Chapter 13: I'm Just A Little Unwell, Gee

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--Frank's POV---

As soon as Gerard slammed the door, my heart sank to my toes. I had just earned the hate of the man I loved so much for so many years.

I broke down again. I shook like a leaf and I cried until I was pretty sure I was dehydrated.

It was late at night when I finally moved away from the doorway and went to the kitchen. I cooked some pasta and meat sauce while petting Scooter to just get rid of time.

I didn't eat the pasta. I just cooked it and put it in the fridge for another day when I didn't feel so shitty.

I took a long shower where I started to cry again. The moment I heard the phone ring, I jumped out of the shower and ran to it.

I grabbed it aggressively and raised to my ear.

"Hello?" I answered, a little too eagerly.

"Hey Frank. It's Mikey." My face fell. I wanted it to be Gerard.

"Oh hey Mikes. What's up?"

"Look I heard what happened today and I just-" He sighed heavily. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry that all this happened."

"I'm fine Mikey, honest."

I could hear the disbelief lacing his voice. "No you're not Frank. Tell me how you are. How you really are."

I didn't know how to respond to this demand, so I quoted a Matchbox Twenty song.

"Mikey, I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell. And I know right now you can't tell."

He laughed his light, small laugh. "I'll send Gee over. Tell him that Frank. He'll understand. You remember how much you helped him through his addictions? He'll be happy to return the favor."

I smiled a little although he couldn't see me. "Thanks Mikey. That means a lot."

"See ya, Frankie."

"Bye, Mikes."

~~~~~~TIME LAPSE~~~~~

About an hour later, there was a small timid knock on my door, followed by a louder, more confident one.

I ran to the door, as fast as my short legs could carry me. I flung the door open to reveal Gerard.

I threw my arms around his neck and nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck. My face fit perfectly, as if it was made for me.

"Oh Gerard. I'm so sorry. Please never leave like that again. I'm not ashamed of us or anything like that. I love you more than life itself and I'd die for you. I love you."

We stayed like that just hugging in the cold New York night for a long time before he broke the bond between our skins.

He stared into my eyes with those of his own. He finally spoke. "Mikey said you had something to tell me?" He half-asked, half-demanded.

"I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell. Right now, I know that you can't tell."

His eyes immediately filled with tears and he grasped my hands with his tightly.

"I'm here for you Frankie. I'll always be here for you. Always and forever."

I looked at him, love flooding my system. "Forever and always," I mumbled.

"That's right." He smiled.

We entered my house and got coffee, suspecting we would be up for a while.

We stayed up until about 4AM talking.

My eyelids started to droop so I laid my head in his lap and started up at him.

He leaned over and connected our lips. A shock went through my body as goosebumps covered my skin and my hair stood on end.

After a steamy make out session, I let my eyes close gently.

I heard Gerard softly singing while I was in the twilight zone.

"One day I'll lose this fight, as we fade in the dark, just remember you will always burn as bright," he sang gently.

"I'm just a little unwell, Gee." I smiled weakly and drifted off to sleep.


With the breakup of My Chemical Romance, has come a shitload of crying and heartbreak. I can't even explain it. To lots of people it's just a band, but not to me. I've been very down, but I thought updating this story would help, and it did.

Stay strong soldiers and enjoy this new chapter.

-Author CPS<3

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