Imagine... I am a survivor. (Y/N imagine)

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It was the 12 In the afternoon. We were doing some ghost adventures interviews for the latest episode.
"It was very, Very scary. I didn't know what to think. He scratched me three times down my back." Thea Merlin explained.
"Wow. What do you think of that Y/N? We should start a club!" Zak turned around to face me.
"...Yeah." I answered back sarcastically.
I put my hand on my stomach and started rubbing it back and forth.
"You okay babe?" Zak asked me.
He came over and put his hand on my shoulder. He put his right hand of my left hip and he was facing me. He put his left hand up around my neck and rubbed it.
"Yeah I'm okay. My stomach is really queer today. That's all." I lied.
We walked around for another half hour looking at the location we were going to be investigating. I don't know how I'm going to do the lockdown.
"I'm gonna go look in the dining area." I say.
I didn't get an answer back so I left and sat down in the dining room and continued to rub my stomach. I decided to go back with the boys after my little brake.
"Where did you go? You had us worried sick!" Aaron exclaimed.
"Sorry I went in the dining room and sat down for a couple of minutes." I said trying to make nothing of it.
"Baby." Zak walked up to me and he put his arms around me. "Are you okay Y/N? You don't look to well." He was concerned about me and I could tell.
"I'll be fine." I lied. 'I'm not going to be okay. I think I'm dying!'
Aaron noticed my facial expressions and whispered something to Zak. His facial expression stayed the same. A worried look. Shit they know I'm not feeling as well as I'm telling them and they know it. Suddenly I took a hard pain the the guts causing me to put my hand there and screw up my face.
'Now I've really done it!' I think to myself.
"...Y/N" both Aaron and Zak said.
"Mmh." The pain gets worse. "OH MY GOD!"
I'm screaming and cursing my head off. Aaron and Zak are rushing over to my side and the both of them are worried sick.
"I'm gonna have to go to the hospital." I say.
Holy shit I don't know what is wrong with Y/N. Suddenly she takes a turn for the worse and almost collapses. Aaron ran out of the house and found the manager smoking. Aaron said he was being a b*tch so he would call 9-1-1.
"Let's go outside and sit down."
Y/N could barely talk she was in that much pain. She didn't look as sick as she did now. I could feel Y/N's finger nails digging into my shoulder so she had some stability. I picked her up bridal style and carried her outside. I could hear her whimpering.
"Your going to be okay baby."
Once we got out there the manager started cursing on us. Y/N kept crying in my arms and she wouldn't let go. The worse thing was the dive way was about a half hour ride cause it was so long and the house was back in the woods. Aaron got in the SUV and I put Y/N in. We started driving out the driveway and we waited once we got out there. We heard the sirens for the ambulance and Y/N wanted to get out. She didn't want the ambulance to miss her. I sat her up on the hood of SUV. I moved her hand out of the was of her stomach and I started rubbing it for her. We saw the ambulance come up over the hill 10 seconds later. They loaded her up and I sat down next to her in the Ambulance.
"It's okay Y/N. Your gonna be okay baby."
She held onto my hand tighter then ever before.
"I feel like I'm gonna die." She whispers.
"No your not please don't say that."
Once we got to the hospital Y/N was rushed off and I was told to stay in the waiting room until further notice. Aaron got there and I was in tears.
"They told me she could actually be dying!" I freaked.
"She's not gonna die okay? Y/N is a fighter. She's strong and nothing is gonna stop her."
We got word two hours later that Y/N would be rushed in for a emergency surgery. Her Bowles twisted over and she could die if they don't preform it. Her doctor was going to inform her parents and make sure they are okay with it but I told her doctor to preform the surgery on her and I would call her parents cause this is more serious then anybody thought. I can't loose my girl. She was too perfect and too beautiful to die. She couldn't die this young. Y/N was only (your/choice/age or Y/C/A) I just couldn't live without her beautiful (your/ eye/ color or Y/E/C) eyes. She had grew up in an abusive family. I don't think her parents even care. So I didn't call them. I met them and they hate me. After hours and hours of waiting, pacing the floor and all the tears she had final made it out of surgery. And she survived. I was glad my girl was a fighter.

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