Exoskeleton vs. Grandma

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Riley's P.O.V

"Ooh. Ah. Ho, ho. What's this?" Leo asked, looking around all the inventions that were out in the lab.

"Hey, that's part of my put-that-down collection," Davenport says taking the device from Leo's hands.

"Oh, sweet pen." Leo said, grabbing a pen that was on the desk.

"It's not a pen. It's a highly-pressurized air canister that can inflate a blimp in 8.6 seconds." Davenport explained.

"This little thing?" Leo asked, in disbelief. Davenport hummed in response. "Impossible," Leo said. He clicked the pen making wind go throughout the entire room. The wind even blew away an invention Chase was looking at. Eventually, they got the wind to stop.

"Ah!" Davenport said as all three of them had their hands on the table to balance themselves.

"You might wanna put a little warning sign on that."  Leo said making Davenport and Chase give him a look. "So, what're you having? Garage sale for geeks?" Leo asked what they were doing.

Davenport laughs." No. We are preparing for... The Call." He says the last part dramatically.

"Once a year, Mr. Davenprt and I present his newest devices to all the international buyers. In other words... " Chase started to explain what 'The Call' was.

"Ka-ching!" Both Chase and Davenport do a money dance and do a handshake. Leo tried to join in.

"What are you doing?" Chase questioned him.

"I wanna be in on... The Call." Leo said being more dramatic than Davenport.

"Yeah, sorry, Leo. There's no more room. I'm already the product specialist, the set designer, the chief demonstrator, and the insanely happy spokesmodel." Chase said posing for the last part.

"Although, there might be a role for Leo. As long as someone follows him around everywhere he goes with a fire extinguisher." Davenport said walking away.

"I'm pretty sure Riley could help with that." Leo points out mentioning his sister.

But Mr. Davenport, I'm way better at selling this stuff than Leo." Chase said following him.

"Please. I could see nunchucks to a run named Chuck." Leo said, walking over to a different table. "I could sell this thing without even knowing that it is." He continued, picking up a different device. 

"Leo. No. That's an Electrofield Destabilizer. Whatever you do, don't let it---" Just as Davenport was explaining what the device was Leo touched a piece of metal which caused him to go flying across the room. "Touch metal." Davenport finishes.

"I have to admit. A small part of me was hoping that would happen." Chase said laughing.

"Well, can a big part of you come over and help me up?" Leo yelled. Davenport and Chase immediately ran over to help him.


"Yes, mom. Leo, Riley, and I love our new home. " Tasha said, speaking on the phone with her mother. "Oh, you should come and visit." Tasha said not really wanting her to come.

Everyone was in the living room doing random stuff. Bree is texting on her phone. Chase and I playing badminton, Adam was bench pressing Leo, and Davenport was testing out a new invention he was working on. 

"467,468- put some muscle in it. 469." Leo said counting how much Adam was doing.

"Shh! I'm picking up radio free Singapore." Donald said. He stood on one foot and started singing in a foreign language. "That's gonna be a hit. You make my words."

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