Bionic Birthday Fail

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Riley's P.O.V

The bionic siblings and I were in a deserted lot, dressed in our mission suits. "Guys, I have a bad feeling. Let's get out of here." Bree said.

"She's right. Something ain't right." I tell the other two. Then these masked guys came in front of Bree and I. Bree used her super speed to avoid the attack while I used my magic to push back the guy making him go flying across the area.

Adam and Chase handled the other two. We all bumped when we defeated them. Then we heard a noise. The next thing we knew, we were back at the lab. We took off our simulator glasses.

"Adam, that was the Rebel Leader," Davenport says a bit disappointed. "The whole purpose of today's mission simulation was to interrogate him."

"I did, and his answer was, 'Aaaaah!'." Adam exclaims as we walked off the platform.

"Hey, next time could you maybe throw in a cute, blue-eyed rebel?" Bree asked. Davenport looked at her. "What? I'm just sayin'. It's not gonna kill you to add a little somethin' -somethin' for the ladies. Ain't that right, Riley?" Bree nudges my arm.

I shrugged my shoulders. " I really couldn't care what they look like."

Bree chuckles. " Cause somebody already might have eyes on a certain someone." She whispers to me.

Adam and Chase gave a curious look. "Don't push it!" I said in a warning tone.

"Step aside, amateurs," Leo says pushing me to the side and grabbing a pair of goggles. "Go ahead, Big D. Set it to 'awesome'." Leo steps onto the platform.

Davenport goes and takes the goggles off of him. "Leo, these goggles are not toys."

"Come on! My birthday's coming up-- Globally known as 'Dia De Leo.'" Leo said making me roll my eyes. I always hated birthdays.

"No. I designed the mission simulator to fine-tune their bionics, and Riley's magic, not to go on 3-D joy rides. Besides, you're not trained for it." Davenport reasoned with Leo as he walked off to put the goggles away. And Leo followed.

"Well, how about as a birthday gift you give me a bionic ability?" Leo suggested.

"Or I could gift-wrap reality and you could play with that for a while," Davenport suggested walking away.

"So Leo's having a birthday," Chase says crossing his arms. " What are you, like nine?"

Leo gave him a deadpan look. "Fourteen."

Chase and the others laugh. "No, seriously," Chase said.

"So how are you going to celebrate?" Bree asked.

Leo smiles at her. "We're all going to celebrate. Every year my mom throws me a big surprise party."

"Really?" Adam asked with a shocked look.

"Ast year she baked a cake the size of me," Leo said a bit dramatic. "I'm not gonna brag, but I was delicious.

I shook my head walking away from them. "Hey, Riley... you never told us when your birthday is," Bree said noticing how this birthday talk was bothering me.

"That's because Riley doesn't have a birthday," Leo said making me glare at him.

Chase makes a confused face. "How can you not have a birthday?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "When I was abandoned, there were no records as to who I was."

"So we just celebrated on October 31st since Halloween is Riley's favorite holiday," Leo explains.

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