Chapter Four

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Alia's pov
It's a Sunday that's the favorite time of the week for me. No college, no work and I get to spend some time with Sitara. I am mostly alone in this apartment. It feels so big and lonely at times.

"Hmm." I said and looked at the source of sound. Sitara was all dressed up. She was looking really beautiful. But why is she dressed up on a Sunday morning.

"Where are you going Tara?"
"I have a date. I and Rajvardhan are going on a book Cafe date and I am so excited. Even though it's a friend date." She said dancing in little.

Rajvardhan is Sitara's crush since her school time and later she discovered that he was in the same college as hers. They've been friends since our college era.

"But he is not much of a book boy right?"
"He is not but he agreed to go out with me."
"Wow that's great. Don't you think it's high time you tell him about your feelings. "
"I know it is but it's hard." She said she was clearly upset.
"Oh its okay girl. It's better that you are getting to know each other."
"Yeah you are right someday we'll be together I believe that." She said and got up.
"Yeah that's the spirit now go." I said and she got up.
"Wait look am I looking good? Are my hairs set? Is this outfit okay? Is my makeup okay? Should I apply lipstick? Should I wear something else? Are my hair bangs perfect? C'mon answer."

"Take a breather girl. See everything is fine just go."
"Ahh." She shouted.
"What happened?"
"He is here. Am I looking good?.."
"Cut the crap. You're looking beautiful just go." I said and she ran to the door and again returned to me.
"What now?"
"The very important thing. I am really sorry Allu. You know I am busy. I don't really have time and today we both were free so we planned this I am really sorry I couldn't spend time with you."
"It's totally okay sweetheart. Just go and enjoy yourself out there."
"Are you sure? I'll be out whole day."
"Of course go and bring me a brother in law." I said winking she smiled hugged me tight and went out.

I am happy for her but at the same time I'm again alone in this big apartment.

I decided to take a stroll in the park which is in our neighborhood. I saw children all playing like they are in a different world. It's true they are in there own world away from this complicated world.

"Can you pass the ball?" A voice shouted. It was one of the children the ball they were playing with is near my feet.

"Sure here." I said picked up the ball and threw it to the kid he catched it
"Perfect thank-you."
"You're welcome. Enjoy." I said smiling.

I miss being a little girl. I miss playing like this. I miss the time I never worried about anything. I miss the times I let myself be totally free in nature.
Everything changed expect one, I was alone back then and I am yet alone.

I played every much in my childhood. But all alone. No one liked to talk with me. I had many insecurities. The biggest was my Dysarthria that is mispronouncation of words. I hated being teased for that and then developed liking towards being lonely and enjoying my own company. But now the more I grow up the more I feel I can't keep on being alone.

I never loved it I was used to it.

I don't know why, but now I feel I really need someone. Back in my childhood days I was okay being alone.

Or maybe I was just adjusting and getting used to the situation.

My thoughts were interepted by a voice.
"Hey." It was Abhimanyu Sir.
"Hi sir, you here?"
"I was nearby for work purpose so I thought to take a stroll here. Surprisingly I found you."
"Yeah. Good day for a stroll right?"
"Yeah the weather today is really good and sunny no clouds but someone's thoughts seem to cloud her." He said and I looked at him.
"Don't look like that. You're not the only one who can understand people's mood okay? Now come on tell me what's wrong?"
"Come on Alia. Say it out you'll feel good but only if you're willing to or let it be."
"Okay, I am feeling kinda you know, like kinda, you know, kinda..."
"Lonely." He completed my sentence.
"How did you know?" I said looking at him in pure shock. He just smiled.

"Wanna have a drink?" He said.
I nodded. We went to the nearest Cafe.

"I'll take a cup of ginger tea." We both said together as the waiter arrived.
"Okay, anything else sir?"
"No thank you."
"Ginger tea?" He asked.
"Yes, I can pick ginger tea anytime over coffee. I don't really like coffee. What about you?"
He smiled and pinched the back of my arm. I whinced a little. "Same pinch."

That's silly but cute.

"Okay, now tell me how do you know that I was lonely?"
"Actually thay was just a speculation!"
"Okay good guess then."
"Thats an intrinsic quality man."
"Oh okay but how about us using simple English or I'll have to sit with a dictionary. You always make me stammer while talking when I know I am good at it."

"It's okya .. you can excel in a while."
"But from where do you get such sophisticated words everytime? I need to find a dictionary for every word you say sometimes."

"Oh..the vogue is all about chat gpt where you can put ur feelings and requisites and u'll get the words."

"Oh I see that's where you get help."
"Actually it's not like that but ,.... Well I can help u out."
"Yeah that will be great."

We finished our tea and it was time I head to my apartment.

"Okay then see you around sir. Thanks for the tea."
"Actually you just said you were alone right? I mean you're feeling lonely right? I am lonely too. So do you mind me joining you? Only if you're okay with it."
"Of course I don't mind. You're welcome." I'll really not mind because it's better to have him than being alone.

We went to my apartment.
"So this is where you live? Quite luxurious for a college student. "
"I brought this with one of my friend and this is my aunt's apartment so it's quite cheap for us."
"I see." I gave him a glass of water he drank it.
"Thank you."
"What were you going to do today?" I asked him.
"After the work here I had nothing much to do. I just have some bunch of papers I gotta asses."
"What kind of papers?"
"I do a volunteer job for children from backward class. I teach English to1st to 5th standard in my empty time."
"Thay really sweet of you."
"It's the least I can do so don't hype it."
"So when are you going to check them?"
"I don't know."
"You can check them now here." I said.
"Are you sure?"
"Okay let me bring them."
He brought those papers they are really lot.

"Can I help you?" I said offering.
"Can you? That would be great."
"Okay I'll."
"See this is the set of 1st standard and this is the model answer sheet. Now take a red pen and assess it. If you have any trouble ask me okay? Be careful." He said explaining to me I nodded.

We both were busy checking the papers. Time to time speaking with each other, laughing at funny answers, singing in between. It was fun. We ordered lunch ate it, started a Playlist listened to the songs, vibed together, enjoyed and did our work. I did not realize when did it turn dark.

"It's 7 already I gotta go." He said looking at the clock.
"Oh so fast. I didn't realize. Wait up I'll cook dinner."
"No, no that's okay. I have to go home."
"Oh okay. Thanks for staying. I really felt good. Thank you so much sir."
"I am not here as a 'Sir' Alia think of me as a 'friend' off college hours okay? Anyways you aren't much younger, are you?" He said chuckling. I cracked up.
"Okay.. wait what should I call you then?"
"My name that's appropriate."
"Then thanks Abhimanyu."
"That's more like it. Come on help me pack up."
"But this are just half over what about the rest."
"I'll manage but I don't mind a extra hand." He said.
"Okay tomorrow after college I'll help you okay?"
"Okay deal." He said and forwarded his hand I shook it smiling. I dropped him till his car.

When we were there near the car he said, "Listen Alia if you ever feel lonely come find me I can always use a helpful assistant." He said and I chuckled.
"It was a good co incidence that you took a stroll at the same park. It was fun working with you. Bye good night."
"Good Night." He said and hopped in the car waved at me and drove off.

Thanks to him I for the first time not alone again.

Abhimanyu's Pov
That's not a coincidence Alia. I saw you entering the park you seemed upset. I decided to go in the park and saw you feeling lonely. I couldn't stop myself and I ended up accompanying you whole day. I had some work but my feet weren't letting me go away. All I wanted was to accompany you and take that upset look away from your face. It's strange to feel this after a very long time.

DEDICATION: Secrets are fun to keep, But how long are they fun?Where stories live. Discover now