The Revelation

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Suddenly I'm running fast. I reached at the airport but my mother had sent out guards to follow me.
My heart beat was jumping fast due to the fear of getting caught for the past 22 years.
I was still navigating through the brustling crowd to look for an escape route.
And then, out of nowhere, I accidentally collided with someone. It was a young, masculine man.
Our bodies collided with each other within the moment of chaos, causing me to stumble and almost lose my balance.
Our eyes locked up with each other.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't -
It was almost he was about to start an argument.
"Can't you walk properly? You ruined my suit."
"Excuse me? I apologized."
"I don't want your unecessary apologization." He scoffs in anger.
He was so full of himself. Arrogant.

I was about to say something to him until I heard the guards calling my name from distinct.
I couldn't help but sort of clung to him by his collar seeking refuge and safety from their presence.
"What do you think you're doing?" His voice becomes stiffened.
I try to shush him with my index finger.
"Shhh.." I was peeking behind his broad shoulders . He tried to look back to see what's happening.
"DON'T LOOK!" I turn his face to him
"Be quiet for 2 minutes, please."
He looks at me.
After a while, they got lost. This was my opportunity to run.
I try to walk away but he grabs me by my shoulders.
"Where do you think you are going ?"
I raise my eyebrows.
He's waiting for an explanation.
I take a deep breath.
"Arrogant Sir, I'm sorry for ruining your suit. It wasn't intentional. I will pay you back but for now please don't waste my time. I'm already running short ."
He scoffs.
"Ah. Those guards were after you?"
I look down.
"Your running away from home. Perfect."
I give him a stare. I take out my notebook from my bag and wrote him down my number. And thrown the page to his hand.
"That's my number. I'll pay you back soon."

I quickly ran to boarding flight. And finally sat down at my seat.
I can't believe the whole chaos ended.
I'm free.

After hours of flight, I reached Italy.
The new environment, the fresh air was very peaceful.
My phone notification buzzed.
I open my phone to look at it. It was Michael.

"I hope you reached safely. I told my friend to welcome you . You can turn on the Google maps to reach the location .Message me if you need anything.
-From Michael."
I quickly turn on Google maps and put on the location and got myself a cab. After 35 minutes, I reached .
To be honest, this place was beautiful.

I took off with my stuff and walked towards the house.
It was refreshing. Feels like I'm born again.
I was about to knock at the door while a lady just popped up and greeted me with respect.
"You must be Eloise Casey. It's pleasure to meet you. Give me your suitcase. I'll put it in your room and accompany you."
I was delighted.
"It's okay. I can take it ."
"I insist. Scarlet Sir, specifically told me to accompany our guest."
I repeat.
"Scarlet? Who's that?"
She looks at me with a stare.
"He's the landlord of this house. Anyways you go freshen up. I'll serve you the food and Master will be joining you soon."
She just left after that leaving me with intrusive thoughts.
There's a master here? Scarlet?
Nevermind. Let's just go and freshen up.
After a while I heard some voices from downstairs.
"Yes , she arrived on time. I'll serve the food now."
I gathered up my confidence to go down.
I went to kitchen.
"Hey, do you need any help with this?"
She was making a Lasagna.
"Thank you , but you can sit. Master is here. He'll join you ."
I nodded.
The dinner looked fabulous after a long time.
Behind me I could hear him coming towards the table.
"Thank you , you can go take a rest."
He came forward.
"I apologize for showing up late. There was traffic but I tried my best."

When we locked eyes, the smile on my face turned into anger.
He looks confused.

"You. What are you doing here?"
I look at him.
"What are you doing here??" I repeat his words.
"I'm not allowed in my own home?"
He raises an eyebrow.

"Your home?" I gasp.
He scoffs in disappointment.

"Are you by any chance Eloise Casey?"

How did he figure out my name?
"How did you-
"I was getting a feeling. So your the disrespectful mystery that Michael dropped at my house?"
This man really gets on my nerve.

"You can't stay here." His voice aggressive.
He came forward. Anger crawled over him.
"Watch your tone, woman." He says to me eye to eye.

Suddenly his phone rang.
He started talking and looked at me.
"Yeah she arrived ."
I could hear the muffled voices on the phone.
"Okay. Sure thing."
He hangs up the next second. He gives me a stare.
"It was Michael...
I cross my hands.
"He was telling me to keep you safe.."

I can't believe my brother said that. I'm old enough to take care of myself.

"I can take care of myself." I say in smoot tone.
"I know you can, love and that's great. Be the responsibility of your own and don't get in my way and we'll both be good to go."
I scoff at his words.
"Its not like I'm dying to get in your way."
He was done for today.
He smirked and just left.

Arrogant asshole.
I eat the food and go to my room.
This was like the first night where I slept without having nightmares or panicked breaths. Just a peaceful night.
I hope it continues....


Thank you for reading the "Silent Seduction". I appericate your time. I'll be posting the next parts soon!!

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