Drone Alone

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Riley's P.O.V

" I have never been to Australia before," Tasha says bringing some luggage to the living room.

Eddy appears on the screen. "Hey, maybe you like it so much you won't want to come back." He taunts logging off.

"Donald, honey do you have the plane tickets?" Tasha asked Davenport when he walked in.

The bionic siblings and I were sitting on the couch when Leo walked down the stairs.  Chase was on his tablet, I was on my laptop, resting my legs on his lap, Bree was on her phone, and Adam was watching the TV.

Davenport laughs. " Honey, we're taking my fully automated private jet." He told her and then scuffed. " Plane tickets. Why don't we just slap a bunch of stamps and mail ourselves there."

" Private jet. That works." Tasha simply nods.

She then turns back to Leo. " Score!" They cheer in a whisper when Tasha comes up behind me from the couch to high-five me.

Davenport places a hand on my shoulder which causes me to pause on the series I was in the middle of. "Alright, Riley, you have all the numbers in case you need to reach us."

I nod. " you know I could just teleport you guys there and then back." I offered.

" Yeah, no. Whenever I teleport with you I get all oozy." Davenport shakes his head.

" Why is Riley in charge instead of me?" Leo asked somewhat offended.

I chuckled causing everyone to laugh at his question.

" you were designed to break stuff," Davenport commented.

"Don't worry, I know the rules-- no touchy-touchy your stuffy-stuffy," Leo said. 

Davenport sighs. "Leo, I'm serious. There are millions of dollars worth of technology here. So no goofy-ups, no explosions, no fires---" That realization hit him. "You know what? I'm not going. I'm not going."

"Donald, Leo will be responsible, he is a big boy. Besides Riley will keep a very close eye on him. Tasha tried to reassure her husband. "Sweetie, I left your flame-retardant undies on the dresser." She told Leo. 

I tried to hold back my laughter. "You still wear those?" 

Bree got up from her spot. "Mr. Davenport, Leo will be fine. If anything happens, Riley has us as a backup. I mean what's the worst that could happen?" 

"Funny you should ask. I've made an actuary chart that covers every possible catastrophe." Chase says holding up some papers. "You have an 82% chance of coming back to a perfectly normal house." He hands Davenport the papers. "Happy travels." Chase smiles. I hit his arm. 

Tasha saw the panicked look on her husband's face. "Don't worry! Eddy is here to monitor every room in the house. He is like a virtual babysitter." She points to Eddy who appeared on the screen. 

"Yeah. And I virtually care about your kids." Eddy says sarcastically before logging off. 

"Double D, I got this. If Leo tries anything funny, I'll electrocute him myself." I told Davenport he had nothing to be worried about. Leo gave me a look. 

I pushed them out as we said our goodbyes to them. 

"There's an inflatable raft in the closet. " Davenport says before I shut the door on his face. 

"All right, bye." 

Adam was the first to cheer when the adults were gone. "Whoo-hoo! Party in the lab!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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