Captivated Forever.

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All I remember was muffled voices and blood pouring down drop by drop from my head. I want to end this.
I don't know who this man is and why are they onto me like I have a special relation with him.
Their continuously hurting me for lying.
I don't know if Scarlet have asked for help . He might be worried.
That's one of the most funniest thing I ever said. He and cares? Not happening in parallel universe.
"Hey there. How you feeling?"
I don't give that bitch a reply.
"Are you ready to spill some truth today? If you don't wanna get hurt because of a man. He isn't worth it."
I face her.
"That's the last time I am saying I don't know him. I don't know who he is, where he belongs or what he does."
She takes a deep breath.
"You're stubborn." She was going to slap me until his men stopped her .
"Leave her alone. We gotta take her somewhere. Let's go."
She looks at me.
"Looks like your saved. Get the fuck up now."
She picks me up and drag me to the car.
"Leave me alone! LEAVE ME ALO-"
She grabs my hair.
I feel pain again.
"Walk bitch." I have no other options but to listen.
I walk towards the car and get inside.
He looks up to me from the rear view mirror and smirks.
"You might hit the luck today woman."
I raise my eyebrows.
"The man your protecting and taking hits for , is gonna come pick you up. We're taking you to him."
But you might survive but not him. He laughs.
He starts the car engine.
I can't think straight. I gather up my confidence not to feel weak.
Around few miles , we reach some old building .
She takes me out.
"Showtime Eliose." She smacks her lips.
I shake my head off.
She drags me inside and I see a car on a distinct.
This car seems like I seen it before.
They stop me and he steps forward.
"It's been a while since our last meet isn't Nick?"
I could feel someone standing beside the car in the shadow but the darkness hid his face .
"You got yourself a strong girl. She didn't reveal anything about you. Took so much pain for you."
He takes a deep breath and comes forward.
I couldn't believe my eyes.
This can't be real. I lock eyes with him and gave him a confused look.
Anger crawled over me but I don't give him a reaction.
"Deal's deal Richard. Let her go."
Richard looks at me and laughs.
"I mean , Nick you have been a quite pain in the ass."
He gives her a stare.
I scream in pain.
"NO!" he shouts.
Richard takes out his gun.
"If you come forward, it's not gonna end prettily."  He stops at the moment.
She stabbed me .
I got tears in my eyes. I'm bleeding in pain.
Nick drops his gun. He can't take the risks.
Suddenly there's a blackout.
"What's happening?" Richard shouts.
There are muffled voices of fighting.
When the light turned on , my vision got blurry but Nicks brother got his men.
Richard looks back and faces nick.
"Didn't I told you not to bring anyone?"
"I didn't , actually. They have my back. always. Game over , Richard."
He laughs like a maniac.
"The game ends when one of us die."
He runs  towards him.
Their gonna fight
The air thickened with tension. Gunfire erupted, echoing through the buildings. The sound of each punch was  reverberated off the walls. It almost looked like Nick's heart raced, his adrenaline pumping as he fought with all his might to kill him.
Richard pointed the gun towards him.
"Be careful Nick." Enzo says to him.
They  both struggled.
Richard fell down and he got over him.
He punched him multiple times.
"This is for hurting her !! "
Blood was spilling on the floor.

I struggle.
"Help me... Hel-
Dante calls him.
"Nick. She's hurt. Leave him alone. We'll deal with him."
He punches him last time that he faints.
"Kill all of them  except Richard . I need him alive." They nod.
He came towards me.

"Eliose. God. You're bleeding."

He brushes off my hair from my face and holds me in his hand.

"Hey , your gonna be fine. Look at me."

I match my eyes with him.

"It's.. it's hurting." I cry.

"Don't worry. Your gonna be just fine. They're gonna pay hell for what they did to you. That's my promise.."
He picks me up in his arms and take me outside.
My eyes blurred but I could see them killing all of them . How could he easily kill them?
Everything got dark.
When I woke up, I was lying on the bed . My stomach was hurting
I sat up with struggle.
"El , don't burden yourself..let me help you." He came towards me but I give him a sudden reflex by turning away.
He sighs.
"You shouldn't work out. Just lay on the bed and rest for a while. You're hurt."
I look up to him.
"You lied." I give him a stare.
"Are you offended, El?" I scoff.
"It was to keep you safe."
"SAFE? Yeah ever since I met you I keep getting hurt. This is how you keep me safe?"
"You got hurt when you were away from me!" His voice deepened.
" I wouldn't have gotten hurt , if you would have told me about your hidden identity! God knows what other secrets are you hiding."
He smiles.
"You need to rest, El."
" You killed all those people so easily. You acted fucking innocent Infront of me, but your two faced."
He curls his finger.
" Be specific. You should be grateful that you are alive."
I scoff.
"Oh really?"  I stand up with struggle.
"You really shouldn't be getting up."

"I'm done. I'm done living with you." I push him away and run.
He sighs.
I run as fast as I could.
I look back but he isn't following me. I don't why this house has became much confused. Endless rooms. I try to open the room but it's locked.
"Don't use your energy on it. It's a waste."
I sigh.
"Open it." He shakes his head.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. Your life is in danger now. You gotta live here with me until the risks are ended."

"I would rather die then live with you ."
I shout.
I turn back and open the door aggressively. He comes behind me and picks me up on his arms.

"Leave me alone! Drop me. Right away." I hit him with my hands.
"Asshole. Leave me alone."
He stops and looks at me.
"Am I really am asshole?" He gives me a stare.
I take a deep breath.
Eyes got filled with tears.
"I shouldn't have met you."
He smiles. " It's okay." He takes me to the bedroom and his maid brings me food.
I don't talk to them . All of them are liars.
"I'm not hungry. Take it away."
he looks at me .
"You can leave. I'll take it." The maid leaves.
"If your not gonna eat it , I'm gonna make you eat the food by my rules."
"I don't care." I scoff.
"Sure. It was your decision after all."

He takes a handful of spoon and grabs me by my waist. And give me a sip of soup . The tension was so deep that I forgot I argued with him.
"Good girl." He says to me.
"Why are you doing this to me?" I say softly .
"Love, it wasn't intentional. I didn't knew I would put you in this situation. If I had known I would have kept a much longer distance between you. But you gotta understand the risks. When your not in my sights, your life might get in danger just like yesterday."
"What do they want from you?"
He inhales.
"El, they're dangerous people. They want to kill me. But now you're in the way. They think it of as an advantage of using you towards me. So I gotta keep you safe."

" Aren't you dangerous too? You kill people. I have no reason to trust you."

"Correct. No reason to trust me. But for your sake trust me. Bear it for some time and it will be more easy."
I take a sip again from the soup.
He gets up and gives me water to eat the medicines.
"Take good rest. I'll come back in the evening. I have some unfinished work to do."
"Is it Richard?"  He nods .
He closed the door . Its me and my intrusive thoughts again .
The medicines did it's effect. I felt asleep again.


Thank you for reading this part. I appericate your time. I'll be uploading the next part soon!

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