ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕦𝕖 𝟜

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[Y/N] then gesture to Yuu to defend himself, Yuu understand the message, and take a deep breath and told the Headmage about Grim.


3rd POV

"I don't know ANYTHING about Grim, he just open the coffin with his fire magic??, and tried to take the robe I'm currently wearing." Yuu explained, as he was looking at the headmage.

The headmage then made a fake cough, and told to them that he'll expelled Grim from this campus. And at the background was Grim shouting to let him go, to remember his name, and he will make history. All of those shebang.

As the Headmage go to where the dorm leaders are, Yuu and [Y/N] was left together again, and watch at the students removing Grim


Yuu look as the students removed Grim from the campus, "Not gonna lie, I do feel bad though..." Yuu muttered, while [Y/N] turn to look at him and said, "Don't be, a creature like him who have such high egos and pride, shouldn't be shown kindness from you."

"Why? A person or creature can change if they were shown kindness." Yuu stated, as [Y/N] chuckle awkwardly and told him, "Not all...." As he looks away.

[Y/N] then follow after the Headmage, Yuu was confused at what [Y/N] had said, but he quickly follow [Y/N] to where they were heading.


The headmage declared that the orientation was now over and told the dorm leaders to guide their new and current students back to their dorm.

But before they could do it, the headmage remembered something.

"Hmm.. Come to think of, I don't see the Dorm Leader Draconia of Diasomnia Dorm anywhere." The Headmage asked.

"And that surprise you? Dude's a total recluse." A boy with a lion ears stated, with a boredom in his tone.

Kalim asked, "Wait a sec... Did anyone even invite him?"

"If you're that worried about him missing out, maybe you should have told him yourself." The handsome boy retorted, while fixing the wrinkles of his robe.

"Maybe, but I don't know him too well either..."

Then once again the whole room filled with murmurs, but this time they could hear it properly.

"Draconia.... Like, Malleus Draconia? THAT Draconia?" One of the students, said out loud.

Another student joined in, "So, it's true? He really does go to school here?"

"Yikes." Another student bump in.

As they kept murmuring about this person, one of them asked a ridiculous question, "Is this guy really that threatening?"

And the one who asked that, was none other than [Y/N].

"You really don't know who is that?" The pretty boy asked, while putting his hand to his hips.

[Y/N] just shake his head, the pretty boy just sigh and briefly explained, "He's one of the five powerful mages in the world, how could you not know that?"

"Well, how could I know that? When I literally don't belong to this world," He stated, while mumbling the next part, "and besides I was punished to stay in hell, only to see the horrible deeds a person could make." And the only one who heard it was the who was next to him, and it was Yuu.

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