Chapter Fifteen

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                  Abhimanyu's Pov
Alia is just too much sometimes. But I like that kid version of her more. I as getting changed when I smelled something on my jacket.

"Alia." A smile crept on my face as I realized that I'm smelling like her. I can never forget the smell of lilies mixed with rose. I removed my jacket and kept it on a chair. I'm never going to wash it. Never ever.

Next morning I didn't see my jacket on the chair. I was looking for it all over the house.

"What are you looking for Abhimanyu?" Ritu said.
"My jacket, have you seen it?"
"Which one?"
"The brown one."
"Oh that one it's in the laundry basket."
"What? Who put it there?"
"I took it this morning. It needed to be washed."
"You didn't wash it, did you?" I asked frustrated and disappointed in myself for not keeping it safe in the cupboard.
"No." I ran to the laundry basket and took the jacket out. The smell wasn't gone. Thank God.
"Please I've told you that I'll do my chores myself you don't have to do it. You aren't my wife really we agreed to it." I said not shouting but my pitch was definitely high than usual.

                     Ritu's Pov
Abhimanyu is behaving strange since the start of this academic year. He is happy more nowadays. It's really good but the only thing that scares me is my suspicion that he is using clause 6A.

                    Abhimanyu's Pov
I kept the jacket safely in my cupboard and got ready for the college.

We are going on a trip organized by the college. And I decided to give a group project to the class.

"Guys we are going on a trip to Panchgani." As expected there was a loud cheer.
"Okay if you'll are done let me complete with the instructions. Besides all the basic instructions the trip is going on 2nd of September which is 4 days from now. We are expected to be here on sharp 10 for the bus. It's a 2 hour ride and the Chemistry department is going to accompany our department. I've already forwarded the message regarding other instructions and fees check the college group."
"Yes sir." What a perfect unison! It would have been better if they showed the same energy in answering questions.

"Besides this, I have a little surprise for you. During the trip all of you are supposed to do a group project. Every group will have minimum 4 and maximum 6 members all of you together will make a report of the trip and the most attractive report will be selected for the university magazine. And this project will also decide your internal marks so be productive. You can choose whoever you want for this project."

As soon as I announced it there was a disappointed murmur in class.

"I want you to decide your group mates till tomorrow and give me the list soon. Thank you."

After the college I was waiting for Alia in my car. She is late probably discussing about the group project. I saw her coming out from the college building with Asif one of her classmates. But what is he doing here this late? And why is he laughing so much around her?

Alia saw my car but obviously she can't just come in while he is there. She walked to the bus stop and I drove there.

Wait he accompanied her all the way to the bus stop. Isn't he a lot too much sweet? No I'm not jealous at all.

As soon as he left Alia ran towards the car.
"Sorry I know we are late. Let's try to reach there as early as possible." She said settling into her seat.

I started driving.
"By the way, why were you late?" I said asking generally.
"Oh that I teamed up with Asif and his friend Rehman for the group project." Wait why? Why him off everyone? That guy gives me different vibes?

"Can I ask you why?"
"Oh Rehman and Riza kinda have a thing so I and Asif want to get them talking. These project and the trip is a perfect opportunity." She said smiling.

Not that I've problem with students dating and I'm genuinely happy to see Riza finally being comfortable but why is Asif teaming up with Alia.

"What were you discussing?"
"I and Asif were discussing how we can get both of them together. I'm glad that Asif is teaming up with me for this mission."
"Isn't he being too sweet?"
"Nah he is really good."
"Hmm. Whatever." Unknowingly my expressions turned into jealousy. He was being too sweet just now.

Alia looked at my face after some time,
"Wait Abhimanyu why are you burning red?"
"Abhi, are you jealous?" She said chuckling.
"No one's jealous." I said denying.
"I can totally smell something burning."
"That's because you talked with a coal guy before this."
"Are you for real? Abhi you are giving names without fully knowing someone. You're jealous."
"I'm not jealous. He was behaving strangely sweet. And I hate the way he laughed around you. Someone might misunderstand him as your boyfriend."

What am I doing? But I'm jealous he was really annoyingly sweet. Please I wish no one knows at which limit this woman has control over me.

"Aww don't worry. Whatever he does you are the only one who can call me princess." She said pinching my cheeks and I smiled a little.

All I can think was the way he qas overly sweet. He bowed to Alia while saying bye, walked from the dangerous side of the road, kept on pulling jokes and giving Alia a hi-fi every now and them.

And I admit I was jealous. He was in that crowd the other day at party looking at Alia more like staring.

More importantly I feel insecure about the fact that I can't totally be Alia's. I've asked so much from her and I will let her choose anyone else if she wants to but the thought hurts. I know I can't give her my name but my heart will be always hers even if she is not besides me.

As we reached the school Alia held my hand as I was about to go out of the car.

"Look here Jeko."
"See you're the only one I love and want. I'm so into you that I can barely see anyone else before you. So you better not be insecure about anything. I know you might me scared because you can't give me your name but you can give me more things that are way better than the name. Abhimanyu I fell for you way before I realize it and I don't regret my decision. I willingly want to be with you despite the odds."

I smiled and kissed her lips she responded with same love and passion. We were so lost in each other that we didn't realize that the morning assembly of the school is over. Bell of first period brought us out of our world and we both ran to the school with happiness filling both of our hearts.

DEDICATION: Secrets are fun to keep, But how long are they fun?Where stories live. Discover now