The Hamster Boss

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After having some lunch, Laura and Travis were talking to one another. Laura: "So Travis, you're a soccer player?" Travis: "You got it, and one of the best, at least that's what my team says." Laura: "Well I'm sure they're right." back with Hamtaro, he was with Bijou and the Toon kids, who were in their hamster forms as disguises, and they were all outside lying down on the ground, enjoying the warmth of the sun. Hamtaro: "Ah... what a nice day..." Bijou: "Indeed, it is, how you say, relaxing..." Tommy: "I guess..." said Tommy, feeling a little uneasy, which didn't go unnoticed by the others. Melody: "Something wrong, big brother?" Tommy: "No... I'm fine..." Gidget: "Tommy, your mind says otherwise..." Tommy: "Oh okay... it's just... I'm worried about the next time the Demon trio will show up... as they will not stop until they get our souls..." Jokey: "But they didn't." Jokeo: "Yeah, we still have our souls." Tommy: "Yeah... this time at least... but I don't know how long that will last... and once they get them... I don't know what will happen to us... we might..." said Tommy while looking sad and worried, before Melody placed her paw on his shoulder. Melody: "It's okay big brother, we're not gonna lose our souls, we'll be okay as long as we're together." Tommy: "Yeah... I guess you're right... thanks..." Melody: "It was my pleasure, I'm always happy to cheer up my favorite big brother." Tommy: "I'm your only brother." Melody: "I know, which is why you're my favorite." Bijou: "You're so lucky to have a sweet little sister like her." Tommy: "Yeah... I really am lucky..." suddenly, there was a sound of something moving in the bushes, which made the hamsters jump up in fear, as they feared that there was a predator hiding in the bushes, waiting to attack. Hamtaro: "What's that?" Bijou: "I don't know..." Melody: "I'm scared..." Tommy: "Don't worry sis, I'll protect ya!" Jokeo and Jokey: "Us too!" Gidget: "And me!" said the hamsters, before the mystery creature that was in the bushes came out at last. It turned out to be a hamster with a helmet on his head, and he was bigger than the other hamsters, and he had a shovel with him. His name was Boss (voiced by Ted Cole), and he noticed the group of hamsters in front of him. Boss: "Hey, what's up?" Hamtaro: "Uh... the sky?" Boss: "No, I meant why are you looking so scared?" Hamtaro: "Oh... well we thought some predator or worse was in those bushes..." Boss: "Nah, that was just me, name's Boss by the way, what's yours?" Hamtaro: "My name is Hamtaro." Tommy: "I'm Tommy." Gidget: "I'm Gidget." Melody: "I'm Melody." Jokey: "I'm Jokey." Jokeo: "And I'm Jokeo, and me and Jokey are twins." Boss: "Yeah, I can see that." Bijou: "Bonjour Boss, my name is Bijou, it's nice to meet you." said Bijou with a smile, which made Boss blush a little bit. Boss: "Uh... the pleasure's mine... never seen any of you here before." Hamtaro: "Well we normally spend our time in the house with our owners." Boss: "Ah... you're pet hamsters, the kind of hamsters that live with humans..." Hamtaro: "What's wrong with that?" Boss: "Nothing really, it's just that I'm a field hamster." Bijou: "What's that?" Gidget: "He's a hamster that lives in the wild, like fields for example." Boss: "You got it, I'm a field hamster, and the toughest one of all." Melody: "Really?" Boss: "Yup, nothing scares me, if some predator tries to get in my way, I'll teach it a lesson he'll never forget." Tommy: "Even if that predator is a demon dragon?" Boss: "A what?" Tommy: "Creatures from the Underworld, they're really mean, they steal souls from people... including children..." Boss: "What?!, stealing souls from children?!, what kind of sickos would do that and how?!" Melody: "The Demon kind... and they have magic..." Hamtaro: "Yeah, they can even turn people into animals too..." Boss: "How do you know that?" Gidget: "Well... the thing is... Tommy... Melody, Jokeo and Jokeo and I... we used to be humans... until we ran into a trio of Demon Dragons who tricked us to make a deal with them..." Boss: "What?" Jokeo: "It's true..." Boss: "No way... they can turn humans into hamsters?" Gidget: "Actually, these hamster forms are just a disguise I made up with my psychic powers, the animals we got transformed into were a cartoonish fox for Tommy, a rabbit for Melody, hyenas for the twins, and a cat for me." Boss: "Yeah... somehow I doubt it..." Gidget: "I can show you." said Gidget, before she uses her psychic powers to change herself, Tommy, Melody, and the twins back into their original Toon forms, which surprised both Boss and Bijou a lot. Bijou: "Oh my goodness!" Boss: "Whoa... so it's true... but wait... where did you get the clothes?" Gidget: "We always had them, they were just invisible while we're in hamster form so the Demon trio wouldn't recognize us." Bijou: "And yet, that didn't stop them from going after us earlier..." Hamtaro: "Yeah... they tried to use us as a ransom..." Boss: "Those cowards... picking on little hamsters... have they got no shame at all?" Melody: "I guess not..." Gidget: "Anyway... [using her psychic powers again to change herself and her group back into their hamster forms] the point is that we need to make sure the trio won't get our souls, and find a way to send them away for good." Boss: "Well if I ever meet these demons, I would personally teach them a lesson they'll never forget!" said Boss, before Hamtaro and the others gasped in shock, as they see that the Demon trio was standing right behind the field hamster. Tommy: "Uh... Boss... um..." Boss: "No really, I can't just stand by and let some overgrown lizards bully our kind and get away with it." Melody: "But... Mr Boss sir..." Boss: "Come on, I know that I might not look much compared to a human, but I'm pretty tough." Hamtaro: "Boss!, behind you!" Boss: "Huh?, what do you mean?" Bijou: "Um... the Demon Trio... they're standing behind you!" shouted Bijou, before Boss turns around to see that the Demon trio was indeed standing right behind him, which made the field hamster jumped back in surprise. Boss: "Ah!, what are those?!" Gidget: "That... is the Demon trio..." ScreamClaw: "Indeed, though I'm not sure how you know who we are... but I'll bet it has something to do with those brats who owe us their souls..." ThunderSmacker: "Tell us where they are... or else!" SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... w-w-what they said..." Hamtaro: "Uh... run?" Tommy: "Yeah... RUN!" yelped Tommy, before he and the others start to make a run for it, while the Demon trio started chasing after them. Bijou: "I don't understand, why are they back so soon?!" Hamtaro: "Yeah, it's been barely an hour since we last saw them!" Tommy: "Well this is a different chapter." Boss: "What are you talking about?!" Tommy: "It's a Toon thing... but never mind that, just run!" Melody: "No need to tell me twice!" Boss: "Quick!, I know a hiding spot we can go to, hurry!" said Boss, before he and the others ran to a tree with a small hole on the bottom of the trunk that was big enough for the hamster to crawl through, and it wasn't long before the Demon trio arrived, but they could not find them. SpaceWarp: "W-w-where did they g-g-go?, ScreamClaw, do you k-k-know?" ScreamClaw: "If I knew, I wouldn't be looking for them!" ThunderSmacker: "They're around here somewhere... this is the direction they were running off to..." SpaceWarp: "Why are we even looking for t-t-those hamsters anyway?" ScreamClaw: "Well one of them was a friend of those brats, if we get him, those will have no choice but to surrender, now find them!" shouted ScreamClaw, before he and the other demons begin searching the area, but could not find the hamsters anywhere. Speaking of which, they were still hiding in the tree, and they were doing their best not to make any noise that would alert the trio. Of course that was when Jokey let out a big sneeze, which of course happened at the same time when SpaceWarp let out a big sneeze too, so the trio didn't took much notice. SpaceWarp: "Oh... I hate f-f-flowers..." ThunderSmacker: "I agree, they always make us sneeze..." ScreamClaw: "Never mind that... we need to find those hamsters... and those brats... [looks up at the sky and sees some clouds coming] we better get back to the Underworld now... it's going to rain soon, and we all know that we can't handle water..." said ScreamClaw, before he and the other demons flew away from the scene, right when the hamsters finally came out of hiding, seeing that the Demon trio were finally gone. Hamtaro: "Wow... that was too close..." Bijou: "Wee... I thought for sure they would get us..." Boss: "So... those were Demon Dragons?" Melody: "Yeah... but why did they leave?" Gidget: "Look up." said Gidget, pointing at the sky, which shows that it was going to rain very soon. Jokey: "How about that, the weather has saved us." Boss: "What do you mean?" Jokeo: "Demon Dragons are weak to water, so they can't risk getting wet." Bijou: "Oh dear... I might not be weak to water, but I sure don't like getting wet and dirty." Hamtaro: "Then we better get back to our owners." Bijou: "Good idea." so with that, the hamsters went back to Travis' house, where they see that Laura was saying goodbye to Travis and then she sees Hamtaro and Bijou. Laura: "Oh there you are, come on Hamtaro, we better get home before it starts raining." said Laura, before she picks up Hamtaro and puts him back into his cage and walks off back to her house. As for the Bijou, Travis picks her up and takes her back inside, while Tommy and his group went off to follow Boss back to the tree they were hiding before, as a place to have shelter from the rain. As soon, as it started to rain, Laura was sitting on her bed, thinking about the day she just had with Travis and couldn't help but blush a little. Laura: "Man... Travis is a really nice boy... I hope that I get to see him more at my new school..." said Laura, who failed to noticed that Hamtaro was watching her, feeling happy that his mother figure had a good time while eating a sunflower seed.

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