Rats on a Train

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Riley's P.O.V

"Okay, guys. The next phase of your training is handling extreme climates. So we'll frost Chase, Bake Bree, submerge Adam, and electrocute Riley." Donald explained, making the bionic siblings and I cheer.

All of us were in the lab in our mission suits besides Leo and I. "Adam's not part of the training, I just got one of those carnival dunk tanks and can't wait to try it out," Donald mentions.

I looked at him oddly. Chase ran into his capsule, ready for his session.

"Okay, Chase, I'm setting your tube on 'Anartic'. If it gets to be too much, just give me a sign." Donald told him.

"Bring it!" Chase smiles.

"Hey, that's not fair. I want to be abused by weather." Leo said.

I arched an eyebrow at Leo. "I've been abusing you with my shocks of lighting every day since we met!"

He waves his hand brushing me off. "Your abuse has no effect on me anymore." I looked at him dumbfounded.

"Leo, if you really want to be abused by weather, try standing over here next to Adam's morning breath," Bree said.

"I don't have morning breath, it smells like that all day," Adam argues. I make a disgusting face.

"Leo, these guys are genetically engineered to handle these kind of climates. You're not. I don't know how Riley's magic works but it works." Donald told Leo.

"I can handle extreme cold." Leo says.

Donald deadpans. "Leo, you get brain freeze from chewing mint gum." He points out. I nod agreeing.

Then Donald's phone starts ringing. "Davenport." He answers his phone. "What?!" He shouts running to the other side of the room as we follow him. "Well, that's terrible! I mean, that's awesome, but that's terrible! I-I gotta do something." Donald hangs up the phone.

"What's going on? What's so terrible?" Adam was the first to ask wondering why Davenport so unedge.

"Well, I created the world's fastest train, but now it's speeding out of control full of highly explosive nuclonium towards downtown Welkerville!" Donald explains the situation.

"Well, then what was awesome?" Bree asked not seeing that side of the problem. 

Donald chuckles. "It's going like 400 miles an hour." He says proudly.

I nod my head. "Okay, I gotta see that."

"Ho! Ho ho ho!" Leo giggles excitedly.

"My entire career is riding or perhaps crashing on this train! And I don't understand it! My design was flawless!" Donald continues to panic as he looks something up on his computer.

"So flawless you forgot to include an emergency brake?" Leo asked with a deadpan face.

"Yeah, every train should have one," I added. It would only make sense.

"No, I never counted on the conductor dropping his papaya smoothie all over the controls and then jumping off the train." Donal corrects us.

"Well, if I were to build a high-speed train, the first thing I would have put in was a cup holder," Adam mentions. "Oh! And one of those bumper stickers on the back that says, 'Break for cows.'"  He smiles proudly.

I eyed the older bionic sibling. I worry about his lack of brain cells.

Donald points a finger at us. "When stuff like this happens, they always blame the scientist. This is human error. Scientists don't make mistakes."

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