Brandy's Sled Race

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It was a cold and snowy day, so school was out, which means that Laura gets to hang out with Travis and play in the snow, while Hamtaro gets to do the same with his friends as well. The group were playing in the backyard of Laura's house, when Travis noticed a dog sleeping in the doghouse. Travis: "Is that your dog?" Laura: "Yeah, that's Brandy, he likes to sleep most of the time, but I still love him very much, just like Hamtaro." Travis: "Speaking of which, where is he?" Laura: "Last I heard from Tommy, Hamtaro is with him and the others." said Laura, before the scene changed to show the hamsters having a snowball fight, while Jokey was trying to make a snowball, only to somehow get a small snow cube or a snow pyramid instead. Jokey: "Oh... why can't I make a simple snowball?!" Boss: "I'm more curious on how were you able to make those snow cubes and snow pyramids..." Hamtaro: "Don't worry Jokey, I'm sure you'll figure it out." Jokey: "Thanks buddy." Tommy: "Hey uh... has anyone seen Melody?" Jokeo: "I thought she was with you." Tommy: "She was, but she's trying to help Gidget recover from her cold." Bijou: "But where is Gidget?" Tommy: "I'm not sure... I don't hear her sneezing..." Jokey: "Maybe Gidget got better." Tommy: "Maybe... but I'll feel better when I know for sure that the girls are okay..." said Tommy, before he goes off to find Gidget and Melody, while the others followed him as they went to make sure the two girls were okay as well. Speaking of the two girls, Gidget and Melody have wandered off to find a place for Melody to help Gidget feel better peacefully without any disturbances. Melody: "Hmm... I think this spot is perfect." Gidget: "Are you sure?" Melody: "Well it's away from the boys' snowball fight, that's a good start, I can try heal ya in front of this large rock." said Melody, pointing at the large black colored rock, before the boys came to the scene. Tommy: "Oh... there you are... thank goodness... I was worried about ya." Melody: "Oh sorry about that, I just wanted to try helping Gidget heal from her cold peacefully, away from your snowball fight." said Melody, before the group started to hear some snoring. Hamtaro: "Hey... is one of us asleep?" Jokey and Jokeo: "Not us." Boss: "Well it ain't me." Bijou: "Nor me..." Gidget: "And it's not... achoo!, me..." Melody: "So then... who's snoring...?" Tommy: "It sounds like the snoring is coming from that rock..." said Tommy, before Melody went to look around the rock, and then saw something that made her gasped in shock and fell to the ground. Melody: "Oh no... that's no rock..." said Melody, as the scene zooms out to reveal that the rock was in fact a large black dog with 3 heads, sleeping at the moment. Tommy: "Oh no... it's Cerberus..." Hamtaro: "Who?" Gidget: "The 3 headed demon dog that guards the entrance to the... achoo!, underworld... and he's also the Demon Trio's... achoo!, dog..." Boss: "So I'm guessing he's not friendly... is he?" Tommy: "Nope... he's a really mean dog..." said Tommy, before Gidget lets out a really big sneeze that was loud enough to wake up Cerberus, who was growling at the hamsters. All: "Ahh!" shouted the hamsters, before they began making a run for it, trying to escape from the 3 headed demon dog. It wasn't long before they got to Laura and Travis, who gasped by the sight of Cerberus. Laura: "What is that?!" Travis: "A dog?... with 3 heads?" asked Laura and Travis, before they heard the sound of ScreamClaw laughing, and looked up to see the Demon trio flying above them. ScreamClaw: "Well... we meet again little mortals..." Laura: "Not you again!" ThunderSmacker: "Yes, it's us again, and we want to know where those Toon brats are!" SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... t-t-that's right... what he s-s-said..." Laura: "You're not laying a finger or claw on Hamtaro or those kids!" ScreamClaw: "Oh really?" asked ScreamClaw with a cold and evil smile, before landing on the ground and glares at the girl, who was now feeling very scared. Brandy, who just opened his eyes to see that his owner was in danger, got up and barks at ScreamClaw, before biting him on the tail. ScreamClaw: "Ahh!, get this mutt off of me!" Laura: "Brandy!, be careful!" Hamtaro: "Wow... I never seen Brandy act like this before..." Bijou: "He must be trying to protect Laura." Hamtaro: "Well I can't blame him for that, she's worth protecting." said Hamtaro, before ScreamClaw finally managed to get Brandy off of his tail, and then Cerberus barks at the little dog, who barks back at him. ScreamClaw: "That little mutt!, he's nothing compared to Cerberus." Laura: "Hey!, Brandy is a wonderful dog!" ScreamClaw: "Compared to Cerberus, he's nothing." Laura: "You don't know that for sure!" ScreamClaw: "Alright then... how about this... we shall see who has the best dog... in a dog sled race..." Laura: "Fine by me, Brandy will no doubt beat your dog." ScreamClaw: "We shall see..." said ScreamClaw with an evil smile on his face, while Tommy and his group couldn't help but feel very worried as they knew that the demon's smile means he was up to something bad. Later that day, the group had their dogs rope tied to their collars, which will be used to pull some sleds that Laura and ScreamClaw will be riding on, while the others will have to stand and watch. Laura: "Alright, if Brandy and I win, you'll have to accept that Brandy is the best dog here." ScreamClaw: "Sure... but if Cerberus and I win... which we will... you will surrender those brats to us." Laura: "What?!" ScreamClaw: "Oh... guess I didn't mentioned that earlier..." said ScreamClaw with an evil chuckle, which made Laura gulped as she realized the mistake she made on agreeing on the race. Travis: "You rotten demon!" ScreamClaw: "Flattery will get you nowhere, now then... let the race begin!" said ScreamClaw, before he and Cerberus start racing, while Laura and Brandy raced behind them. While Laura and ScreamClaw race with their dogs, ThunderSmacker and SpaceWarp tried to sabotage the race to get ScreamClaw to win, however, Hamtaro and the others managed to stop them and the race was not interfered. The two members of the Demon trio tried one more attempted to make sure ScreamClaw and Cerberus wins, which was making a large snowball that will roll down the hill to hit Laura and Brandy. However, when the giant snowball starts to roll down the hill, Brandy managed to run himself and Laura out of the snowball's way, and the snowball hits both ScreamClaw and Cerberus instead, much to the two demons' shock and dismay. With ScreamClaw and Cerberus down, Laura and Brandy arrived to the finish line first, allowing them to win the race. Laura: "You did it Brandy!, great job!, good boy!" said Laura in joy as she gives Brandy a big hug and kiss on the nose, which the dog really enjoyed, along with the affection his owner was given him. When ScreamClaw and Cerberus gets out of the snow from the snowball, he was looking very mad at ThunderSmacker and SpaceWarp. ScreamClaw: "You two have only 3 seconds to live... 1..." said ScreamClaw, before he starts chasing the other two demons. ThunderSmacker: "What happened to 2 and 3?!" SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah!, what he said!" cried out ThunderSmacker and SpaceWarp, while running away from the angry ScreamClaw and Cerberus. Tommy: "Well... I think we all learned something from this..." Melody: "Yeah... cheaters never win, and winners never cheated..." Gidget: "Yeah..." Jokey and Jokeo: "Ditto." said the Toon kids, before Travis comes over to Laura. Travis: "You were awesome back there, you and Brandy both." said Travis, which made Laura blush a little bit. Laura: "Thanks, but Brandy was the one who deserves the credit." Tommy: "You were awesome too Miss Laura, after all, you were the one who gave Brandy guidance." Laura: "Thanks." said Laura, before she looks down at Brandy, the dog that she was very proud of.

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