Chapter Six

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Alia's Pov
Another day in my life but surprisingly I don't feel dull. For the first time I'm excited to go to college. It's almost like I've gotten my enthusiasm back.

It's because Abhimanyu is taking me to the school with him. He said he could secure me a job as a volunteer worker. It's great. Despite of me working at a back office being a part timer, I can yet pull out this volunteer work. I don't have much work so managing this is easy for me. I had the interview and today is my first day at the job.

"You're so excited Alia, what's up?" Sitara said.
"I've just gotten my enthusiasm back you know."
"Oh that's awesome! Now the college will see what Alia Basu can do!!" She came near me and took a position as if she is introducing.
"She who can conquer the world with her knowledge, kill people with her wit, heal broken hearts with her kindness, reduce the pain with her smile... and.."
"Spread pride with her dance, bring courage with her beautiful and strong voice..." I said joining her.
"She who is the light of the room. She who is very elegantly presented with the name Lady Alia Basu." She ended and I bowed. We looked at each other and laughed.

"Now for real, what is the reason behind that bubbly smile?"
I told her everything about this new volunteer job.

"That's great but are you sure it's this volunteer job making you happy or is this related to spending time with this infamous Abhimanyu?"
"Oh stop it. It's the volunteer job okay? Now let me go. Bye bye."

'It's volunteer job and the thought of helping people and staying with kids right? Or is it..

Of course the volunteer job. What am I even thinking?'

I shrugged the stupid thought out of my mind and went straight to the college.

Sitara's Pov
It's really good to see Alia back in her old self. She had became a bit dull and sulky after she defeated cancer. I think letting her go back and continue her study was the best idea ever.

Since 5 years Alia has never joined in my silly mischeif she just chuckles but today having her join in again and seeing her getting full of enthusiasm and joy I felt flustrated.

I'm really thankful to this Abhimanyu for he is the one slowly helping Alia to adjust. No doubt he is a really good professor.

Alia's Pov
"Good Morning Miss Basu." A voice echoed near me it was Abhimanyu.
"Good Morning Abhimanyu."
"Miss Basu, it's inappropriate to call your professor by his name." He said being annoyed.
"But you told me..." I was nervous just than he chuckled.
"Hey don't be scared I know that I'm the one who told you to call me by my name but for a minute turn back and see you've passed the college gate and in the campus I am..."
"Sir. Sorry sir."
"That's okay now hurry to the class." He said and went on. I hurried towards the class but of course my clumsy self has to meddle.

It's embarrassing I'm elder here and I stumbled on the staircase like a school kid.

"Hey Alia you're okay?" Oh no Riza just go don't come near.

Riza was heading towards me I quickly got up and ran towards the classroom.

Riza ran behind me.
"What is it? Why are you were you running?" She said sitting next to me. We both were out of breath.
"It was embarrassing!"
"What the fall? Running in the hallway was way more embarrassing!"
I faceplamed myself.

"I'm supposed to be a cold, elderly girl. I am getting way more childish day by day."
"Alia stop thinking about everyone just be who you are okay?"
"Yeah!! I use to tell this to you. Don't take away my dailouge." She laughed and said.
"It's okay for younger people to comfort elders sometimes."
"Whatever! It was not funny to laugh."

I said and soon sir entered the lecture started.

It was break time.

"Hey Alia have you decided what to wear to the party?"
"Not yet, let's see."
"Oh okay."

Well yes I haven't decided anything about the party it's on Saturday night it's Friday already I have to decide it asap.

'Right, Abhimanyu is coming too. Let's ask him what he has decided?'

As the college ended I hurried towards Abhimanyu's office he threw his keys towards me just when I was at the door of his office.

"Just half an hour go sit in the car." I nodded and waited in his car for the next half hour. Practicing for my first time teaching.

"Sorry I kept you waiting and about that throw earlier too."
"Why? What is wrong about that throw?"
"It might look rude. I just don't wanted to waste your time nor mine."
"That's perfectly fine. No need to apologize I understand and let's just do it like this every time now. It will save time."
"Nice idea. So ready for your first ever day as a teacher?"
"I'm kinda nervous. It's a big deal."

"What's the big deal, there isn't anything big okya ,like Mr S. Jayshankar is sitting in front of you and then u are de escalating the international relation."
"Okay that's more stress. Having this conversation in their presence is akin to casting pearls before a sage."

"Yeah but today everyone is well equipped."
"I know."

We reached to the school. I was appointed to teach English to 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade. Abhimanyu introduced me to the children of class 1st and went out of the class.

I thought I'll get some assistance with managing the class on my first day but I guess I'm on my own.

I wanted to have introductions today but it seems like the class is busy and won't pay attention. They are kids I need to bring an idea to keep them active.

"Hey children listen let's play a fun game okay." Everyone kept quiet at my word.

"So in this game I'll write some questions on the board then I'll ask anyone of you to answer it. Whoever has the same answer will stand up and come in front and write one letter of there name on the other side of the board and once you wrote your first name. You'll introduce yourself to me. Okay?"

"Yes mam!"

I wrote questions like, 'favorite animal', 'favorite color', 'subject', 'cartoon'. And such others.

With a little error at the start children slowly got the game and were playing enthusiastically. They were enjoying it and all of them even talked to me freely.

That's what I wanted. I wanted to build a familiarity in children's heart towards me and seems like my plan worked.

It's so peaceful and amazing to hear their chuckles, laughter and their cute mispronouncation.

Abhimanyu's Pov
I checked on Alia's class it is full of excitement and laughter. I saw she came up with a game. Good thinking.

Usually we did not leave kids with new teachers alone but I can't assist her everytime.While I'm here to support , it's important for her to be independent. I believe it's beneficial for her to explore her own strengths and capabilities, so I encourage her to take steps to become more self-reliant.

And I believe she can handle fine without assistance that's why I left her alone.

And she did it. She handled really good. I'm feeling great so see it I'm proud. I'm smiling

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