Crush, Chop, and Burn, PT 2

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Riley's P.O.V

The next morning, we still hung down at the lab watching the bionic siblings pack their things.

"What are you doing?" I asked, watching Chase holding a bin and putting stuff inside.

"If Davenport is gonna ship us off to some remote facility, then the office supplies are coming with us." Chase said and continued grabbing more random stuff. I shook my head not getting him.

"We just got our first taste of a normal life. I was this close to getting a curfew which I totally gonna break." Bree sulks

"Oooh! But maybe when we get to wherever we're going. We'll meet a sassy lab chimp named Bobo." Adam said.

Chase stopped gathering the office supplies and hopped onto the table next to me. "Or maybe you'll make him angry and he'll maul you and snack on your fingers." He said.

"Hey. I create the monkey fantasies around here." Adam said, jumping up from his seat.

"Well, kids. I hope you enjoyed your stay at casa Davenport. I know I haven't. Sayonara!" Eddy laughs, appearing on screen.

"Eddy, I know we've never been the best of friends, but we're gonna miss you." Bree said, making Leo and I looked at her with confuses expression.

"Oh, really?" Eddy asked.


"We hate you!"

"You're evil!"

"Where is this training facility anyway?" Leo asked, looking back towards the screen.

"Facility X? Oh, it's all the rage." Eddy said, showing us a image of a beautiful island. Everyone looked at it in 'aw.'

"That's pretty nice." Chase said, looking over at his brother and sister, both of them nodding.

"That's so not fair! How come they get to train in island paradise and I get stuck training here?!" I whined.

"Oops! Sorry! That's my screen saver. You're going here." Eddy said changing the picture to one of a frozen facility.

I chuckled not feeling so bumb. "Never mind. I spoke too soon."

"Forget about office supplies. We should be gathering wood." Chase points out.

"Man. I wish I hadn't thrown that party. I can't help but think this is all my fault." Leo frowns the bionic siblings jump off the table.

"Oh, that's because it is all your fault." Adam bluntly said. I turned to him and gave him the 'Due What The Fuck! Look.'

"Adam, he was only trying to help us." Bree said defending my brother.

"Well, yeah, but he did the opposite, which is not help us. The not make it the opposite. I'm just bummed. It's the only place we've ever know." Adam said trying to sound somewhat smart.

"Yeah. Just think back all the memories we've shared." Chase said beginning to recall the memories.

"We can't let Davenport send you guys away. I'll try talking to him. If you haven't notice I hafe a gift for making people be naturally afraid of me." I told them proudly.


"No!" Donald said closing his laptop. My jaw dropped. I could barely get anything out before he shut us down completely not even being a tiny bit afraid of my natural stare down.

" But what if--" I try to say but only getting more interrupted

"Uh-uh." Donald said walking away. Leo and I followed after him.

Bionic Magic- Chase Davenport X ocWhere stories live. Discover now