Chapter Fourteen

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Alia's Pov
I did agree to be with Abhimanyu. That means I'm his secret but how long can I just be his secret. Even though it concerned me but I wanted to focus on present than the future. For once I don't want to keep worrying about what will happen? Rather I want to enjoy at this moment. And I don't doubt Abhimanyu I can never.

As I came home I saw Sitara there she wasn't at home yesterday night.
"Hey where did you go?" I saw her as she turned she was blushing so much.
"Nowhere." She answered looking away smiling shyly.
"Don't tell me you..."
"I guess yes."
"Ahhh!" I shouted in excitement.
"You were with Rajvardhan yesterday! Finally after all these years of being so called friends you guys are now seriously together. Wow that's amazing!" I said smiling ear to ear.

It was almost as exciting as I got my love expect for the fact that I actually got mine too yesterday.

"Now tell me all about it." I said and heard her story. Having a best friend is fun I get my personal love drama in her love story.

But when she was done I realized I should also tell her about Abhimanyu now.

I've been keeping it a secret for too long. As soon as both of us were back to being clam from the excitement of her story I told her about Abhimanyu. Every single detail including yesterday night.

"Wait are you crazy Alia?"
"I knew Abhimanyu was the one you started to fall for but I never knew he was married."
"It's just an agreement."
"Yeah but it is a marriage after all." Sitara said seriously.
"You're cheating on someone Alia."
"I'm not she has herself allowed Abhimanyu to be with someone else."
"Yes, but why is she not ready to leave her title then? She wants to be called his wife and you are willing to be his little secret and no matter the circumstances the world will be calling you his dirty little secret." As much as I wanted to oppose Sitara I kept quiet because she was somewhat right.
"Can you be his secret forever?" I hesitated but said,
"I wanna focus on today Sitara please for once I don't want to think about the future."
"Alia why aren't you getting it? One day or the other you have to think about it." She said angrily.
"And I decided to think about it some other day. All I know is that I'm madly falling for Abhimanyu and he has same feelings for me. He is the one who made me realize that I yet have life in me. He helped me a lot Sitara. I am falling for him hard everytime and I'm not letting him loss love just because an agreement which was made because of not having money for his mother's treatment. If I'm his reason to live then he is my reason to life." I said raising my voice on a high pitch both of us were right. Sitara's concerns were genuine and my feelings too.

"I think we both need time to clam. I'm heading out I'll be there at night. Good night." I said taking my keys and leaving Sitara to clam down a little. I don't want to raise my voice at her.

I was heading to the garden Sitara's words yet roaming in my head. She was a right. But I don't want go think about morals now.

If it's about morals is it morally right to keep Abhimanyu deprived from love and life just because a simple agreement. All I know is I wanna be Abhimanyu's light of ray, be his midnight rain.

The garden was about to get closed so I can't sit there. I had nowhere to go this late so I just kept strolling on the nearest street.

"Ouch!" I said as I bumped my feet info a nearby motorcycles stand. I'm to clumsy sometimes. I hated arguing with Sitara, I hate the truth she stated, I hate to leave Abhimanyu and I hate this clumsiness. For some reason that pain was more than usual and tears came from my eyes. They flowed in one after another as I silently walk on a busy street full of people engaged in there own work.

"Alia." Someone shouted my name Wait I knew that voice. I turned back it was Abhimanyu. Just whom I needed now.
"Abhimanyu." I said running to him and hugging him tightly. He immediately wrapped his hands around me. Those silent tears turned into sobs now and without realizing all the pain inside me fell in form of tears and loud sobs.

Abhimanyu's Pov
I was passing by when I saw Alia on the street all alone walking keeping her head down. I don't know what happened but she seemed upset. As I called her she ran to me and hugged me ever so tight and within a few minutes I heard sobs. She was crying so much I don't know why? But it hurted as if someone has stabbed right in my heart and pulled it brutally.

"Hey, Princess what's it? Why are you crying?" I said patting her back her sobs turned as loud cries. I couldn't take it. I picked her up bridal style and she again hid her face into my neck. I walked near my car and sat in the driving seat with her in my arms.

"Hey now can you tell me what's wrong?" I said but she wasn't saying anything.
"Okay don't tell me anything." I let her cry as much as she wanted though every drop of tear from her eyes killed me.

After good amount of time she stopped crying and lifted her face from my neck.

"Everything okay Princess?" She nodded. I didn't ask what happened again I wanted to respect her privacy. If she wanted to tell me she would have told me.
"Okay now stop crying." I said kissing the last tear on her cheeks.
"It hurts." She chuckled.
"What's funny?" I said raising an eyebrow.
"These is the same professor who used to cringe on this lines when they were in literature."

Honestly she is not wrong. I really used to cringe on this but now I feel that it happens it really hurts.

"Okay, whatever!" I said.
"I guess I'm changing this cold professor."
"Maybe I'm willing to be changed by you." I said she smiled again.
"These suits you more." I said pinching her cheek.
"Wanna eat something?"
"Yeah let's eat ice-cream."
"You aren't going to lecture me on why I should not eat ice-cream?"
"What am I a lecturing grandpa to you?" I said looking at her.
"Kind off."
"What?" I said annoyed and she chuckled.
"Okay let's go now."
"Well mam, will you get up or am I supposed to drive like this?" I said pointing at her and she realized that she was sitting on my lap. She blushed a little but soon it turned into a smirk.
"I thought you were capable of driving like this. I guess not." She said faking disappointment and getting up slowly. I pulled her back on my lap.
"Princess I'm capable of much more than this. Let's show you." She looked shocked at me.
"I was joking."
"I'm serious." I said smirking at her seeing her nervousness. I quickly tied the seat belt around us. She perfectly fitted on my lap and I can drive the car too easily.

"Hey let me get up. I was just joking."
"Shut up and let me focus Princess. You were the one who played around." I said lips on her earlobe. She tasted more good it made shivers run down my back. She was beautiful even when she never tried to be.

We arrived at the ice-cream shope ordered our favorite ice-creams and ate inside the car. She was now sitting on thr other seat. After eating the ice-cream she just looked at me and I knew what she wanted.

I spread my arms and she was again in my lap hugging me.

"I don't want to live you just yet." She said.
"Neither do I Princess." After a day full of events I needed to clam down and her arms seemed to be just the right place to do it.

For couple of minutes we both just silently hugged each other. She had to go to her apartment her friend must ne worrying. As I was about to break her hug I realized that Alia is already asleep.

She went through a lot today her tears said it clearly she was exhausted. I admired her sleeping face. She adjusted her posture and tied her hands around my neck hugging me like a koala.

She is too much to handle sometimes but yet she is my favorite version of too much so I do it willingly. A smile crept on my face all the way driving back to her apartment.

I rang the bell of her apartment. I don't know what I'll say to her best friend but I have to tug Alia in her bed. She was yet hugging me like a koala.

Her friend opened the door.
"Hey." I said awkwardly.
"I suppose this is not the perfect time for introductions can I just get in?"
She let me in and I walked to Alia's bedroom and quickly tucked her in her bed leaving a kiss on her forehead.

When I came back her best friend was right there.
"You don't have to introduce yourself. Abhimanyu right?" She said.
"Well thanks for bringing her home."
I nodded and she ushered me out. I guess official meeting with her is postponed until Alia is with us. Thank God she looked like she can kill me. But hey, why am I scared of her? She looked like the possessive mother of my girlfriend.

DEDICATION: Secrets are fun to keep, But how long are they fun?Where stories live. Discover now