Same here." Hamtaro: "Well, see ya all tomorrow." said Hamtaro, before he and the others went their separate ways to get to their homes.

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