The Ham-Ham Knight Dream, Part 1

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It was a new day when Laura just finished school for the day and returned home. She went into her room to check on Hamtaro, who seemed to be doing okay at the moment. Laura: "Hey Hamtaro, I got a book that I like to show you, it's a story about knights, wizards, dragons and princesses, wanna hear?" asked Laura, before Hamtaro nodded yes, which made Laura smile and she begins to read the book to Hamtaro. However, while Laura was reading and Hamtaro was listening, the window began to open up, revealing the Demon trio poking their heads into the room. ScreamClaw: "Okay SpaceWarp... do your stuff..." said ScreamClaw, before SpaceWarp begins to exhale some gas from his mouth, and the gas started to make Laura and Hamtaro very sleepy until they fell asleep as the Demon Trio went all the way into the room. ThunderSmacker: "Well it looks like they'll be taking a nap for a while..." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... but uh... what do we need to have t-t-them sleep for?" ScreamClaw: "To give them a nightmare they'll never wake from until they tell us where those brats are... now come on!" ordered ScreamClaw, before he and the other demons shrank themselves down and went into Laura's ear to enter her mind. Little did the trio knew that a shadowy figure was hiding behind the closet door, witnessed the whole thing. When Hamtaro woke up, he sees Tommy, Melody, Gidget, Jokey and Jokeo around him. Tommy: "Hamtaro, what are you doing sleeping in this time of the day?" Hamtaro: "Huh?, what happened?" Melody: "We were gonna ask you that." Gidget: "What happened?" Hamtaro: "Uh... I don't know, Laura was just reading me a book about knights, princesses, wizards and dragons... then I smelled something weird... after that... nothing..." Jokey: "Um... guys... why isn't Laura waking up?" asked Jokey, as he tries to shake Laura in hopes to wake her up, but it didn't work, and then Jokeo used a little bowl of water on her face, but it didn't work either. Jokeo: "Oh man... she's not waking up at all..." said Jokeo, before the sound of a voice that said, 'That's because she's under a spell', was heard, causing Hamtaro and the Toon kids in hamster disguises turned around and see someone coming out of the closet. The mysterious figure was a demon dragon, but he was smaller than the trio, and had no wings and looked much older and had a cane. His name was Boney 10 (voiced by Mel Brooks), and he was someone that the kids recognized right away. Melody: "Mr Boney 10!, it's you!" cried out Melody in joy, before she runs over to the elderly demon dragon and gave him a hug. Boney 10: "Hello Melody, it's good to see you too." Hamtaro: "Wait... you know him?" Gidget: "Don't worry Hamtaro, he's a friend." Hamtaro: "Really?" Tommy: "Yeah, that there is Boney 10, a friendly demon dragon, he was the one who helped us escape from the Demon trio the first time after we got turned into Toons." Hamtaro: "So there are good demons?" Boney 10: "There are more than just one kind of demons out there... I happened to be a demon that has a soft spot for kids." Melody: "Um... Mr Boney 10... I hope you don't mind me asking... what brings you here?" Boney 10: "Well I came looking for you, making sure you were all okay... when I saw the Demon trio coming in here and used the dream realm spell on this girl here." said Boney 10, pointing at Laura, which made the others gasped. Hamtaro: "Wait... Laura is under a spell?!" Boney 10: "Yes... they used SpaceWarp's sleeping gas to knock her out long enough to get into her mind and create a dream realm to give her a dream/nightmare to force her to tell them the whereabouts of the kids... in other words, until either she tells them or the Demon trio getting defeated in the dream realm... she'll never wake up..." Hamtaro: "WHAT?!" Melody: "Oh no!" Gidget: "Wait... you said either she tells them or they get defeated in the dream realm... you're saying that if we stop them in her dreams... she'll wake up?" Boney 10: "Yes, but beating them in the dream realm won't be easy, as they can control the dreams just as much as the one who is dreaming." Hamtaro: "I don't care!, we gotta save Laura!" Jokeo: "Yeah, she's a really nice girl, there is no way we're gonna let those demon creeps mess with her and get away with it!" Jokey: "Yeah!" Boney 10: "Well alright... but first you need to get into the dream realm first." Hamtaro: "How are we gonna do that?" Boney 10: "First, you must go to sleep, and I'll do the rest." said Boney 10, before Hamtaro and the Toon kids went to sleep, and thanks to the old demon using a spell, the group went into Laura's dreams and found themselves in the middle of a huge sunflower field. Hamtaro: "Wow... where are we?" Gidget: "We must be in Laura's dream..." Melody: "Funny... it doesn't look at all scary..." Jokeo: "Yeah... I thought Boney 10 said that the Demon trio were putting Laura into some nightmare..." Jokey: "Me too..." Tommy: "Maybe the nightmare part hasn't started yet..." Hamtaro: "I don't like the sound of that..." Melody: "Hey look!, there's a castle over there!" said Melody, pointing at what looked like a castle not far from where she and the others were. Hamtaro: "Wow!, that looks like the castle from the book Laura was reading to me." Gidget: "Maybe that's where we'll find Laura, come on!" so with that, the group went off to the castle, when they see a village that stood between them and the castle. While passing through the village, they see a blacksmith that was the dream version of Travis, and he was making what looked like a sword. Blacksmith Travis: "Greetings young travelers, are you in need of a sword?" Hamtaro: "Not really, we're here to see Laura." Blacksmith Travis: "Oh you mean the princess?" Hamtaro: "Wait... you can understand me?" Gidget: "Hamtaro, we're in Laura's dream, where anything's possible." Hamtaro: "Oh right." Gidget: "Yes, we're here to see the princess, for we believe that she might be in danger." Blacksmith Travis: "What do you mean?" Tommy: "Well... the Demon Trio are somewhere around here, and they're gonna give the princess terrible nightmares if we don't stop them." Blacksmith Travis: "Oh dear... if what you say is true... then you must go to her right away." Hamtaro: "Would you like to come?" Blacksmith Travis: "Um... I don't know... to tell the truth... I always wanted to go out with her... but I couldn't... for she's a princess... and I'm only a blacksmith... she wouldn't be interested in seeing someone like me..." said Travis while rubbing the back of his head with hand while blushing a little. Hamtaro: "Don't worry, I'm sure she'll really like you." Blacksmith Travis: "You really think so?" Hamtaro: "Sure, now come on." said Hamtaro, before he and the others, including Travis, went over to the castle, in hopes to meet the princess. However, the front gate's guards won't let the group to pass in, saying that they were not allowed in the castle, forcing them to leave. Jokey: "Now what are we gonna do?" Jokeo: "Hmm... hey... we could tunnel our way into the castle." Blacksmith Travis: "I don't know... what if we get caught?" Tommy: "Well we can't just sit here and do nothing." said Tommy, before he and the others began to make a tunnel and were on their way into the castle. Once the dug up to the surface, they see that they were now in the castle, and began their search for the dream version of Laura. Then there was trouble, as a group of guards appeared and caught the group. They were then being taken to the throne room, where the princess, who happens to be the dream version of Laura, was sitting on her throne, surprised to see the group of hamsters, but most of all, the young blacksmith that she secretly had her eye on for quite a while. Princess Laura: "Excuse me, but what brings you here?" Hamtaro: "Laura, you gotta listen..." Travis: "That's 'Princess' Laura or your highness." Hamtaro: "Oh right... sorry... Princess Laura, hear us out, you're in terrible danger!, the Demon trio are here somewhere and are about to give you never ending nightmares if we don't stop them!" Princess Laura: "Is that true?" Gidget: "I'm afraid it is, your highness." Blacksmith Travis: "Well as much as I don't want to believe it... I can't take the risk of you getting in danger." Princess Laura: "You're the young blacksmith in the village, correct?" Blacksmith Travis: "Um... why yes, I'm Travis... it's a real pleasure to finally meet you in person... let alone talking to you..." said Blacksmith Travis while blushing a little, unaware that the princess was blushing a little too. Suddenly, the sky began to turn dark, and everyone was surprised by this as it was the middle of the day. Princess Laura: "What's going on?, why did everything go dark?" Tommy: "Oh no... it's begun... the nightmares..." said Tommy, as he and the others looked outside to see the sky covered in dark clouds and purple lightning.


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