Commando App

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Riley's P.O.V

Everyone was down in the lab. "Okay, guys. You have been trained for all kinds of missions. But you are about to enter a soul-bruising, confidence-crushing, apocalyptic environment:..." Donald pauses for a moment as the bionic siblings wait for him to finish. " High school."

I nod my head. "He ain't wrong." High school is a nightmare.

"Adam, Bree, your glitch test results are fairly stable." Donald continues, making the two siblings cheer.

"Yes! I'm going to school!" Bree says excitingly.

"I'm fairly stable!" Adam smiles.

"But, Chase, I am still concerned about your Commando App." Donald said facing the youngest bionic sibling.

"Commando App? Put on some underpants. We're going to school." Leo said not understanding what the Commando App is.

"What's the Commando App?" I asked lifting a hand up like an idiot.

"See, in the face of an imminent threat, Chase's Commando App kicks in and he becomes this fearless brute I like to call Spike. It's like a fight-or-flight thing, except I took out the flight part, cause useless. And I replaced it with a testosterone level of like Tasmanian devil-wolverine -shark-lion hybrid that's mad. "

I had a zone-out expression on my face.

"Don't worry, Mr. Davenport. I promise that Spike won't rear his ugly head." Chase assures him.

"Oh, yeah? Do you mean like last Christmas when I made the mistake of giving Adam boxing gloves?" Donald points out the last time the Commando App was activated.

Adam shook his head. "Ugh. I'm still coughing up tinsel."

"You know, letting Chase go to school, isn't such a good idea. I can't risk Spike coming out."Donald said.

I saw the disappointed look on Chase's face. "Oh, come, Double D. Chase has to come. Having them come people can see that I'm more capable of making some friends and not be a walking dark cloud. And it'll get Leo a prime spot at the cafeteria." I reason with Donald. That and maybe prove to people that I can get a boyfriend. Donald gives me a strange look.

Leo looks over at the bionic siblings. "That's right, y'all. Put on your coats 'cause I'm about to ride your tail!" Leo said doing a weird dance.

"Don't worry. We'll make sure that he stays out of trouble. Right, guys?" Adam says placing a hand on Bree's back.

"Yeah, it's one for all and all for one." Bree said agreeing to help out. "Unless, of course, you guys make me look bad. In which case, I am dropping you lame-os. Except for Riley."

I pointed at her while sending her wink.

"Mr. Davenportm I can't miss school. This is the beginning of my academic achievements and career trajectory. I mean, the road to an astronaut lawyer has to start somewhere. " Chase said.

I made a face. "Is that even a real thing?"

"I'll make it be." Chase simply said.

"Okay. But I better not get a call from the art teacher saying that Spike ripped out her larynx. Actually, she wouldn't be able to say anything, because Spike ripped out her lar-- the point is just keep him out of trouble." Donald said, the siblings, Leo and I nod.

"Hey, look what I found," Adam said putting on some red boxing gloves. He walked over next to Chase and started punching, which resulted in Adam punching Chase in the stomach. Adam quickly hides behind Bree. "Look, I'm sorry, but if he's that close to the gloves. It's gonna happen."

Bionic Magic- Chase Davenport X ocWhere stories live. Discover now