Can I Barrow The Helicopter

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Riley's P.O.V

"Catelyn, calm down, okay? Calm down." Bree said being on the phone with Caitlin, sitting in the lab, when the boys walked up to us.

"Yes, Caitlin, calm down!" Chase mocked, as Bree tried swatting him away.

"Yeah, you need to CHILL OUT!" Adam yells, making me electrocute him. He groans before the shock goes away and he and Chase start laughing.

"Uhh! Hey, Rodney breaks up with you every two weeks. That is, like, totally normal. No! No, don't cry, don't cry." Bree tried to assure her. But then Caitlin started screaming, making Bree pull her phone away from her ear.

I wince hearing it from my spot next to her. "Okay! Screaming is so good." I rubbed my ears in pain and looked over at Chase and asked him to help me get away from this situation. I don't even like that girl.

"Screaming is so good!" Chase teases.

I glared at him. "If you don't stop, and get me out of this situation I'll make you scream for real!" I threaten him. Adam and Chase ignored it and laughed as he and Adam faked and screamed back in forth.

"I'm so sick of you!" Bree said giving her brothers a look. "No, no, no! I'm not sick of you, Caitlin." Bree quickly said cause Caitlin thought it was aimed at her. "Maybe Rodney just needs some space."

"Yeah, maybe Rodney's an Astronaut!" Chase yelled over Bree's phone.

"Yeah, maybe he dumped Caitlin for a one-eyed Martian girl!" Adam adds.

"Caitlin, hold on!" Bree says before she goes into her capsule. "Okay, what were you saying?"

"I got this." Chase said pressing some buttons on the console, making Bree's phone fly out of her hands and get stuck to the ceiling of her capsule. Adam and Chase started laughing as they watched Bree reach for her phone. "I love magnets!" Chase exclaimed.

I shrugged my shoulders. "That's one way of shutting up Caitlin."


Later, Bree storms into the living room with Adam and Chase following behind her, laughing. I stayed a couple of feet back so I wouldn't be involved in all this.

"Mr. Davenport, I cannot stand them anymore. Can they please go live in your warehouse?" Bree asked complaining to her father.

Davenport chuckles. "Bree, the warehouse is where I keep my explosive chemicals."

"Like I said, can they please go live in your warehouse?" Bree says asking again.

"Well, Donald, she is getting older. She needs privacy. Why don't you give her one of your extra rooms? You have like fourteen." Tasha suggested, looking at her husband.

"Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa. I do not have extra rooms." Davenport defended as he stood up.

"You have a pool table room, bumper car room, arcade room, surf simulator room, not to mention a room full of mirrors," Tasha mentions, listing off the different rooms he had.

I made a disgusted face. "Please let me destroy that one." The Bionic siblings nod agreeing with me.

"No! It's a room I like to call. 'A room full of me.' " Davenport stated. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, Bree, how about you share a room with Riley?" Tasha suggested.

Both Bree's and mine eyes lit up. While she was full of excitement I was filled with shock.

"What?!" I shout. Shouldn't I get a say in this?!

"YES! This is going to be so exciting! Som long Bozos! Hello, new roommate!" Bree cheers.

Bionic Magic- Chase Davenport X ocWhere stories live. Discover now