Chapter Thirty

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                  Abhimanyu's Pov
"You're.. her son?"
"Yes, sir." I said mindlessly. There was a brief pause and then a voice of relief sigh came from the other side.
"You really are my son."
"How do you...?"
"I have my ways dear. You don't know how much relieved I'm to finally hear from you. After what happened to Rose I never thought you'd call me but secretly hoped you will call me. Thank goodness. This really is my child. I want to meet you. Where are you dear? Abhimanyu I'm glad you called me." I had no idea what to say all I can do was tell him where do I live.
"S...sir I live in India, Maharashtra state Pune city. I will send you the address quickly. I do want to meet you too. I'll be eagerly waiting can you tell me when will you be able to meet sir?" I said and for the first time in my life I could feel myself shuttering in between my words. I tried to keep my behavior normal but clearly I was failing at it. I never thought I'll ever call him but now even if this call was made for selfish reasons I couldn't help but think about the voice I just heard was that of my own father and the fact that it so resonates my voice. I couldn't think of anything to speak and said my goodbye to him as I hanged up.

"Abhimanyu." I heard Alia calling me.
"Yes, princess."
"Who was that on call?" She asked as I sat besides her.
"That was.... nothing princess let me handle it."
"Abhimanyu please, I've heard enough of you now. We promised to be together in all this. To stay side by side. But now I feel you've complete left me out from this. I know you're doing this for me. You're handling everything yourself just to not give me much pressure. But I don't want you to fight all these alone. Involve me in it let's handle it together."
"Princess please I don't want you to come in between all this mess. It's dangerous and you're the only thing I have to lose. I can't afford losing you. You are already not well and giving you mental stress will put your fragile health to risk."

"Aren't you understanding Abhimanyu? You can't just solve it yourself. Yeah, you want to care for me but leading this battle alone is far more dangerous than leading it with me. Please don't keep me out."
"Who said I kept you out? I just don't want to bother you." I said on a little high pitch.
"You are! I deserve a say in this. You aren't the only one who could handle it. I'm just saying that we both need to be together only than can we be rationally solving this mess." Her voice raised.

"We don't need to do any of that. I can solve it. It's my problem please give me some personal space."

"What personal space are you talking about? Because as long as I know the problem includes me. In fact I'm the very cause of this problem. I need to know Abhimanyu and you have to tell me."
"I'm not going to tell you."
"What kind of an answer was that? Are you fighting?"

"No I'm not. I'm just saying let me handle everything myself don't interfere."

"I have a right to interfere." We didn't intend to but this conversation got a little heated. I was indeed angry but did not wanted to vent it out anymore on Alia. Maybe it was the anxiety from the call speaking but I was being completely rude. My senses were kinda dead.

I was grateful as a nurse came in and I took the opportunity to go out of the room. I know I shouldn't have said whatever I did say but it's true that I don't want Alia to be stucked in middle of this.

                     Ritu's Pov
I was just passing by when I saw Abhimanyu getting out of Alia's room. He looked frustrated more confused. He walked away. A little while later a nurse walked out of the room. I gave it a thought and went inside her room. She was lying there with her eyes closed. When she heard the door open she opened her eyes.

"You?" She asked shocked.
"Don't worry. I'm not here to harm you. I'm not the one who harms someone neither physically nor mentally. I just want to talk with you. Talk with the one who won the heart I never could even after trying for years. Can we maturely talk just us girls?" She nodded and asked me to sit besides her. I sat on stool.
"What do you want to talk about?" After a brief pause I finally said.

"I'm not so sure myself. I just wanna say why are you so special to Abhimanyu?"
"I'll be honest. I'll tell you everything about myself as long as you're willing to listen the back story and not reveal this conversation to Abhimanyu."

"I can't keep a secret from Abhimanyu. But I won't be telling him the details of our conversation. I promise. " I released a sigh and started to talk.

                     Ansh's Pov
I was getting ready for my lunch when I saw Abhimanyu heading out of the hospital. I could see confusion on his face and I knew he needed someone right now. I had to follow him.

"Abhimanyu." I called him and he looked back at me.
"Everything alright?"
"Stop lying. Let's go talk about it."
"I'm your friend Abhimanyu. I know we've had our differences but we both know friendship is more important." He just smiled and we both sat on a bench in hospital garden.

"Now tell me what's wrong?"
"I guess you probably know."
"About him?"
"Ritu told you everything?"
"She did."
"I'm sorry Ansh. You've been there for me no matter what but you are separated from your love because of me."
"I know I had a gurgde on you from years because of this. But now it all seems so childish. You cleared Ritu that you have no feelings for her and never gave her a slightest hope for this relationship. But she saw the hope and held onto something that's pointless. I did the same. And unfortunately we both aren't able to let it go. What a play of life? Can I ask you something?" He nodded.

"You always said that you won't ever call your father why now? Is she that important?"

"Yes, she is. She made herself that important in my life. I don't know what did I fell for her voice, her talks or her eyes maybe nothing of them but she yet felt familiar. Even when we were miles apart just as a professor and student she was more familiar to me than Ritu. I don't know why but she is important for me. So important that I can cross any limits to be with her."

DEDICATION: Secrets are fun to keep, But how long are they fun?Where stories live. Discover now