Chapter 16: "I Need You Both Too."

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----Gerard's POV---- 

Like, I said, my heart dropped to the core of the Earth. The words sunk in ever so slowly. It seemed surreal. They couldn't be dead. 

Mikey had broken down into tears again while I sat, perched on the edge of Frank's bed, so shocked I couldn't even hardly breathe. Once the words had taken their full effect and I realized he was serious, I rushed to the bathroom and emptied my stomach into the porcelain bowl. After my belly was completely void of contents, I continued to heave.

How could this be? I was crying now, tears rushing down my paler-than-usual cheeks like a river.

Frank must've heard my ugly sobs and my heaving sounds, because he came rushing into the bathroom. He started rubbing my back and holding my long hair out of my face, so I wouldn't puke on it. I was done throwing up. I slumped back against Frank's knees and continued to cry. 

He patted my hair and embraced me snugly. I buried my face in his clothed chest, soaking his shirt in my salty tears. 

After half an hour of cuddling with Frank and trying to get words out, I realized Mikey was still on the line on my mobile. I stood up and rushed back the bedroom. I scooped up the phone from where it had landed on the carpet. 

I saw that Mikey had hung up. 

 Frank was at my side once more, catching me before I even know I was falling. He laid me gently on the floor, my head in his lap. I had calmed down a bit and was speaking unintelligible words. It felt like my world had crashed down around me and had fallen out from under my feet, leaving me to fall endlessly into an unknown pit of darkness. 

"Gee-bear? What the hell's happened? What brought all of this on?" His voice was dripping with worry and sadness of his own. 

"Oh, Frankie. Mikey called.... My mother and father are dead." When I said it, it didn't even sound like English. The words dissolved on my eardrums before they could reach my brain, like a Mento candy in a bottle of soda pop. 

Frank's mouth fell open, its shape resembling that of an "O" and his eyes grew wide until I thought they'd fall out his small round head. He sat there, his face hovering above mine, processing it as I had. I could understand his distress, as they were like his own parents. They had been the first to know when I had started developing feelings for Frank and also the first to know when I found out he liked me in the same way. 

I felt a drip on my cheek, pulled out of my thoughts by the fact that the beautiful man that had just been comforting me was now crying even harder than I had been. The tears left the pools of hazel that were his eyes and raced each other down his face, falling off his cheek only to land on my face. They then mixed with my tears and ran down my face to the floor. 

Hours later, we were still in the same place, although now I was sitting up and  we were holding each other. His mouth fell agape every now and again, still unable to fully understand what I had told him.  

"Frank," I said softly. We had been silent for so long, it sounded funny and felt weird to speak. "I'm going to call Mikey and tell him and Ray to come over."

He simply nodded his head in response. I retrieved the phone from where I had dropped it a second time, and speed dialed Mikey. He didn't answer, so I decided to ring Ray. He picked up.

"Hello?" His voice was slow and hollow, and I figured he had been crying too.

"Hey, Toro. It's Gerard. How are you and my little bro holdin' up?"

He sighed heavily. "Mikey's been on the couch staring at the blank TV for 3 hours now, and I'm just trying to get him to move or talk. He really needs you..." He paused. "We need you," he finished, sounding embarrassed.

"Come to Frank's right away." I ordered. "I'm not leaving Frankie and I need you both too. Pick Mikey up if you have to. You outweigh his skinny ass, you can lift him and throw him in the car."

That earned a small chuckle. "OK, Gerard. We''ll be there soon. Bye."

"Bye Ray. See you soon."

I flipped the phone closed and picked Frank up so I was supporting his ass with my hands while his short legs were wrapped around my thin waist and his inked arms were around my neck. He tucked his face away into my neck, where it seemed it belonged and always had. 

"I'm sorry, Gerard. I really am."  He pulled his face out of my neck so we could see each other as I walked to the living room. His eyes were very red and extremely puffy. It looked like a tomato had punched him. Although I' was in no place to judge, as I'm sure my eyes were the same, if not worse. 

"I know, Frankie. I know." I mumbled softly. 

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