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3rd POV


Jamil was cleaning the lounge, when all of the sudden. "JAMIL!!" Kalim shouted as he tackled Jamil.

Jamil was so glad that he maintain his balance, he didn't want to fall to the ground because of the impact.

"What is it?" Jamil asked, having a irritated tone, as he look at Kalim.

"Look! Looklookloklololoolook!" Kalim excitedly, as shoved an item to Jamil's face.

Jamil then shoved Kalim's hands away from him, so he could take a good look on what kind of item Kalim is holding.

Jamil notice it was a rubber ducky, who had Kalim's feature.

"Where did you get this?" Jamil questioned, wary of the item.

"Oh! [Y/N] left it on my room. And also," Kalim stated, as he gave the other rubber ducky to Jamil. "I think this is yours." Kalim continued.

Jamil look at the other rubber, and this one had his feature.

"[Y/N].... Gave this?" Jamil asked, not sure if he should accept it.

"Yeah! Here he also had a note." Kalim exclaimed, as he took out the note from his pockets(I believe he has pockets on his pants), and give it to Jamil.

Jamil took the note, as he read the note for them to hear.

"Happy Valentines Day! For my Innocent Energetic Bean, and my Mischievous Lovely Serpent. From your Ringleader, [N/N]~♥"

"It's so adorable! What do you think Jamil!?" Kalim asked Jamil, as he saw Jamil took the rubber ducky on his hand, and look at it.

"It's not that bad..." Jamil muttered, as some small blush crawl onto his face.

"Let's get [Y/N] something great like this one!" Kalim decided, as Jamil look at him.


"Something... BIG!"




Vil was at the couch, fixing his make up. As Epel just got in the room, with a tray in hand, that has some apple juice.

When all of the sudden, Rook just jump in the window. Making the two jump in surprise.

"Rook! Don't just come in without us knowing!" Vil scolded, as he walks toward Rook.

"Je suis désolée, Roi du Poison." Rook apologize, as he  bow a bit. He then continue his explanation, "But, I have something important."

"What is it?" Vil questioned, as he raise a brow.

"Before I'll tell you. Monsieur Pomme, come here a sec." Rook exclaimed, as made a gesture to Epel to come closer.

Epel, who almost drop the tray in hands. Put the tray to the closet table, and go toward where Rook is as he made a questioning looks.

"What is it, Rook-senpai?" Epel asked, as he stands next to Vil.

Rook then gave him a pouch, and that pouch has a purple background, and an apple decorated all over.

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