The Hamster Clubhouse

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It has been one day after Hamtaro first met Bijou and Boss, and now the hamster was watching through the window to see the rain pouring outside. He was feeling rather lonely as Laura was away on her first day of school in the new neighborhood, and there was no one else to hang out with. Suddenly, the window started to open up, which made Hamtaro very scared as he believed it was the Demon Trio, until he sees that it was Tommy in his hamster disguise. Tommy: "Hey Hamtaro, are you okay?" Hamtaro: "Yeah... I just thought you were one of those monsters..." Tommy: "Don't worry, they would never try going out while it's raining, but something tells me it's more than just the fear of the Demon Dragons..." Hamtaro: "You're right... I miss Laura... she's gonna be gone for a while and I have nothing to do..." Tommy: "Well I might have something to could help, for you see, we're making a clubhouse out of the tree we were hiding the other day and I thought you could go check it out." Hamtaro: "Really?" Tommy: "Yeah, there is a tunnel nearby we can use to avoid most of the rain, follow me." said Tommy, as he and Hamtaro jump through the window and closed it a little bit, just enough for them to open it later when they come back, and climbed down to the ground and ran through a tunnel that leads to the tree. Once they were at the other end of the tunnel, they see that the inside, which was under the entrance of the tree, was getting a new makeover, like it was a human room that's hamster sized. Hamtaro: "Wow... this place is amazing!" Tommy: "I know, it's awesome!" said Hamtaro and Tommy, before they see Boss and the others coming to the scene. Boss: "Yeah, I found some of this stuff from the nearby junkyard and used them to make this place more comfortable to hang out in." Bijou: "Well that was very thoughtful of you." said Bijou with a smile, which made Boss blush a little and rub the back of his head with his paw. Jokey: "What this place really needs now are some snacks." Jokeo: "Yeah, like some popcorn or chips, or some cheeseburgers." Boss: "But all of that stuff is human food." Jokeo: "Well don't forget that most of us here were originally humans before our transformation." Boss: "Oh... right... forgot about that." Melody: "That's not something you forget so easily..." Gidget: "Well it's more like something hard to believe, which I can't really blame him for..." Tommy: "Yeah, it's not something that happens to someone everyday..." Bijou: "Oh... I hope the rain stops soon, I get scared of thunder..." Hamtaro: "Yeah... me too." Boss: "Don't worry, we're perfectly safe, no lightning is gonna get in here... [then sees some water dripping from the ceiling] water on the other hand..." Melody: "Uh oh..." Hamtaro: "Are we gonna drown?" Tommy: "I don't think it's raining hard enough to do that." Gidget: "Still we better do something about the dripping." Jokey: "I got an idea." said Jokey, before he pulls out a pipe and puts it on the ceiling, and the dripping water just went through the other end of the pipe's bottom. Jokeo: "It didn't work..." Jokey: "I just need more pipes." said Jokey, before he pulls out some more pipes, and the hamsters just watched Jokey put the pipes together. Gidget: "Uh... Jokey... hello?" Jokey: "Yeah?" Gidget: "You might have noticed it already, but you just made yourself a cage out of pipes around you." said Gidget, as Jokey looks around and sees that he was trapped in a cage made of the pipes he set up. Jokey: "Uh... a little help?" Jokeo: "Here... let me..." said Jokeo, before he grabs the pipes and break them in half, which of course lets out a lot of water that got poured into his face. Jokey: "You okay?" Jokeo: "Well... I'm not melting... that's a start..." Jokey: "So is that a yes?" Bijou: "Oh dear... what are we gonna do?, it's only a matter of time before more water gets in here..." Hamtaro: "Boss, do you have any ideas?" Boss: "Not sure... I don't normally mind the water, as I don't normally have company... but I'm sure I'll think of something..." Tommy: "Well you better think of it quick... cause I think more water is coming down..." said Tommy, as the ceiling was starting to drip more water, until a big hole was made that lets out some of the rain from outside into the clubhouse. Bijou: "Oh no!" Melody: "We're gonna drown!" Gidget: "Hold on!, I got an idea!" said Gidget, before she uses her psychic powers to make the water float up like magic and out of the clubhouse, and then tells Tommy to bring out an umbrella to block the hole on the ceiling. Jokey: "Oh... an umbrella... why didn't I think of that?" Gidget: "Cause you're not the one with the brains here." Jokey: "... Oh yeah..." Boss: "Sorry about that, I guess I made the ceiling a little too thin..." Bijou: "That's okay Boss, we all make mistakes, I'm just glad that everyone is okay now." Hamtaro: "So what now?" Bijou: "Hmm... good question, what should we do now?" Boss: "Gosh... I was so focused on making the place, I forgot about what activities we should do while in here..." Melody: "We could play some games... like uh... hide and seek." Tommy: "Good idea sis, let's try it out." so with that, the hamsters went to play hide and seek, and Melody gets to seek while everyone else hides. Melody begins looking around and while it took some time, she managed to find everyone. However, unaware to the hamsters at the time, the Demon trio were pacing back and forth in the Underworld, thinking of a plan to capture Hamtaro and use him to find and capture Tommy and his friends. ScreamClaw: "Hmm... let's see... how to get that hamster..." SpaceWarp: "Um... we c-c-could ask it nicely?" ScreamClaw: "That will never work!" ThunderSmacker: "Well then maybe we could trick the hamster's owner to trade him for a bag of magic beans." ScreamClaw: "That's Jack and the Beanstalk!" ThunderSmacker: "Oh right... sorry... wrong story..." ScreamClaw: "Quiet!, both of ya!, I'm trying to think here!" suddenly, a phone that was hanging on a wall begins to ring, and ScreamClaw goes to pick it up and answers it. ScreamClaw: "Hello... oh it's you... well now's not a good time... we're still trying to get the souls of the fox, cat, rabbit and hyena kids... wait... what are you planning?... hm... that's quite a very demon like plan... well good luck with it... bye..." said ScreamClaw, before he puts the phone back on the wall. SpaceWarp: "Uh... w-w-who was t-t-that?" ScreamClaw: "That was just Spat, he wanted to know if we got the kids' souls yet... which we are still working on... and told me that he has plans on destroying love for the mortals above." ThunderSmacker: "What kind of plan?" ScreamClaw: "One that involves this year's Valentine's day." said ScreamClaw with an evil smile, before he lets out an evil laugh that echoed through the whole area that the trio were in.

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