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3rd POV

It's was already weekend, and we could see a certain king making something for his friends and lovers for Valentine's.

He then stand up quickly, and dash away from his room, and started giving those item out.


Yuu and Grim was at the ramshackle lounge, when Yuu felt something was missing.

"Where's [Y/N]?" Yuu questioned, as he look around not knowing where [Y/N] is.

Grim just look at him, and shrugged, and told him, "Don't know, never seen him leaving his room."

Yuu sigh, and before he go to where [Y/N]'s room is, Grim stopped him.

"Oi! Henchman, is it just me or is that a rubber ducky?" Grim asked, as he point at the desk, near at the couch.

"What the?" Yuu muttered, as he saw it.

Yuu got closer, and saw an actual rubber ducky. But it wasn't a normal rubber ducky, this rubber ducky has the same hair style and eye color as Yuu and it also has a heart on it, and along with that was a note.

And the note said, 'Happy Valentine's Day, by yours truly [𝑁/𝑁]~♥'

Yuu let out a soft chuckle as he finished reading the note, he hold the rubber ducky on to his hand, he put the letter down and let his other hand go run down to his face, as he mumbled to himself, "Dammit [Y/N]."

As Yuu do that, Grim was watching him turn red and chuckling to himself.

Grim give a weird looks on Yuu, before getting distracted by the can of tuna next to the desk. And it also has a note on it.

'For Grim, From [Y/N]. Enjoy your tuna~'

And with that Grim squealed in happiness.



In the room we could see Riddle forcing Ace and Deuce to study for a small test for the next week, along in the room was Cater on his phone and giving some support to the two boys, as Trey putting some baked snacks next to the table where Riddle and the ADeuce are.

When all of the sudden Trey notice something across the room.

Riddle notice Trey was looking at something, "What is it Trey?" The red head questioned.

When Riddle questioned that, the other three also stop at what they were doing, and watch what Trey will do.

"I think I saw something..." Trey answered, as he got closer.

And when he arrived he saw three very distinguished item.

Cater got curious on what Trey have seen, so go next to Trey, and he then saw what was there.

When all of the sudden Cater squealed, making the other three jumped at the sound.

"What is it?!" Ace asked, as him, Deuce and Riddle go to where the two are.

And before they knew it, Cater shoved the rubber ducky on his hand close to their faces, and start rumble.

"Look! It's a rubber ducky, that has my eye color and hair style along with the hair color, and it also has a diamond shaped on it's cheek, it's so cute~! And it has a heart on it! Ohmayghad!" As Cater continue to gushed over the rubber ducky.

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