Chapter Eighteen

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                     Alia's Pov
We all had our dinner and were now having a small concert at the hotels garden. All the professor's were joining us too.

Some sang songs. Some played instruments and some entertained with jokes.

Everyone requested Abhimanyu to play fluet. I didn't knew that he knows how to play a fluet. He was denying at first but then his eyes locked with me.

'Please Abhi for me.'  I conveyed the message through my eyes.
'Just for you Princess.' He said with his eyes and agreed to play the fluet.

He played a mellifluous melody of the song 'Dil Sambhal ja Jara.' And every melody hit my ear touching my heart and settling in my mind.

In between the song he opened his eyes and locked them with me for a brief moment. The more he did it the more he meant his words 'just for you' and my heart beat a little louder.

After him I was requested to perform something and I sang the song 'Lae Dooba' and every single word had a meaning which only both of us knew.

Asif sang 'Chaand Baaliyaan' and jokingly dedicated it to me. There was my man whining like a kid. I can see him getting red in jealousy.

"Isn't he being to much?" He whispered coming near my ear.
"Oh comeon Abhi he is just a kid. You're so possessive." I said.
"You make it more hard to control." He said giving a peck at my earlobe.

I was so shocked. Thank God no one noticed us. These guy he makes me go crazy sometimes.

The rest of the trip went in the blurr with some whining from my man and Asif adding fuel to it.

It was time to go back after all but then I saw Sitara coming.

"Hey Alia, let's go. I'll be taking you with me back." She said I was surprised to see her. She took officially permission and got me sitting in the car.

We were literally mot talking for past few days and she is here to take me with her what's wrong?

"Before you ask me something let me tell you. I'm okay with all of this I just want you to be happy." She said I hugged her.
"Yeah but I'm your best friend and I do care about you so much." She said and we started driving but not back to pune.

Soon we were at a resort.
"Sitara..." She just tied a clothes on my eyes and guided me somewhere and gave my hands into someone's hands. Which felt like... it felt like Abhimanyu.

"Alia?" Both of us said together and removed the blind fold. Rajvardhan and Sitara were standing there.

"Guys enjoy your weekend we'll enjoy ours. Thank us later." They said and gave Sitara's car keys to Abhimanyu and left us alone.

It was all their plan. All we need is a friend like them. They arranged a resort and planned so much just to give us alone time.

I and Abhimanyu were in our room.

"These guys are incredible, aren't they?" I said breaking awkward silence.
"Hmm." He answered coming near me.

"They arranged a lot." I said again hesitantly.
"Hmm." He again answered from behind.
"What 'hmm'?" I said and looked behind when I saw him so close to me I took a step back but trembled as there was a wall behind. He quickly protected me from falling putting his hand on my waist.

"Abhi?" I said my voice shaking.
"Yes princess." He said holding me firmly against him.

He looked in my eyes.
"Can I?" He asked. I closed the distance between our lips and we started kissing each other with passion.

He was sucking my lower lip and my tongue explored his mouth. After a good amount of kissing we broke apart.

"You are awesome princess. You make it too hard to control myself." He said again closing the distance between us again and pinning me against the wall.

He grabbed my waist and slowly layed me down on the bed and started trailing kisses from my lips, to neck, collarbone and so on.

After good time of passion and love we were lying in the bed with each other. He'll be again taking me to explore Panchgani just the two of us.

"I'm so glad that I get to spend 2 more days with you." I said hugging him.
"Me too princess." He said.
"I'd give up my everything for you Abhi. I love you." I said looking into his eyes. Love was an understatement for what I feel but I said it for the first time today.

"I'm no more falling, I've jumped in an ocean call love." I said kissing his neck.

"You know Alia, you're binding my soul, giving me strength and devotion. In completely meaningless world you became the only word with a deep meaning binding my heart with yours. I wish there was a better word than love but I love you too for today, tomorrow and forever more until my soul leaves my body." He said his words make me feel like there is bo one more important than me. But him always talking about dying makes me a little annoyed.

"I'm grateful to have you. You make me the happiest but can you please not talk about dying it scares me."

"I'm sorry princess. But now you've become so important part of me that I don't think I can ever live without you. I'll truly die."
"Shh." I said keeping my finger on his lips.

"I'll stay with you and love you always. I'd rather fight my whole life for a moment with you than ever thinking about leaving you." I said and he smiled kissing my forehead.

For the next 2 days we roamed around Panchgani admiring the beautiful place and enjoying each other's company.

We did many adventurous activities together took lots of pictures and peaceful rested in each other's arms forgetting the worries of the world.

It was finally the day we have to go back again to our routine.

"Abhi, something in me is scared to go back. I'm scared about something happening. I want to stay here."
"Princess I would have stayed here but you know the reasons why we both can't stay here. But I promise whatever is waiting for us there we'll solve it together and I'll be there always protecting you. Whenever you want me just say a word." He said kissing my forehead and all of us started our journey back.

I and Sitara were again our usual self well it's a habit now. Sitara was driving and Rajvardhan was following us with his car.

Me and Sitara were merely discussing on which song to play as we drive on the road of Panchgani. All of a sudden a dog came in between our way and Sitara drove her car out of the way almost leading us crash on the nearby tree. Rajvardhan stopped the car at a distance and both of them came rushing towards our car.

Rajvardhan helped Sitara to come our and Abhimanyu grabbed my hand firmly pulling me out. He pulled her me so strongly that I landed on his chest I felt his fast heart beat.

"Are you okay?" He said putting his hand on my cheeks worry written all over his face. I nodded and he hugged me tight again. We then made sure that Sitara was okay. The car was a little crashed at my side but fortunately we got out with minimum injuries Sitara hurt her head a little and my wrist was cut due to the broken window but except that everything was okay.

Both Abhimanyu and Rajvardhan were worried and took us to the hospital and later Rajvardhan dropped us home. He said he'll take care of the car. Both of them left after about half and hour.

Worry all over there faces and unwillingness of leaving in their hearts.   They left when we convinced them to do so.

I was bow scared. That incident added to my instincts. What is waiting for us now? All I pray is of Abhi's safety.

DEDICATION: Secrets are fun to keep, But how long are they fun?Where stories live. Discover now