The Ham-Ham Knight Dream, Part 2

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Last time, the Demon trio have entered Laura's dreams so they could give her nightmares to force her to tell them where the Toon kids were, while Hamtaro and the kids went into Laura's dreams too to stop the trio. Now, after meeting the dream versions of Laura, who is a princess, and Travis, who is a Blacksmith, they see that the sky was covered in black clouds and purple lightning, as a sign that the nightmares were about to begin. Everyone went outside of the castle to get a better look at the clouds, when all of a sudden, an evil laugh was heard, which echoed throughout the land. Melody: "Big brother... I'm scared..." Tommy: "I can't blame you sis... I'm scared too..." Gidget: "We gotta find the Demon trio and stop them... it's the only way to stop this nightmare!" Blacksmith Travis: "What do they look like?" Jokey: "Uh... they're demons that look like dragons with pitch forks." Jokeo: "One that's red, one in blue, and one in black." Blacksmith Travis: "You mean... like those three?" asked Blacksmith Travis, pointing at the Demon trio, who were flying down from the sky and landed in front of the group while laughing in an evil way. Princess Laura: "You must be the Demon trio I've heard about..." ScreamClaw: "Indeed we are... I'm pleased to know that you've heard of us." Princess Laura: "This kingdom is no place for nightmares, so I'll have to ask you to leave." ThunderSmacker: "Oh that's not possible, for you see, we came here to get you to spill the beans." Princess Laura: "About what?" SpaceWarp: "About where are the Toon k-k-kids... the ones who owe us t-t-their s-s-souls..." Princess Laura: "I do not know what you mean, but even if I did, I will never sell out any children to monsters like you!" ScreamClaw: "You don't have a choice!, for either you tell us where they are... or you and everyone else here will spend in our nightmares for eternity!" Hamtaro: "We won't let you do that!" ScreamClaw: "Maybe not, but there's nothing you can do to stop us... now then... let the nightmare begin!" said ScreamClaw as he begins to laugh in a crazy Joker way, before some monster plants popped out of the ground and attacks the group of heroes. Jokeo and Jokey: "Run!" shouted the twins, as they and the others begin to make a run for it, trying to get into the castle in hopes to escape from the plants. However, Princess Laura was captured by one of the plants, and then ScreamClaw captures her in his arms and he and the other demons flew off with her. Hamtaro: "Princess Laura!, no!" Princess Laura: "Help!, somebody help me!" cried out the princess as she and the Demon trio flew away from the scene. Blacksmith Travis: "No... Princess Laura... this is all my fault..." said the young blacksmith as he fell to his knees with guilt in his heart. Melody: "Don't say that Mr Blacksmith... it wasn't your fault..." Blacksmith Travis: "But it is... if I didn't ran away... then maybe those monsters wouldn't have gotten the princess... I'm nothing but a coward..." Hamtaro: "Hey come on... you're not a coward..." Blacksmith Travis: "How would you know?" Hamtaro: "Well... the thing is... me and my friends came from a place that has it's own version of you... and the princess... and back there... you stood up to those monsters to protect her." Blacksmith Travis: "Really?" Hamtaro: "Yeah, and if he can be brave, so can you." Melody: "And besides, there's no way we're gonna let those Demons get away with taking the princess and giving us nightmares, right?" Blacksmith Travis: "... No... we can't... but how are we gonna stop them?" asked the young blacksmith, before Boney 10 came to the scene. Boney 10: "I might be able to help you all with that." Tommy: "Boney 10, thank goodness..." Blacksmith Travis: "Is he a friend?" Melody: "Yes, he might be a demon dragon, but he's a good one." Boney 10: "Enough talking about me, we need to stop the Demon trio and rescue the princess." Hamtaro: "How will we do that?" Boney 10: "Well for starters... you'll need a special sword." said Boney 10, before he shows Hamtaro and the others a little rock filled with some steel in it. Gidget: "What's this?" Boney 10: "This rock contains some rare steel that can cut the Demon Trio's pitch forks in half, without their pitch forks, they lost most of their powers, and they'll have no choice but to leave... in other words, make a sword out of the steel in this rock and use it to stop the trio." Blacksmith Travis: "Make a sword you say?... well that I can do, for I am a blacksmith after all." said the young blacksmith, before he takes the rock and went to his shop to make a new sword out of it. Once the sword was made, he shows it to the group. Hamtaro: "Wow... that's a really pretty sword..." Jokeo: "Yeah... but it's kinda small..." said Jokeo, as he noticed that it was hamster size. Blacksmith Travis: "There was only enough steel to make a hamster sized sword." Jokeo: "Oh... so then... who's gonna use it?" Tommy: "Oh yeah... there's only one sword... and it's hamster size... which means only one of us can use it..." Melody: "Well I certainly can't... I'm a healer... not a fighter..." Jokey: "So true..." Gidget: "Hmm... Boney 10... who should use the sword?" Boney 10: "Well... I believe the sword will tell us." Hamtaro: "How?" Boney 10: "Make it spin... and whoever it points when it stops shall be it's wielder..." said Boney 10, before Tommy begins to spin it, and he and the others waited to see who it points at. Once the sword stops spinning, they see that it choose Hamtaro as it's wielder. Hamtaro: "Huh?!, me?!" Boney 10: "The sword has chosen you Hamtaro, for you have a big brave heart and you really love the girl... as she is your mother in a way..." Hamtaro: "... Yeah... you're right... then I better go save her." said Hamtaro, before he hears the sound of a dog barking, which was the dream version of Brandy, who comes over to the scene. Melody: "It's Brandy!" Boney 10: "He'll give you a ride to where the trio are holding the princess, good luck." said Boney 10, before Hamtaro and the kids went onto the dog's back, and that was when the dog's ears began to flap like a bird and started to fly. Hamtaro: "Alright!" Jokeo: "Hold on... since when can dogs fly?" Jokey: "We're in a dream bro, even I know that." said Jokey, before he and the others flew into the clouds, where some sort of dark castle was located, and went inside. It wasn't long before they find the princess tied up to a chair, forcing her to watch a TV screen that showed what was happening in her kingdom below, which was monsters attacking the people or their homes being destroyed and all that. The princess couldn't help but shed tears from her eyes as she was forced to watch what happening to her kingdom and her people. That was when Hamtaro and the kids went over to her. Hamtaro: "Fear not, princess, we've come to rescue you." Princess Laura: "Oh thank you, young hamster." said the princess, before Hamtaro and the Toon kids begin to untie the princess from the ropes. However, trouble brewed again when the Demon trio showed up, ready to attack the group. ScreamClaw: "Well looky here boys, some rodents have invested the place... time to call an exterminator... or better yet... be the exterminator!" Hamtaro: "Stay back demons!, or I'll use this sword on you!" shouted Hamtaro, pointing his sword at the trio. ThunderSmacker: "Is that supposed to scare us?" Hamtaro: "It should, for it can cut your pitch forks in half!" SpaceWarp: "No... n-n-not our p-p-pitch forks!" ScreamClaw: "Oh please, you really expect us to believe that?" Hamtaro: "Then challenge me to a dual!, whoever wins this shall take back the princess and this land!" ScreamClaw: "Very well... but if you lose, you'll tell us where those Toon kids are..." Hamtaro: "I will not lose... not to monsters like you!" shouted Hamtaro, as he and the Demon Trio went to battle between their pitch forks or sword. The battle was intense, as Hamtaro was fighting the trio all by himself, but he refused to give up the fight, while the princess and the others just watched helplessly. At last the battle ended, and Hamtaro managed to use the sword to cut the Demon Trio's pitch forks in half, much to the trio's shock and horror. ScreamClaw: "Our pitch forks!, you little rodent!, you'll pay for that!" Hamtaro: "A deal's a deal, now leave this land at once!" ScreamClaw: "... Fine... but you have not seen the last of us... we will have our revenge... and we will find and capture those kids..." said ScreamClaw, before he and the other demons flew away from the scene, and the sky started to clear up, showing the beautiful sun again, and the monsters throughout the land started to vanish as well, meaning that the kingdom was safe again at last. A little later, Princess Laura returned to the castle, where she tapped her sword on the shoulders of Hamtaro. Princess Laura: "For your bravery and kindness, I hereby dubbed you as Sir Hamtaro, the Ham-Ham knight." Hamtaro: "Wow... thanks Princess Laura... but I couldn't have done it without my friends, especially Boney 10 and Travis here." said Hamtaro, looking at the Toon kids in their hamster disguises, Blacksmith Travis and Boney 10 as well. Blacksmith Travis: "But I didn't do much?" Boney 10: "You were the one who made the sword that Hamtaro used to stop the trio, you're a hero just as much as the little hamster here." said Boney 10, before Princess Laura went over to the young blacksmith, and gave him a hug. Princess Laura: "And to tell you truth... I have been watching you from my telescope for a while now... and I couldn't help but think that... you're kinda cute." Blacksmith Travis: "Uh... really?" asked the young blacksmith while blushing in front of the princess, who was blushing as well. Princess Laura: "Of course... and I was thinking... you wanna hang out with me sometime?" Blacksmith Travis: "Um... sure... it would be a real honor your highness." Princess Laura: "Please... just call me Laura..." said the princess, before she gives the young blacksmith a kiss on the cheek, which was a touching moment for everyone in the room to see. Boney 10: "Okay kids... it's time to go." Tommy: "Okay..." Melody: "Sure..." Gidget: "Bye Princess Laura!, bye Blacksmith Travis, have a good life!" Jokey and Jokeo: "Bye!" Princess Laura: "Farewell little ones, we'll never for you all!" Blacksmith Travis: "See ya little hamsters!, and thanks!" called out the princess and blacksmith, before Hamtaro, the Toon kids and Boney left the dream world and came back to Laura's room, where the girl finally started to wake up and sees Hamtaro and the kids and Boney 10. Laura: "Oh man... what a dream... I was a princess and kissed a blacksmith that looked like Travis... and you were all there..." Boney 10: "Indeed we were." Laura: "Boney 10?, but wait... was the dream..." Tommy: "It was a dream... sort of... it's a long story..." said Tommy, as he and the others began to explain to Laura about what happened while she was sleeping.

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