Hamtaro & Bijou

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It was a brand new day for the Haruna family, and Laura just finished breakfast and was taking Hamtaro's cage, with the hamster inside, to the house where Travis Tyler lives so they can visit him. It wasn't long before the pair noticed that they were being followed by five hamsters, which were really Tommy, Melody, Gidget, Jokey and Jokeo in disguise. Tommy: "This Travis guy, is he nice?" Laura: "I believe so, for he did tried to protect me and Hamtaro from those monsters yesterday." Melody: "I believe so too, I hope his hamster is nice too." Laura: "I hope so too." said Laura, before she and the hamsters arrived to the house where Travis lives, and once the girl knocked on the door, Travis opens it. Travis: "Oh hi Laura, it's great to see ya, and I see you brought Hamtaro with ya." Laura: "Yeah, and our new friends too." said Laura, looking down at the toon kids in hamster disguises. Travis: "Come right in, my parents are out shopping, so we might not see them for a bit, but in the meantime, let's introduce our hamsters to each other." Laura: "Sure." said Laura, before she puts down the cage, and then Travis went upstairs and came back down with a hamster cage of his own, which had a white colored female hamster with blue ribbons. Her name was Bijou (voiced by Chantal Strand), and she sees Hamtaro in his own cage and she couldn't help but think that the male hamster was quite cute. Travis: "Everyone, this is Bijou, my pet hamster, Bijou, these are our new friends, Laura, and her hamster, Hamtaro." said Travis, before he let's Bijou out while Laura did the same with Hamtaro, and the pair looked at each other and they couldn't help but smile at one another. Laura: "Hey Travis, can you tell me what the school is like here?" Travis: "Sure, and in the meantime, our new friends can watch over our hamsters." Laura: "Good idea." said Laura, before she and Travis went to talk about the school in the neighborhood and it's schedules. As for the hamsters, they see Tommy and his group coming over to them. Bijou: "Bonjour everyone, it's really nice to meet you all." Melody: "It's nice to meet you too, I'm Melody, and this is Tommy, my big brother." Tommy: "Hi." Gidget: "My name is Gidget." Jokey: "I'm Jokey." Jokeo: "And I'm Jokeo." Jokey and Jokeo: "We're twins." Bijou: "So I can see." Hamtaro: "Um... what was that word you just said?, that Bonjour thing?" Bijou: "That's 'hello' in French, I used to belong to a family of Paris that moved here before Travis, who was a friend of my owner, became my owner." Gidget: "Really?" Tommy: "What happened to them?" asked Tommy, before Bijou looked down with a sad look on her face. Bijou: "There was a car crash and... they didn't make it..." Tommy: "Oh my gosh... I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have asked..." Bijou: "That's okay, you didn't knew... anyway, Travis decided to take care of me to honor my old family... and he's been taken such good care of me." Hamtaro: "That's great to hear, Laura is a really great human too, she's like a mom to me... in fact, she is like my mom... for she managed to take care of me ever since I was a baby, a runt of the litter... if it weren't for her... I wouldn't be alive today." Bijou: "My goodness... is that true?" Hamtaro: "Yeah." Bijou: "What about you all, what's your story?" Melody: "Um... well it's kinda... um..." Tommy: "Maybe I should explain..." said Tommy, before he explains to Bijou about what he and his friends and sister used to be before running into the Demon Trio and the curse that was put upon them, which made Bijou gasped. Bijou: "Oh my goodness... so you were once humans that got turned into Toons by a group of bad demons?" Gidget: "That's right..." Jokeo: "And we lost everything by it..." Jokey: "Yeah..." Bijou: "Oh I'm so sorry... I guess we all had some tragedy in our lives..." Hamtaro: "I guess so... but we managed to live on and got new lives." Bijou: "Indeed, and we get to meet one another as well." Hamtaro: "And we both have great owners." Jokeo: "Speaking of which, what's taking them so long?" Jokey: "What do you mean?" Jokeo: "Well it's shouldn't take this long for them to talk about the school around here and it's schedules." Gidget: "You're right, they've been gone a lot longer than they should have..." Tommy: "We should go check on them." Melody: "Yeah." so with that, the two hamsters and the Toon kids in hamster disguises went off to find Laura and Travis, but when they found them, they saw that the humans were tied up to some chairs and the Demon trio were there as well. ScreamClaw: "Well looky here boys, the little hamster from yesterday." ThunderSmacker: "Thought you could get away from us that easily?" SpaceWarp: "Uh... who are those other hamsters?" asked SpaceWarp, who just noticed Tommy and his group in their hamster forms. ScreamClaw: "Who cares, we're after a talking fox, rabbit, cat and two hyenas, not hamsters." ThunderSmacker: "But these hamsters will surely be a good bargaining chip to convince the brats to reveal themselves." said ThunderSmacker, before he and the other demon went towards the hamsters, who started to make a run for it, trying to escape from the Demon dragons. Bijou: "Who are those monsters?!" Tommy: "They're the Demon trio!, the monsters that turned us into Toons!" Melody: "And we don't have any water to scare them off this time!" Bijou: "What do we need water for?" Gidget: "They're weak to water!, so they can't risk of getting themselves wet!" Jokeo: "And we don't have a hose this time!" Jokey: "I know, let's use the toilet!" All: "NO!" Jokey: "Okay... sorry..." Melody: "Quick, under here!" called out Melody, before she and the others hide under the couch, and the trio began searching the room. ScreamClaw: "I know they're around here somewhere..." SpaceWarp: "G-g-guys... five of those hamsters... they l-l-looked familiar somehow..." ThunderSmacker: "What do you mean?" SpaceWarp: "I feel like I seen them somewhere b-b-before... b-b-but I c-c-can't put my finger on it..." ScreamClaw: "Never mind that, just find those hamsters." Laura: "You're not laying a finger on them!" shouted Laura, as she and Travis came to the scene, freed from their ropes as it seems. ScreamClaw: "What the?!, how did you two broke free?!" Travis: "You guys really need to work on tying knots." ThunderSmacker: "Never mind, you're just little kids, you can't fight us." Laura: "Don't have to, thanks to the advice from our new foxy friend, we have a way to keep you in line." said Laura, as she shows the trio a water balloon, which made the trio very nervous. SpaceWarp: "A water b-b-balloon?!" Laura: "Yup... and unless you want to wet, I advise you to leave." ScreamClaw: "Ugh... fine... but this isn't over, we'll be back... and when we do, both of you and those hamsters, and those brats will lose your souls to us... and that is a promise..." said ScreamClaw, before he hits his pitch fork on the ground and the trio were engulfed in flames, which faded away and the trio were nowhere in sight. Travis: "They're gone..." Laura: "Yeah... but you heard what he said... they'll be back..." said Laura, before the hamsters and the Toon kids came out of hiding. Tommy: "Oh man... that was too close... thanks, you saved us." Laura: "Well you and your friends saved us yesterday, so let's say we're even." Hamtaro: "Wait... she can understand you?" Tommy: "Of course, my friends and I, along with my sister, were originally humans, so we can speak human just fine, we just gained the ability to understand animal when we got turned into Toons." Bijou: "Really?, that's amazing!" Melody: "Yeah, I guess it is pretty cool." Gidget: "It sure is." suddenly, the sound of Jokey's stomach growling was heard. Jokey: "Sorry, all that running from the trio has made me hungry..." Jokeo: "Yeah, I could use a bite myself." Travis: "Well it is getting close to lunch time, we can make some sandwiches." Laura: "And we can get some sunflower seeds for our hamsters." said the human pair, before they went off to start making lunch for themselves and the hamster and the Toon kids. Hamtaro: "Sorry about that..." Bijou: "About what?" Hamtaro: "Those demons... they attacked because of me..." Tommy: "No Hamtaro, they were after us, not you, besides, that's all in the past now, we just need to think of a way to keep them away for good..." Hamtaro: "I guess..." Bijou: "It's okay Hamtaro, you didn't do anything wrong, and I'm glad you came." Hamtaro: "Thanks for saying that... but I think it's gonna take more than that to cheer me up now..." Bijou: "Hmm... would this be enough?" asked Bijou, before she gives Hamtaro a kiss on the cheek, much to the hamster's surprise, along with the Toon kids as well. Hamtaro: "Uh... what was that?" Bijou: "First time you received a kiss?" Hamtaro: "Uh... not really, Melody kissed me on cheek the other day... but this is the first time I got kissed by a hamster like me..." Bijou: "Really?, good to know." said Bijou with a smile.

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