Chapter Seventeen

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Abhimanyu's Pov

We were at the dinning room. The students were enjoying their dinner and I was going to enjoy mine when I heard a laugh so in tune that someone may think of it as a melody. I knew the sound and there was nothing more satisfying and peaceful than looking at that person laughing whole heartedly.

I turned my head in the direction of the voice. There was Alia sitting with her group mates totally enjoying a game which they were playing while eating.

I want to keep this smile always on her face. I want to keep hearing the melody of her laughter and protect it at any cost.

I enjoyed my lunch looking at her which was a beautiful scenario for me. We were going to rest for the afternoon and visiting the famous place called Sydney Point later to see sunset.

After a quick meeting of all our professor discussing related to the trip I retired to my room. Just as I entered suddenly Alia came rushing into my room locking the door behind her.

She was breathing heavily.
"Are you okay?" I said patting her head.
"Yeah I just escaped. The other professors were so close to finding me."
"They can yet find you. And what about your roommates?"
"Actually the thing is someone saw us kissing."
"What?" I said panicked. I don't want to keep Alia a secret but if I don't the society will probably name her. And I don't want that for her.
"Relax Riza saw us. And she is the one who told me to sneak out and that she will take care of other things." She said sitting on the rooms bed.
"And just now Rajvardhan helped me to avoid being caught. When did you tell him about this? Or is it my possessive best friend?" She asked but she was talking mindlessly looking at the bed.

"Alia, do you want to jump on it?" She looked at me shocked.
"What powers do you have? How do you always figure out about me?"
"I just assumed but go on don't let anything stop you especially not me." I said lying on the bed as she jumped onto it. She looked like a small baby as I admired her enjoying it. I just love the way she let's maturity aside for some much important joy.

After she was done enjoying, she quietly layed besides me. And shifted into my embrace. I let her do what she wished too. Soon I was lying on theved with her in my arms snuggling in my chest.

"You shouldn't have came here risking it."
"I can make arrangements for you too." She said in a teasing tune and we both chuckled.
"These is so peaceful being here like this with you."
"I know, I want this moment to just pause forever. We are on that point of life where we both don't know if we'll ever get to be together again." She said.
"I'm scared Abhi. I'm scared of the moment I'll have to let go of you for society, for morals, for destiny. Can I hold on to you forever?" She asked looking into my eyes her eyes full of fresh tears.

It pained to know that I have nothing in my power to stop that possibility to be true. I hated being totally helpless. Not only her I'm scared of that moment too.

I took a shaky breath. It's so hard to even imagine it. I put my lips on her head as I spoke,
"I won't lie Alia. It scares me the most and the fact that I can't stop that from happening is more terrifying. But I'll give my best fighting against anything for you Princess. I'll even fight the destiny. Even after these heart-wrenching incident does happens in that case I want to promise you one thing." I said she looked up in my eyes we both had tears in our eyes a heart beating slowly and a numb expression in our eyes.

"My heart will always belong to you until it beats. It will never beat for anyone else ever in this life at least. Never once will the beat of my heart have another name than yours princess. I promise. I swear upon my life." A tear and a small smile cracked up on her face at the same time.

I kissed her tear and she closed her eyes. "I'd do anything for you."

"I want to promise something too. My heart will always be yours too. I promise that if something like that happens I'll never ever love anyone again. I swear on my life." She said I know it she felt those words. I kissed her forehead and kept my lips there as we rested in each other's arms letting the worries vanish away in these peaceful moment and beautiful embrace.

Alia quickly went back to her room before anyone can notice her. Right now all of us were heading to the Sydney Point. Alia was sitting with Asif and I can see the way he was trying to impress her.

I swear, I'll kill this boy. Can't he stop flirting with her?

As we reached there Asif was again heading ahead with Alia. I know they are giving time to Riza and Rehman but these Asif is being too 'pick me' guy.

I'm again naming him. God this girl and this bittersweet jealousy. Honestly, I'm enjoying it and being grateful as I can call her mine.

Everyone was in their groups discussing and looking at a breath taking, clam and peaceful view in front of us.

I started clicking the photos trying my best to ignore that guy and his stupidity but he was being extra.

I was taking a photo of the sunset but I saw Alia standing and the sun giving her the perfect light she looked like a fairy straight from the heaven. I took her pictures secretly. They came out great. These photos are always going to be my best memories.

We all watched the sun set peacefully clicking pictures and making memories.

DEDICATION: Secrets are fun to keep, But how long are they fun?Where stories live. Discover now