Imagine... Make-Up Sex (Billy X Reader)

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{Requested} {Want one?} {Message me!} {Ghost Adventures} {Supernatural}

⚠️: unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), blowjob, fingering

"Do you even care that my sister is getting married tomorrow? I told her you were my plus one!" You growled.

"Y/N, I do care! I really do, but the guys and I have been itching to get into this place forever!" Billy sighed.

"So dead people mean more than me, Billy?"

"No, no, Honey, that's not what I meant-"

"-Yes it is." You cut him off. "You know what? Go on your stupid fucking lock down. I don't care!"

"Y/N." Billy pleaded.

"Just go." Tears had pricked your eyes.

Billy didn't say a word as he left the room you two shared. He had his bags packed. He threw them into the back of the Ghost Adventures Crew SUV. You watched from the window as he sped off. You didn't understand why he'd rather go on a lockdown with his boyfriends over going to a wedding with his girlfriend! It had been a lonely couple of days without Billy. You didn't know whether he still wanted to be with you after you blew up at him. Billy is such a sweetheart, so kindhearted. You felt like you had stomped all over that sweet, loving, caring and soft heart. You eagerly waited for him to walk through the door. You wanted to apologize to him. When Billy came home, you could tell he had a rough couple of nights.

"Hey." You said softly, honestly hoping he wouldn't bring up the fight from a couple of days ago.

"Hey." He squeaked.

You had only ever heard his voice crack when he's about to get real emotional.

"Oh, Babe." You patted the couch next to you.

He sat down far enough away from you so he could lie down and put his head in your lap.

"Tell me about the lockdown." You sighed, petting his hair.

"It was bad." He mumbled.

"I can tell." You frowned. "But you know what? I can do something that will cheer you up!"

You hoped he was in the mood and not too upset.

"What's that?" He rolled over to lie on his back in order to look up at you.

You slid your left hand down his chest and back up slowly.

"I think you know, and it's only if you want too. If you're not feeling up to it I totally understand-"

Billy cut you off as he shot up off your lap, his lips connecting with yours in an instant. You kissed him back immediately, liking how he reacted. You pulled away, allowing him to sit up.

"A little bit of make-up sex won't be that bad." He smirked.

You frowned again, your eyes falling to your lap. You felt guilty, like the fight was your fault.

"It's okay, babe. I shouldn't be leaving so often if I really want to be with you" Billy smashed his lips into yours again.

You kept kissing him as you swung your leg over his body. You straddled Billy's lap and started grinding on him. You felt his hardened member press up against your core. You eagerly searched for the hem of Billy's shirt and once you found it, you pulled it up over his head. He grasped at your shirt in order to pull it up over your head. He lied back a little to admire you.

"And to think I almost lost this body." He said huskily, gripping onto your love handles.

"You never almost lost me, I was waiting for you to come back." You leaned down to kiss him again.

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